When the middle-aged onmyoji spoke, the young onmyoji beside him looked disbelieving, waved his hand in a very Japanese style and shouted:

"How is this possible? Isn't Mr. Zhongjing's curse a very rare curse? Most of the onmyojis in China may not be able to break it. How can we deal with it so quickly?"

If Yu Xiaoqi is here, no matter from the Japanese he speaks or his appearance, he can tell his identity. This is an onmyoji, and Ruofeng and Miko are here, they will definitely recognize each other.

His name is Kazuki Moriyu, and he is an Onmyoji.

Although he was not born in a famous onmyoji family, such as Abe Seimei's Abe family, he was just an onmyoji who became a monk halfway, but Kazuki Moriyu was a younger generation in the Sakura Country, but he also had a lot of fame.

There is no other reason.

His teacher is very powerful, and he is also an onmyoji who has become a monk halfway, but he has made a name for himself and has reached the level of an onmyoji who can deal with ghost kings.

In this year.

As a freshman, Moriyu was admitted to Dongda University. It was also there that he met Feng and Miko-senpai, who were also ghost exorcists, and fell in love with each other immediately.

Originally, in his opinion, Kaze and Miko was a shrine maiden, and he was a young and promising onmyoji, and his teacher was Nakai, and Mr. Nakai also supported him in pursuing Kaze and Miko, because his apprentice married a shrine maiden, and he would be doubled. Have face and status.

Plus they're all from Okinawa, giving them an advantage over other suitors.

in its view.

I have a good chance to catch up with Feng and Miko.


Faced with her strong pursuit, Miko-senpai dumped him saying "I have a boyfriend".

Kazuki Moriyu was very unwilling, and asked Miko-senpai who her boyfriend was. He wanted to know which onmyoji he had lost to and which family he came from, but the other party told him that her boyfriend was not an onmyoji, or even worse. Not from Sakura Country.

Listening to Feng Hemeizi happily introducing Yu Xiaoqi, talking about how good Yu Xiaoqi is, and seeing her showing off her boyfriend with her girlfriends and classmates from time to time, Kazuki Mori suddenly became angry and lost to the family of Onmyoji. He can accept it, even if he loses to a native, he can accept it.

But the other party happened to be a foreigner, or an ordinary person.

Even if the other party is Da Xia's ghost exorcist, he can reluctantly accept defeat. After all, Da Xia's ghost exorcist is famously tough in their international ghost exorcism world, but why should an ordinary Daxia rob a woman from him.

Also for this.

After learning that Hayu Xiaoqi is coming to find Fenghemeizi.

Kazuki Moriyu came up with an idea. He planned to cast a curse on Yu Xiaoqi's family and let him die. With the other party's status as an ordinary person, Feng and Miko would not be able to deal with the curse, so he would come out to help Yu Xiaoqi. Qi made a few alarming words, saying that the two worlds are not suitable for you. For the safety of his family, Yu Xiaoqi must have broken up with him, and he would have another chance.


Now that the plan is all in vain, there is actually a powerful onmyoji behind the other party?

Just when Kazuki Moriyu was surprised, Nakai frowned and looked:

"Kazuki, are you sure that Kaze and Miko's boyfriends are ordinary people?"

"Huh? Mr. Nakai, why do you ask that? I'm sure. I heard from Miko's classmate that her boyfriend is an ordinary person, and I secretly went to the airport to check. No power."

"Then around his family, is there anyone else with strong spiritual power?"

"No, except for Meizi who picked me up at the airport, I didn't feel any other people with strong spiritual power."

After Kazuki Moriyu finished answering, seeing Mr. Nakai's expression, he couldn't help asking:

"Mr. Zhongjing, is the person who helped to break the curse very powerful?"

Nakai raised his eyebrows and said:

"It's very powerful. I cast a spell before and was blocked by an amulet. I felt strange. How can ordinary people have such a powerful amulet. I planned to continue casting spells today and break the amulet to cast a spell, but the other party gave it to me with one move. The curse is broken, this is a master!"

"His strength is very strong, at least he is definitely not weaker than me."

After hearing this, Kazuki Moriyu asked quickly:

"It can't be Daxia's ghost exorcist."

"It shouldn't be possible. I doubt which onmyoji helped. After all, it must be the onmyoji who can break the curse of our onmyoji so easily. How can other ghost exorcist professions want to break the curse so quickly."

"Then Mr. Nakai, will we be discovered, will we be okay, such a powerful onmyoji."

"What are you afraid of, your teacher and I are not weak, and have you forgotten, I have made breakthroughs recently."

Nakai's face is calm, how can someone who can reach the ghost king level be scared just because of a little thing.

Mention breakthrough.

The tension on Kazuki Moriyu's face was much less:

"That's right, I almost forgot, Mr. Zhongjing subdued a ghost king as a shikigami, the teacher's shikigami, but even the onmyoji of the Ampere family praised it, and wanted to win him over."

Nakai smiled and waved his hand:

"Normal. After all, the shikigami was invented by Ampere Seimei. Now that I am an outsider, I can practice shikigami as well as their Ampere family, so I am naturally favored."

"However, don't be careless. The other party is a powerful Onmyoji, and it can't be ruled out that he is the Great Xia Exorcist. I will make some preparations first to prevent the other party from approaching me, so I can deal with it as soon as possible."

in words.

