Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 118 The Internet Is Not A Place Outside The Law, So Be Careful With Your Words And Deeds

Lin Tong nodded lightly with a smile:

"Yes, that's the one."

Lu Lianxue was surprised when she heard this:

"I thought we were invited to guard the Zhenlong Guard of Fumin Province, but I didn't expect to invite Chief Sheng."

"But yes, only Chief Sheng who is guarding the capital can move around easily, and the other real dragon guards are not easy to move around."

Lu Lianxue heard it mentioned by the elders in the family.

The real dragon guards are located in various provinces. For some reason, they cannot leave the guarded areas unless it is an emergency, and some of them may not even be able to leave the place.

But there are exceptions to everything.

Chief Sheng is the only real dragon guard who can move freely.

Think about it.

Lu Lianxue couldn't help asking Lin Tong curiously:

"Captain Lin, I heard that true dragon guards can't walk around casually, is it true?"

"Yes, there is such a saying." Lin Tong nodded.

"Then why only Chief Sheng can move around freely? Is it because he is too young, and he is afraid that he will not be young and impatient, so he is allowed to move around?"

Lu Lianxue spoke bluntly:

"My grandfather said that Chief Sheng is said to be young. Not only is he known as the strongest true dragon guard in history, he is also the youngest true dragon guard."

Lin Tong was noncommittal:

"Haha, what your grandpa Lianxue said is right. Director Sheng is indeed very young. He is known as the youngest and strongest True Dragon Guard in history. The captains of the Department of Health and Dao know this."

"But as for why he is the only one allowed to move around, heck, to be honest, my level is too low, so I don't know."

The words did not fall.

Lin Tong added: "I should be able to find out when I finish exorcising ghosts in physics and get promoted to Qilin Guard."

After hearing this, Lu Lianxue's eyes flickered, and she murmured: "Is it the youngest and strongest true Dragon Guard?"

for a moment.

Lu Lianxue hesitated for a while or asked out loud.

She looked around, as if she was afraid of being heard by others, and after confirming that there was no one, she lowered her voice:

"Team Lin, I heard from my parents that it is said that Chief Sheng not only has the title of the strongest, but also the title of the weakest True Dragon Guard. Do you think this is possible? The strongest and the weakest."

Lin Tong smiled and nodded:

"Don't be surprised for Lianxue, there is indeed such a saying, as long as anyone with some qualifications in the Ministry of Health knows this."

He stroked his chin:

"However, no one knows exactly why it is called the weakest. There are quite a lot of rumors circulating."

"By the way! There is a very funny saying."

As if thinking of something, Lin Tong laughed and said:

"It's just that you know, I visited the Department of Health and Dao forum before, and there was a post discussing Chief Sheng."

"Then an anonymous person said that the reason why Chief Sheng is called the weakest is because he is afraid of ghosts, especially the more ferocious ghosts, the more he is afraid, hahahaha."

He laughed so hard that he almost burst into tears:

"Lianxue, you don't know how true that person's story is. That person also said that Chief Dao Sheng first joined the Department of Defense to exorcise ghosts, and he met a scary-looking ghost."

"In the end, Chief Sheng was so frightened that he slashed with his sword. While killing the ghost, he also fainted from fright."

It's not loud.

But when Lu Lianxue, who was drinking the Nutrition Express, heard it, she choked up a mouthful of the Nutrition Express and spewed out:

"Puff...cough cough cough..."

Seeing Lin Tong laughing, Lu Lianxue remained silent.

Also at this time.

Lin Tong patted Lu Lianxue on the shoulder and said, "Lianxue, do you know that not long after that person wrote that statement, his account was blocked, hahahaha, so, the Internet is not a place outside the law, so be careful with your words and deeds .”

Lu Lianxue: "...It is true that the Internet is not a place outside the law, so be careful in your words and deeds."


at the same time.

Lin Tongjia.

After Zhang Wei killed the female ghost, he clapped his hands and looked up at the electronic clock in the hall.

Time display - 12:40pm.

"It's done, it's time to go back and deal with business."

Zhang Wei didn't choose to stay overnight at Lin Tong's house, even though Lin Tong said before that he could sleep at his house, but Zhang Wei didn't plan to stay overnight, anyway, it's past 12 o'clock, which is not too late for their young people.

He went downstairs.

Get on Didi's car.

en route.

Zhang Wei picked up his phone and sent Lin Tong a message.

【Zhang Wei】: Captain Lin, the ghost will help you deal with it.

[Lin Tong]: Haha, thank you Zhang Wei, I will transfer money to you right now.

After a few seconds.

Zhang Wei's cell phone beeped.

【drop! Alipay transfer 500,000]

Chi! !

The driver who was driving trembled when he heard the words, and almost tilted the steering wheel. His eyes widened and he looked through the rearview mirror at Zhang Wei who was sitting in the back seat.

Zhang Wei seemed to feel something, and grinned at the driver.

The driver envied:

"My little brother seems to be a rich second generation, haha, half a million at hand, unlike us who work hard to earn hard money by driving."

Zhang Wei knew that the driver would have misunderstood:

"Brother driver, you are wrong. I am not a rich second generation. I earned this money through labor."

"Huh??? Labor income? True or false?"

"Yeah, why are you lying to me? I have gone through nine years of compulsory education. I resolutely resist getting something for nothing. This money is what I earned from my labor just now."

The driver was stunned for a moment, and subconsciously looked at the time beside the car dial, which was 12:50.

What job in the middle of the night can earn 500,000, robbery? ? That's not right, people transfer money.

Think here.

The driver's expression became weird, and he looked at Zhang Wei through the rearview mirror. This guy is very handsome, with delicate features... He came out of a high-end apartment... Hiss...

Out of curiosity, the driver hesitated and asked:

"Brother, do you mean hard work?"

Zhang Wei recalled violently beating the female ghost: "It's not bad, although it requires hands and feet, but it's very happy."


The driver swallowed his saliva, pretending to be casual and asked:

"Oh? Brother, is your job in the service industry?"

"It's a service industry." Zhang Wei thought for a while, helping people drive away and kill ghosts is indeed a service industry.

"Then the clients you did your hands and feet just now are men and women."


Zhang Wei smiled, he knew the driver would be wrong.

But he didn't intend to explain, he could explain it before, but now it involves ghosts and ghosts, even if he explained it, he would be regarded as a crazy liar, and he might send him to the police instead.


The driver's pupils shrank suddenly, high-end apartment, handsome guy, service industry, female guests, very happy... Hiss...

"So this is so profitable, 500,000 a night."

The driver couldn't stop asking.

However, Zhang Wei did not respond.

Involuntarily, the driver looked up at Zhang Wei through the rearview mirror.

Ok? ?

"What are you looking at, brother?"

He noticed that the little brother in the back seat was turning his head to the side, frowning slightly as he looked out the car window.

If it's just looking out the window, it's fine.

The driver just thought it was a guest looking at the scenery.

But look at the scenery, so you don't frown.

Can't help it.

The driver looked out of the car window where Zhang Wei was looking.


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