Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 315 The Oldest And Longest Exorcism Profession, The Ancient Wizard

Looking at the career record on Zhang Wei's file, Lao Feng said:

"I didn't expect Zhang Wei to be an ancient wizard, but yes, he is so powerful, and he can also tinker with all kinds of magical means of exorcising ghosts, which is the same as witchcraft."

As a member of the archives office, Lao Feng knew the profession of ghost exorcist best. He knew many professions of ghost exorcist, including the long-lost ancient wizards and so on.


Also known as wizards, female wizards are called shamans, and male wizards are called sages.

They are the oldest ghost exorcism profession in Daxia, not one of them. They originated in the primitive era, which was thousands of years ago.

In other words.

Zhang Wei's ghost exorcist profession existed thousands of years ago. Not only that, but all kinds of ghost exorcist professions in Daxia today, such as Maoshanshu, Chumaxian, paper maker, corpse exorciser, etc. Wizards evolved over time.

The more ancient and long-standing the ghost exorcism profession, the more you can find the shadow of a wizard, such as a horse fairy, such as a Gu master.

In fact.

Gu masters are a kind of wizards. They are wizards who are good at Gu Dao. Treacherous and terrifying, it is also used for the protection of ancient tombs and so on.

in addition.

According to records.

Witchcraft is the use and manipulation of superhuman powers to affect human life or events in nature through certain ritual performances, or the use of certain objects and spells that are believed to be endowed with magical powers.

Think here.

Old Feng was a little stunned:

"Zhang Wei seems to have a lot of weird ghost exorcism things. Are they all wizard props? He uses witchcraft to endow these things with magical powers. So his witchcraft is a simulated witchcraft in ancient witchcraft. and exposure to witchcraft."

as predicted.

As he spoke, he continued to look at Zhang Wei's file, which recorded that one of Zhang Wei's methods was to simulate witchcraft and contact with witchcraft.

As for what is imitation witchcraft and contact witchcraft.

Lao Feng recalled his knowledge of witchcraft.

There are many types of witchcraft methods, which are roughly divided into seven types, namely:

Imitation witchcraft, contact witchcraft, black witchcraft, white witchcraft, mock witchcraft, counter witchcraft, voodoo witchcraft.


Contact witchcraft is a witchcraft method that uses a part of a thing or an item related to a thing to seek good fortune, bring misfortune, and exorcise evil spirits. This kind of witchcraft can be performed as long as it comes into contact with someone's body or utensils .

Simulated witchcraft is a witchcraft that can simulate something or a certain state. For example, animal transformation is one of them. It imitates animals and makes oneself have animal abilities.

Now that Lao Feng thinks about it carefully, Zhang Wei's method of exorcising ghosts recorded by the Department of Health and Dao is indeed the same as the two methods of witchcraft.


Lao Feng thought about it again, and the Department of Wei Dao judged that Zhang Wei was an ancient wizard, and there should be another reason.

Think about it.

He continued to look at the file, the information about Zhang Wei, and sure enough, in the file, he found the evaluation of Zhang Wei from the Department of Health.

[According to the records, in the Northeast incident, Wu Nian, an eminent monk in Mount Wutai, once encountered the Nine Evils Gathering Yin Ghosts. In the end, he rescued the siege with the photo of the enshrined Bodhisattva given by Zhang Wei, and successfully killed the Nine Evils Gathering Yin Ghosts. The method is the same as the earliest record of the origin of the wizard , will enshrine the gods and make the gods appear in the offering. 】

Old Feng remembered.

In the primitive era, such as the era of Yao, Shun and Yu, each tribe had its own totem, and in fact these totems were a kind of witchcraft. People at that time believed that there were gods in the world, and these totems were the symbols of those gods. Totems were worshiped and totem ceremonies were held , allowing the incarnation of the gods to protect them with this totem.


In that era, there were people called wizards in every tribe. They had a high status in the tribe, and they were called the communication medium between gods and humans. They knew some magical methods, which were called... witchcraft!

And Zhang Wei worships Namo Gatling Bodhisattva, which is very similar to the ancient totem worship, except that what he worships is not a totem, but Namo Gatling Bodhisattva, which is why Namo Gatling Bodhisattva can appear and kill the nine evil spirits Gather ghosts.

There is no other reason.

Zhang Wei enshrined Namo Gatling Bodhisattva.


Lao Feng took a rough look at Zhang Wei's file, and put the file back into the file bag, but at this moment, he let out a small sigh, and took out a USB flash drive from the file bag:

"What is this? Are there any other attachments to the Zhang Wei file?"

He knows some important people, in addition to the paper file information records, there will be some attachments, because these people are powerful, and the paper files cannot record all their information, and some videos, things and the like will be attached.

As soon as his words came out.

The logistics staff who brought the files nodded:

"Yes, this is Zhang Wei's additional file, which is a video, in fact this video, which further proves and confirms that Zhang Wei's ghost exorcist profession is the identity of an ancient wizard."

in words.

As if thinking of something, the logistics staff smirked and said:

"Old Feng, guess where we got this video?"

"Where? Xishuangbanna? I heard that Zhang Wei has been to Xishuangbanna before."

Old Feng replied.

The logistics staff shook their heads, and they stopped being tricky:

"No, no, it's Sakura Country."


Old Feng was stunned for a moment, and said with a dazed expression:

"Cherry Blossom Country? Zhang Wei is going to Cherry Blossom Country and you secretly took a video? So what is he doing in Cherry Blossom Country?"

The logistics staff heard the words and said with a smile:

"It wasn't taken by us, but by the onmyoji in the country of cherry blossoms. As for why he went to the country of cherry blossoms? How should I put it? To sum up, Zhang Wei remotely commanded the descendants of the Cao family to kill the onmyoji, and then was accidentally filmed process."

His words come out.

Old Feng was stunned again, then widened his eyes:



the other side.

America, Hawaii.

After Zhang Wei dealt with the werewolf, he didn't stay long, left the restaurant, and went shopping:

"It's time to buy some small gifts for Wu Nian and Zhang Chao. I don't know what to buy for them. It's okay for Junfei to say, buy him a Marvel Black Widow figure. Hehe, for Wu Nian, what should I buy? , and Zhang Chao to buy him something, by the way, there is Fat Brother and Captain Lin Tong."


Zhang Wei said to himself:

"But Fat Brother's gift is as easy to buy as Junfei's. Buy him a more realistic figure of a beautiful woman in a bikini, hahaha."

Think here.

He was going to ask the surrounding merchants where there is a hand-made shop, first to get Junfei's gifts, and then to get the more troublesome Wu Nian and Zhang Chao's gifts.

Just when he had just finished asking the merchant, he hailed the car and went to the figure shop.

Jingle Bell.

His cell phone rang.

Picking up the phone, the caller showed Miss Liz.

"Huh? Miss Liz?"

Hummed slightly, Zhang Wei remembered that Ms. Liz should still be working at this time. She said that she was on a business trip to Hawaii and would always be busy until night. Remembering that she had explained to Ms. Liz before, she would call him if there was any situation. , Zhang Wei couldn't help but answer the phone.

Immediately afterwards.

Before Zhang Wei could speak, Liz's voice came first from the phone...


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