Nakai looked towards the direction of the hotel where Yu Xiaoqi's family was staying, his eyes were full of light:

"I'd rather be a Daxia exorcist, take their corpses and refine them into a shikigami, a shikigami who can use the Daxia exorcist technique, this is rare, and it's comparable to the king of ghosts, I might You can also learn the other party's Great Xia exorcism technique."

"I just don't know what the other party's Great Xia exorcism technique is, Maoshan technique? Dao technique? Or the relatively rare corpse hunters?"

He didn't dare to be careless, and started to prepare, to kill the opponent here in one fell swoop, and obtain the opponent's Great Xia exorcism technique.

the other side.

In the hotel room of Yu Weihong and his wife.

Accompanied by Yu Jin, he knelt on one knee and waited for Cao Yanbing to give an order.

Cao Yanbing looked at the sky, stretched out his hand and said slowly:

"Don't worry, it's early in the morning, if it's too easy to be discovered, go at night, after all, the night is dark and windy, it's the best time to kill people, isn't it, Yu Jin."

Yu Jin bowed his hand and said:

"The lord is wise, everything is arranged by the lord."

The two were talking, and Yu Weihong and the others at the side could hear them clearly. Yu Weihong looked at Cao Yanbing in astonishment. He never thought that the magic weapon Zhang Wei gave him was...alive.

As if sensing Yu Weihong's gaze, Cao Yanbing turned his head:

"Mr. Yu, don't be afraid of how you plan to deal with this matter. Zhang Wei has already ordered me. Since I'm here to protect you, it's up to you how you want me to deal with them."


Under Cao Yanbing's order, Yu Jin told him that when he broke the curse, he saw the location and appearance of the other party.

"It's Nakai!!"

Feng and Miko recognized Yu Jin's description, and their pretty faces changed suddenly.

It is also this moment.

She understood the reason why Tao Wanping was cursed. No matter how she looked at it, Nakai had no enmity with Yu Xiaoqi and the others. The only possibility was Nakai's apprentice Kazuki Mori, who had strongly pursued her before.

"Sorry, I hurt you."

Feng and Miko apologized bitterly, with self-blame written all over their faces.

To this.

Yu Weihong and the others were not stunned, not because of Fenghe Meizi, but because Zhang Wei had expected it.

After reassuring Miko, it doesn't matter what her problem is, it's because the other party is insidious, Yu Xiaoqi said with emotion:

"Fortunately, Brother Wei knows things like a god, thanks to Brother Wei."

Yu Weihong nodded, and subconsciously glanced at Cao Yanbing and Yu Jin, who looked very awesome beside him:

"When you go back, you must thank Brother Wei well."

Speaking of which.

Yu Weihong looked at Cao Yanbing:

"Mr. Cao, since you were invited by Brother Wei, you should be very powerful. I want you to help me catch this Zhongjing and that Senyu Kazuki. He dares to harm my family. I don't intend to make him feel better. is it okay."

"no problem."

Cao Yanbing grinned and looked aside at Yu Jin:

"Yu Jin, behave well next time, don't weaken my Daxia demeanor."

Just when the ban intends to reply.

Feng and Meizi stood up and persuaded Cao Yanbing and the others not to be careless. Zhongjing is very powerful, and he also listed some of Zhongjing's powerful deeds.

"It is said that Zhongjing also caught a ghost king as a shikigami, you have to be careful."

"Shikigami? Guardian spirit? It's okay. I also have guardian spirits, and there are many more."

Cao Yanbing grinned.

Same time.

Yu Xiaoqi knew that Feng and Meizi cared about him, so he immediately pulled Feng and Meizi aside and said:

"Meiko, you said Nakai is powerful, but Cao Yanbing is also powerful. If you don't believe me, let me show you the fighting video of Cao Yanbing."

As he spoke, he turned on his mobile phone, went to station b to search Zhenhun Street, and played Cao Yanbing's battle video live for Feng and Meizi.

This look.

Feng and Miko stayed where they were, looking at Cao Yanbing and Yu Xiaoqi with a bewildered expression, before choking out a sentence:

"Si Guoyi, is Mr. Cao Yanbing so strong? Is your Daxia still making the protagonist of the anime for the ghost exorcist? Did Daxia promote the ghost exorcist like this?"


That night.

As night fell to midnight.

Tokyo, the entrance of the Japanese-style courtyard where Nakai is located.

There was a mighty figure walking towards the door, and a tall figure appeared beside him, they were Cao Yanbing and Yu Jin.

They appear for a moment.

Nakai, who was far away in the courtyard, felt the other party for the first time, and his eyes bloomed in an instant:


in words.

Nakai held a piece of shikigami in his hand, and with two fingers together, the shikigami sandwiched in the middle instantly burned, turning into a huge shikigami ghost.

Just when he was about to make a move later.

Cao Yanbing had already appeared in the courtyard, holding the Shidian Yama weapon in his hand, and looked at him.

This scene.

Japanese garden at midnight.

The bamboo poles in the pool in front of the courtyard are filled with water and fall, tapping on the stones, making a crisp sound.

Beside it, stood a man in Daxia armor and a mighty figure of a Daxia soldier wearing a bamboo hat.

The Japanese-style door of the courtyard in front of him was opened, revealing that in the courtyard room, on the tatami sat a person in the costume of an onmyoji, and beside him was a huge Shikigami ghost.


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