Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 308 The Adventures Of Jackie Chan, Dad

As soon as Liz spoke.

Zhang Wei waved his hand and refused:

"No, no, no, I have a girlfriend, so I don't call it early adopters, it's called stealing, and if found out, I will have three legs broken."

Despite being rejected, Liz's blue eyes became brighter:

"Mr. Zhang is such a good man. I like it more. It's okay. This is my phone number."

she said.

Taking Zhang Wei's mobile phone over, he entered a series of numbers, and smiled charmingly:

"Mr. Zhang, this is my mobile phone number. If you want to try something new, you can call me. I'm here anytime."

"It's easy to talk about."

As for the mobile phone number, Zhang Wei thought about it and did not refuse to accept it. One more friend's contact information is better than not many, especially if the other party has been haunted by ghosts.

along the way.

Zhang Wei and Liz were both talking. He told Liz about the exorcist, and Liz also told Zhang Wei a lot about himself, such as what kind of technology, how skilled he is in technology, and so on.

for a long time.

The plane landed in Hawaii.

United States, the departure hall of Hawaii Airport.

Just walked out.

Zhang Wei saw it, a woman in white-collar professional attire, standing in the hall and waving at Liz.


Liz said casually:

"Mr. Zhang, my colleague is here to pick me up. Do you need me to ask my colleague to drive you to the hotel?"

Zhang Wei nodded:

"No, thank you, Miss Liz, for your kindness. I can go there by myself. Miss Liz, you still have to work, so go ahead."

On the plane before, Zhang Wei didn't know that Liz was on a business trip to Hawaii, and a colleague would pick her up to discuss work matters. He didn't intend to disturb other people's work. Besides, he wasn't here to pick up girls, but to For vacation.


Before leaving, Zhang Wei stopped Liz, thinking for a while and asked Liz to reach out again.

【Ding! Blessing Lisi 1 point system point]

The system prompt sounded, and in order to avoid being suspected, Zhang Wei imitated the way in Lin Zhengying's movie and pretended to make a few gestures on Liz's hand:

"Okay, Miss Liz, you can go to work. You don't have to be afraid of encountering ghosts. I have given you some protection. Of course, if you encounter ghosts, you still have to tell me immediately."

Originally, Zhang Wei planned to make a figure for Liz.

But considering that this is at the airport, surrounded by people, if I open the suitcase in public, I will definitely be seen by many people. It was even more embarrassing to buy a figure, so I changed my strategy.

"Wow, thank you, Mr. Zhang, so I won't be afraid."

Liz fully demonstrated what it means to be an enthusiastic foreigner, and kissed Zhang Wei on the cheek to express her gratitude.


I watched Miss Liz go.

Zhang Wei was not idle. He walked to the exit of the airport, got into a taxi, and told the driver in fluent English that he was going to a national chain star hotel.

As a student who graduated from a prestigious university and has memories of his previous life, Zhang Wei has a high level of English and can communicate without barriers. This is why he dared to travel to Hawaii alone, and he is not afraid of the trouble of speaking.

"Go check in at the hotel first, then go shopping and see what specialties are available here, and buy some for Xiaoxue, Xiaomantou, and Zhang Chao."

Just as Zhang Wei was muttering about planning today's itinerary.

Jingle Bell.

The phone rings.

Zhang Wei picked up the phone and looked at it, the caller showed a call from his father.

Picking up the phone, a middle-aged man's voice that is obviously full of the charm of a mature man came from inside, but the content of the voice did not feel mature, on the contrary, it seemed shaky:

"Hey, thief, answer the phone in seconds. You are indeed the carbon-based life form I created. I know you value Papa, and Papa loves you."

Facing his father's words, Zhang Wei immediately replied:

"There are evil pens."

"I only called you once in a few months. You scolded your father as soon as you came up, but it's okay. You scold me. You scold me. It's like scolding yourself. If you scold me, what are you? Thief, haha, it feels so good to be a father."

Immediately afterwards.

Greeted for a while.

Dad asked on the phone:

"By the way, son thief, have you been to Hawaii yet?"

Although they usually make sand sculptures, Zhang Wei's parents are still worried about Zhang Wei at critical times. After all, when traveling abroad alone, how could they not care.

"Here we are, on our way to the hotel now." Zhang Wei responded.

"That's fine, son thief. If you are traveling in Hawaii and feel unfamiliar and don't know where to go, you can go to the hotel to find the manager Wisham. I met the manager when I was in Hawaii. He has a good relationship with me. You report my name when the time comes, and he can be your tour guide."

"No, I'm already twenty years old, so I don't need a tour guide when I go out."

"Worthy of being my son's thief, self-reliant and self-reliant, then I have finished asking your mother's concerns. Of course, I am also concerned about it, but then enter the second question that your father and I care about."

Dad paused, and asked with a silly smile:

"My son, remember to go to the beach in Hawaii. There are many girls in bikinis over there, and they are very open. The girls there are different from our big summer girls. The roads are spacious. Remember not to kill anyone. Your father, I don't want to." To embrace a mixed-race grandson."

"Dad, what you said, be careful if your mother hears it, or you will be killed. I don't want to lose my father so early."

"Ho Ho Ho, don't be afraid, don't be afraid, your mother is taking a bath, she can't hear you."

"No wonder you are so reckless, but Dad, let's forget about your suggestion, even though I already met a foreign girl on the plane."

"Fuck? Is it true or not? You already got one before your plane landed in Hawaii? Come on, the result, you said you went to the hotel, you didn't check in, you got a double room, right? "

"No, I just refused."

As Zhang Wei said, he seemed to know what his father would say, and said slowly first:

"Don't ask why, it's just that I prefer walking on country roads to wide roads."

in words.

Zhang Wei thought of Xiao Lin and Lu Lianxue, these days they walked on their country road every morning and night, and the road was covered with hoarfrost.

for a moment.

It wasn't until Zhang Wei arrived at the hotel that Zhang Wei hung up the chat with his father.

Look closely.

This hotel is huge, with a height of dozens of floors. The decoration is magnificent and extravagant. Seeing the appearance of the hotel, Zhang Wei understood why Liz said that the first prize is difficult to draw. For such a high-end hotel, the award is certain It's hard to draw.

Not long.

After checking in at the hotel, Zhang Wei put down his suitcase and left the room, ready to go to Hawaii.

But before going out.

Zhang Wei didn't forget to open the suitcase and looked at the figures piled inside. He didn't plan to go out empty-handed. What if he encountered a ghost? After all, he had Zhang Chao's crow's mouth, so he planned to take a figure out.

"Which one should I choose?"

Think about it.

In the end, Zhang Wei struggled for a while, and chose to close his eyes and reach out to grab it blindly.

Then he picked it up and opened his eyes to look at it. Zhang Wei couldn't help raising his brows:

"Hey, did you actually get such a figure?"

see you.

Zhang Wei has a figure in his hand. It is a figure of an old man with white hair and a small round-frame reading glasses. He is wearing a white shirt with a yellow vest, dark blue pants, and brown leather shoes. It is the animation "Jackie Chan Adventures" A hand-figure of the protagonist Jackie Chan's father in "The Diary".

As if thinking of something, Zhang Wei couldn't laugh or cry:

"Is this fate? I just talked to my father on the phone, and then I took a handicraft of Jackie Chan's father?"


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