Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 168 Mr. Liushu: Is Miss Lu Also In Sanxiang?

【Old Man Willow】: Zhang Wei, it's okay these days, do you need any help from the old man?

Looking at the message that old man Liu Shu sent to himself.

Zhang Wei smiled.

【Zhang Wei】: These days are going great. My sister and I have been singing every night lately.

【Zhang Wei】: Why is the old man looking for me when he is free? Is there something to do?

[Grandfather Willow]: I can see that this old man has been walking around for half a month. I’m so embarrassed. This old man has already made a contract with you, but he’s not by your side, and he still spends your money on travel, so I’m here to ask what you need Can you help? If necessary, the old man will go back.

【Zhang Wei】: Haha, you don't have to be polite to me, old man. I don't have anything to do recently. If there is anything important, I will definitely notify you.

After sending the message.

Zhang Wei sent another message to Mr. Liushu.

[Zhang Wei]: Where has the old man been for the past half a month? By the way, I bought you a mobile phone before, old man, and taught you to take pictures. Did you take pictures of the scenery as a souvenir?

message sent.

It didn't take long for Zhang Wei's mobile phone to prompt messages non-stop.

Mr. Liu Shu sent Zhang Wei a lot of landscape photos, as many as three or four hundred photos.

Looking at the landscape photos, as well as the photos of various buildings and street scenes, Zhang Wei smiled, knowing how happy the old man was when he went out for a walk this time.

as predicted.

After Mr. Willow sent over 400 photos.

[Grandfather Willow]: There are still a lot of photos, so I won’t post them one by one. When the time comes, I’ll take them back for you to see. The mobile phone is really convenient. If this was four hundred years ago, I could only record these beauties with old pictures.

[Old Man Willow]: The scenery in the summer is really good. I am very glad to be able to go out for a walk and enjoy the scenery in the summer.

[Grandfather Willow]: Apart from the scenery, the people are also good, hahaha, to be honest, I have bought those local delicacies several times as an old man, and many people have been very kind to me. Looking at the eleven or twelve-year-old doll, he even offered to give up his seat to the old man.

I took a cursory look at the photo sent by Mr. Liu Shu.

Discovered by Zhang Wei.

Some of the photos are no longer the scenery of Fujian Province. Looking at the information of Mr. Liushu, Zhang Wei smiled. It seems that Mr. Liushu has already left Fujian Province.


[Zhang Wei]: Old man, where are you going to take a look now, it seems that you are not in Fujian Province anymore.

[Grandfather Liushu]: Haha, have you noticed that the old man is indeed not in Fujian province anymore. I am now in Sanxiang province. I just arrived today and took a high-speed train.

[Grandpa Liushu]: The high-speed rail is very fast. Although it is not as fast as the old man's full strength, it is really fast for ordinary people.

【Grandfather Willow】: Zhang Wei, the food in Sanxiang Province is delicious. Do I need to buy some special food or something, and I will bring it to you when I go back.

【Zhang Wei】: No need, old man. I have a friend in Sanxiang province. He sent me a lot of things. Speaking of old man Liushu, do you remember that I told you at that time that I would go to terror to find you, yes Because a friend told me.

[Grandpa Liushu]: I remember, Miss Lu.

【Zhang Wei】: Yes, Lu Lianxue, the friend I am talking about in Sanxiang Province is Lu Lianxue's younger brother. Speaking of which, Lu Lianxue is also in Sanxiang Province now.

After returning from the Northeast last time, because of Zhang Wei's "Gundam Suggestion" to Lu Lianfeng before he left, Lu Lianfeng returned to the Corpse Quest soon after, and wanted to upgrade his Xishuangbanna Bronze Armor Corpse.

And the location of the Xiangxi Exorcist Sect is in Sanxiang Province.

[Grandpa Liushu]: Is Miss Lu also in Sanxiang Province?

After getting an affirmative reply from Zhang Wei.

[Grandfather Willow]: Haha, I'm so kind, I haven't seen Miss Lu for a while, so I just went to see her this time, and thank her for introducing me to you, otherwise I wouldn't be able to come out to see the great mountains and rivers of Daxia.

【Zhang Wei】: All right, when is the old man going to go? This is Lianxue's address...

He chatted with Lu Lianxue these days, so he knew Lu Lianxue's address.


Zhang Wei sent Lu Lianxue's address in Sanxiang Province to Mr. Liushu, and told him that Lu Lianxue dealt with Lu Lianfeng's troubles, so as to prevent the old man from accidentally delaying Lu Lianxue's handling of Lu Lianfeng things

[Grandpa Liushu]: That's how it is. The old man will go there around evening. Miss Lu should have dealt with little friend Lu's affairs by then.

[Grandfather Willow]: I just went to eat some stinky tofu. I heard that the stinky tofu in Sanxiang Province is very famous. I have long wanted to eat it, haha.

I chatted with Mr. Liu Shu again.

The old man Liu Shu put away his mobile phone, picked up the chopsticks in front of the table, and tasted Changsha rice noodles, a delicacy of Sanxiang Province, which he ordered at a noodle shop after getting off the car.

before eating.

Remembering what Zhang Wei said, the old man Liushu held up his phone, smiled on his old and kind face, made a V finger, and took a picture of Changsha rice noodles in front of him, and then posted it on Moments, calling it a record of life.


Sanxiang Province.

It's night, half past seven in the evening.

Although it was past the rush hour at six o'clock, there were still a lot of vehicles on the urban roads, and there was even a traffic jam.

at this time.

On the long road with traffic jams, five people were sitting in a Wuling Hongguang car.

If Zhang Wei were here, he would definitely recognize three of them.

Those were Lu Lianxue's sister and brother, and the third person was the driver, Cao Yu, the son of Cao Yushan, one of the heads of the Ministry of Health in Fujian Province.

"Xiaofeng, you promised me and Zhang Wei not to cause trouble. Look at it, you have caused trouble again in less than a month."

Lu Lianxue was sitting in the back seat of the car, reprimanding Lu Lianfeng beside her.

Lu Lianfeng scratched her head in embarrassment:

"Sister, it's not my fault. I told him that my little corpse can be transformed into one body. He doesn't believe it. If you don't believe me, ask Cao Yu, right?"

It turns out that since Lu Lianfeng returned to the Corpse Sect, after these days of fiddling, not only did he really fiddle with it, making the Xishuangbanna Bronze Armored Corpse disassemble and fit together like a Gundam, he also made a name for himself and advanced on the new star list Many rankings.

Because of this, he was a little swollen. He learned from his good friend Cao Yu that there was a gathering of ghost exorcists in Sanxiang Province recently, and many of them were from the new star list. He dragged Cao Yu away without saying a word. Yu went.

According to Lu Lianfeng's words... I am also on the Rising Star List. Ayu, you have recently engaged in a hearse to exorcise ghosts, and you have also entered the Rising Star List. As geniuses on the Rising Star List, how can we not participate.


Lu Lianfeng went to participate, and the result can be imagined. With his youthful temperament, he quarreled with the genius of the rising star list, and then accidentally injured the other party.


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