Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 268 Mercenary Ghost: Our Country Is Free

He Qiao didn't speak loudly, but everyone present was paying attention to him, they could hear clearly, and they could see the doubt in each other's eyes when they looked at each other.

"What's wrong with Team He, what is Team He preparing for?"

A member of the team named Liu Li asked in a low voice.

Although they don't know what Lin Tong is talking about, they can hear from He Qiao's words that the other party should ask He Qiao to prepare something. This kind of foreign aid is very common. After all, some things cannot be brought by foreign aid, such as large Exorcism.

at the same time.

He Qiao was on the phone with Lin Tong, and Lin Tong answered in the affirmative, with a strange expression on his face, he got up and picked up the paper and pen from the desk beside him and said:

"Then let me remember, Lin Tong, tell me what you need."

Immediately afterwards.

Everyone saw He Qiao writing back and forth on it. Not long after, He Qiao finished writing and chatted with Lin Tong, telling them to pick up Lin Tong and the others on time tomorrow, but as soon as the phone hung up, Liu Li and the others immediately Come together.

"Captain He, what are you guys talking about? Why are you making that expression?"

Liu Li couldn't help asking.

He Qiao heard the words and said:

"No, Lin Tong said that Zhang Wei has promised to come and help us, and booked the air tickets for tomorrow night, and we will pick them up then."

When they heard that Zhang Wei was coming tomorrow, everyone was excited:

"Great, come so soon."

"I thought Zhang Wei would come in two days, but I didn't expect him to make time so soon."

"So the big man is so kind, ask for a favor, and come as soon as you say it."

Can't help it.

They looked at He Qiao, and one of them said:

"Captain He, since Zhang Wei is coming so soon, why do you still have that look on his face? Isn't it right for us to prepare some things for others to use? Is it because we are afraid that it will be too late?"

In response to everyone's curiosity, He Qiao handed over the paper in his hand:

"I just want to talk about this. Go and help me prepare the above things. Be sure to get ready before Zhang Wei and Lin Tong come. That's what Lin Tong ordered."


Everyone gathered together to look at the paper. When they saw it, they were all stunned. Without exception, they showed the same hellish expressions as He Qiao before.

"He Dui, are you sure you didn't take the wrong notes, this... this is really what we need to prepare????"

It was Liu Li who spoke.

She pointed to the densely packed lines of words on the note and said:

"Gatling, bullet straps, flash bombs, shock bombs, ak47... didn't they let us prepare ghost exorcism props?"

Another person also took the call:

"He Dui, is this what Mr. Lin Tong wants?... Is he going to fight the mercenary ghosts?"

in words.

He swallowed his saliva, undisguisedly shocked:

"As expected of a muscular Taoist priest, he is so violent, he directly uses violence to control violence."

The others nodded in agreement.

But before they could say anything more, He Qiao interrupted their conversation:

"You have misunderstood. This is indeed what Lin Tong asked me to prepare, but it is not for Lin Tong."

"Huh? It's not for Mr. Lin Tong, but for whom... what the hell?! Captain He, don't tell me, it's for Zhang Wei?!"

In the middle of the man's speech, he realized that other than Lin Tong, the person who came this time was Zhang Wei. If it wasn't for Lin Tong, he would have to give it to another person, and that would be Zhang Wei.

Feel the eyes cast by everyone.

He Qiao nodded:

"Yes, this is what Zhang Wei needs. Oh, I almost forgot. For those paper ammunition, you can prepare more bullets. The more the better, he said that he is afraid that the firepower will not be enough at that time, so prepare more to be prepared."

His words come out.

Everyone subconsciously looked at the paper that was densely packed with several light weapons, not counting the bombs.

Not enough firepower? you sure? ? ?


the other side.

Spring City, in an apartment building in the 1990s.

This apartment building, in the 1990s, was called an apartment for the rich and equipped with elevators. However, today, the apartment building is aging. Compared with the current apartment, it is much older. Coupled with the location, many rich people have moved Leaving here, it was rented out, waiting for demolition.

at this time.

On the twelfth floor of the top floor of the apartment building, in an abandoned house at the end of the corridor, this family has already moved out. The house has been vacant for a long time, and there are spider silk and dust everywhere.

However, in such a deserted room, there was a sound.

listen carefully.

They didn't speak, the voice was cold, and it wasn't Chinese, it was English. If someone who understands English listened outside, they would be able to hear their conversation.

"The group of damned Great Xia exorcists trapped us in this place, and we can't get out for the time being."

The one who opened the mouth was a burly blond man with a height of 1.89 meters.

More than half of his face was lost, and almost half of his head was gone. The brain and skull of half of his head were clearly visible. Not only his strange soul body looming, but also the head, no matter how you looked at it, it was a ghost.

Not only him, there are seven ghosts present.

Without exception.

They are all blond and blue-eyed, and their bodies are more or less incomplete. Some of them are full of bullet holes, and strange blood flows out of the holes, and some have broken arms. Judging from the broken flesh of the arms, the hands seem to be was blown off.

Accompanied by the blond man speaking, a ghost in a tattered bulletproof vest spoke:

"If you can't get out, you can't get out. When Max and the others come back from checking the terrain, we will take action. They can trap us, but they can't deal with us."

His words fell.

Another ghost sitting on the sofa playing with a pistol echoed:

"Those Great Xia ghost exorcists are just trash, they will only trap us, but they can't help us, just find a chance to break through, we have ghost guns, when we find them, take the initiative to attack, kill them all, then we can go out. "

They are a group of ghosts from abroad. For some reason, they fled to Daxia.

Relying on their own guns and the fact that they are western ghosts, Daxia’s exorcism skills are ineffective for them. They killed a family in the territory as soon as they came, and they were discovered by He Qiao and the others in time. Now the situation is that He Qiao is trapped They operate in this area.

at this time.

Without waiting for the blond ghosts to respond, they seemed to sense something and looked in one direction.

I saw three mercenary ghosts who were also fully armed walking out from that direction.


Sitting on the sofa, the ghost wearing a bulletproof vest, especially the boss of this group of mercenary ghosts, bluntly asked the three ghosts who came:

"Max, how's the inspection going?"

The mercenary ghost known as Max didn't make a fool of himself and replied:

"Boss, I have already checked. Our current range of activities is about three kilometers. Our apartment has the best terrain in this area. We can escape, defend, and attack. In addition, there are few people in this apartment. , enough to attract Da Xia exorcists.”


Max reported the results of his inspection in detail.

After listening to it, the bulletproof vest ghost nodded in satisfaction and said:

"That's right here, deliberately expose, attract those Daxia exorcists, and kill them here."

"Boss Jieer, will the Great Xia Ghost Exorcist come over? Will he be afraid of us ambush, so he won't dare to act rashly?"

The blond and strong man frowned.

To this.

The bulletproof vest ghost shook his head, and said solemnly:

"It will come, Kers, you don't understand Daxia people, even if we deliberately expose them, they will fall into the trap of themselves, Daxia's exorcists are stupid, they are not from our beautiful country, telling the people to shoot them Shooting, they pay great attention to the lives of the people, and even put their status before their own lives."

"There are very few people in this apartment. Arresting us here is the best way to avoid casualties of innocent citizens. Even if we know that there is an ambush, we will give priority to dealing with us here. A group of idiot Daxia people. Otherwise, why do you think I chose to enter? In Daxia territory, hahaha."


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