[Zhang Chao]: Hahaha, I'll just say it casually, you won't really believe it.

【Zhang Wei】: If this comes from someone else, it’s fine, but if you say it, I’m panicked, serious face jpg

[Zhang Chao]: Shit, then I'll give you a sip of milk. If you meet ghosts, all of them will be stinking idiots, and you will kill them casually. How about it, this sip of milk is not bad.

【Zhang Wei】: Not bad, but it doesn’t seem right. When I encounter a ghost, don’t I kill it casually?

[Zhang Chao]: Come on! Someone pretends, drag it out to play Xiaojiji, the magical skill of flicking fingers jpg

Looking at the message sent by Zhang Chao, Zhang Wei laughed out loud:

"This guy Zhang Chao has a lot of flirtatious expressions."

Just when he was about to reply, the announcement in the terminal sounded, instructing passengers to go to the boarding gate to board the plane.

heard the words.

Zhang Wei got up to board the plane and sent a message to Zhang Chao at the same time.

【Zhang Wei】: No more, I’m ready to board the plane, young man, calm down, I’ll bring you some Hawaiian souvenirs when I come back, do you have anything you want, I’ll buy them back then, if you’re right, ask Wu Nian what not.

[Zhang Chao]: Hawaiian souvenirs? Then of course I want a bikini girl, the one with the front and back curls, please buy it for me, please, by the way, no black skin ones.

【Zhang Wei】: Are you sure?

[Zhang Chao]: Wo Ri, your reply makes me panic, you don't take it seriously, do you?

[Zhang Wei]: Yes, jojo's serious face jpg, the souvenir my Zhang family brother wants, I have to try my best to help him get it, but humans are not easy to deal with, I will see if I can catch you a girl ghosts or something.

【Zhang Wei】: After all, didn't you often say that you want to play life and death with a female ghost.

[Zhang Chao]: It's still you who is showing off.


Zhang Wei chatted with Zhang Chao for a while, and they didn't end the chat until they got on the plane.

at this time.

Zhang Wei was walking in the cabin, looking for his seat on the plane.


Zhang Wei found his seat and sat down. Not long after he took his seat, a blond woman came over, and she said in broken Chinese:

"Hello, sir, there is my seat next to you, can you give me a moment to let me pass?"

Zhang Wei nodded slightly, shrank his feet and let him pass.

This foreign woman looks very mature, with big wavy hair and blue eyes. Needless to say, she can definitely be regarded as a beauty abroad, but Zhang Wei doesn't care. I don't have a cold.


He still glanced at the other party, but it was not because of the other party's beauty, but because the other party had a vague aura.

"Ghost breath?"

That kind of aura is cold, similar to ghost aura, but different.

Combining the information he had learned in the past, Zhang Wei quickly understood the situation even if he met her for the first time. The woman in front of him should be haunted by a ghost, but it was not a ghost from Daxia, but a ghost from a foreign country.

realize this.

Zhang Wei didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and murmured in his heart:

"Zhang Chao's crow's mouth is really open, what are you talking about, and you're just about to go, so hell."


The good mood of going to Hawaii for free travel suddenly became better.

I didn't expect to meet ghosts so soon, and they are foreign ghosts, and I can get wool. Thank you, Zhang Chao, I must buy more souvenirs for you.

Think about it.

Zhang Wei couldn't help muttering;

"It seems that every time I travel far in the future, I have to ask Zhang Chao to add buffs and enchant me, hahaha."


the other side.

Sichuan Province, Jinguan City.

at this time.

Zhang Chao was squatting in one place, eating ice cream, watching a ghost, which was his target of exorcising ghosts this time, and Zhang Mei was beside him, exorcising ghosts with him.

"Sister, when will we deal with this ghost, can we deal with it sooner, it's so hot, I want to go back and turn on the air conditioner, although I can't go to Hawaii with Zhang Wei, but I can watch movies in bikinis... Achoo!"

Just halfway through the conversation, he sneezed.


Zhang Mei rolled her eyes:

"Look at you, you'll catch a cold even after eating ice cream. You're a bony body, and you still watch bikini movies."

Zhang Chao woke up, woke up and replied:

"Nonsense, where did I catch a cold? Someone must be plotting against me behind my back, spying on me, a handsome and energetic man."

Zhang Mei squinted at Zhang Chao after hearing this, the look was self-evident, Zhang Chao could see it, as if she was saying to him, you are the only one who is still full of energy? I only see you radiant, not your vitality.


at the same time.

On the plane to Hawaii.

Knowing that the foreign woman next to him was haunted by a ghost, Zhang Wei didn't wait for Zhang Wei to think about how to find an excuse to strike up a conversation with her and find clues about the ghost, but the other party took the initiative to strike up a conversation.

He was very enthusiastic, and after sitting in his seat, he turned to chat with Zhang Wei.

Not long.

The two talked for a while, and the foreign woman said in surprise:

"Wow, Mr. Zhang, you actually won the ten-day tour in Hawaii, and it's from the global hotel chain. Your mother is really lucky."

"Miss Liz was joking."

Zhang Wei replied with a smile.

Through conversation, Zhang Wei learned that the blonde foreign beauty was named Liz, and heard from her that, including her, most of the passengers on this flight went to the hotel booked in Hawaii, which was the one that his mother won the first prize. global hotel chain.

"I'm not kidding, Mr. Zhang, you don't know how difficult it is to draw the first prize. Every time I go to Hawaii on a business trip, I will draw it. I have drawn it almost 100 times. I have never won it. I know many people. Friends too."

Liz said enviously:

"Mr. Zhang, your first prize includes room and board, that is, you can order any food in the hotel. The buffet is also delicious. I will take Mr. Zhang Wei to eat."

"Okay, I like to eat the most. If there is anything delicious, Miss Liz will recommend it when the time comes."

"No problem. I have tried almost everything in that hotel. In addition, if Mr. Zhang wants to find food in Hawaii, you can also ask me. I know some restaurants with a lot of delicious food."

Liz spoke.

Zhang Wei nodded and said:

"It seems that Miss Liz, you are also a foodie. You are so familiar with Hawaiian food. Miss Liz knows the word 'foodie'."

"Haha, I know, I have to go back and forth between Daxia and the United States because of work. I have stayed in Daxia for 3 years. The food in Daxia is also very delicious. I like it so much. Every time I have a holiday , I have to go shopping in Daxia to find food."

in words.

Liz pointed to her body and said:

"I'm a foodie, haha."

The two looked at each other and smiled, and at this moment, Liz reached out and adjusted the air conditioner button on the top of her head, and adjusted the air outlet.

To this.

Zhang Wei said bluntly:

"Miss Liz, are you cold?"

"Yeah, I feel that the air conditioner is turned on too much, but it may be that I have blown too much air conditioner recently, and I have a cold, so I feel cold in the air-conditioned room."

That's all for words.

Perhaps because she felt that the air conditioner of the plane was still too cold, Liz couldn't help saying:

"Mr. Zhang, I can't get out of my seat. Please, Mr. Zhang, call the flight attendant for me and give me a blanket."

Zhang Wei nodded and waved to call the stewardess to bring the blanket.

Same time.

Zhang Wei looked at Liz and said:

"Miss Liz, you feel that the air conditioner is cold, but you don't necessarily have a cold. There is another possibility."


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