Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 317 Vampire: My Good Guy, Did You Meet Your Peers?

Liz curled her lips when she heard the words, but she was not too disappointed, her blue eyes were bright:

"Eavesdropping? That's fine. I haven't eavesdropped on it yet, and maybe Mr. Zhang has an impulse after hearing it. I haven't tasted the taste of a Taoist priest yet."

Zhang Wei smiled:

"Miss Liz seems to be on top, let's not talk about this, let's follow up, that man is leaving soon."


In order to avoid attracting the man's attention, Zhang Wei followed the man with his arms around Liz, and they entered the elevator together.

One enters.

The man also saw Liz and Zhang Wei wearing masks, and looked at Zhang Wei holding Liz, his eyes flashed suddenly, and he smiled at Zhang Wei.

【Ding! The vampire giggled, oh, what about picking up girls? 】

[Host obtains system points +50]

in its view.

Zhang Wei came out of the restaurant with a beautiful chick in his arms, still so close, and his female partner kept leaning on Zhang Wei, almost helping Zhang Wei put the gun into his holster. No matter how he looked, he looked the same as himself, except The other party is not a ghost, but the same as himself, who came out to pick up girls.

At this moment.

Zhang Wei also felt the man's gaze and looked over. Their eyes met, and he could see the meaning of the man's gaze.


The two made eye contact over there.

The man nodded towards Zhang Wei, smiled and gave a look, as if silently saying:

"Brother, you also come to Caobi."

Zhang Wei burst into laughter in his heart, nodded with a gentle smile on his surface, and responded silently:

"Yeah, you too, buddy."

The man also nodded slightly, then motioned to look at Liz next to Zhang Wei, gave a thumbs up quietly, then looked at his female companion and shook her head lightly.

its move.

Although there are no words, the communication between men is self-evident, and Zhang Wei can see the meaning.

That's saying...

Hey bro, your girlfriend looks great, even better than the one I got, really you.

Zhang Wei returned a slight smile, then glanced at the other female companion, nodded again, narrowed his eyes and smiled slightly, the man could see the meaning in that look.

That's saying...

Hey man, you're humble, and your girlfriend is amazing, I'm excited to see it, and you will be blessed later.


A system prompt sounded in Zhang Wei's mind.

【Ding! The vampire is happy, this person is really interesting, he is indeed a fellow, I like it, hahahahaha]

[Host obtains system points +60]

Immediately afterwards.

There was a silent exchange between the two.

【Ding! The vampire sighs, bosom friend, this is a bosom friend in another land, it’s a pity, if you weren’t a human being, I would have to make friends with you more or less]

[Host obtains system points +70]

Just as the vampire was thinking about it, he heard a ding dong, followed the sound, and found that it was the cell phone of the young man beside him ringing.


He just saw that the young man was holding the blond beauty with one arm, and chatting with the mobile phone in the other.

Although I can't understand the content of the mobile phone chat, and the text is written in Daxia characters, but from Zhang Wei's kaomoji of kissing and hugging, as well as the emoticons of hugging sent by Zhang Wei, and the reply from the other party?(? ??? w??? ?)? and other emoticons and kaomoji.

The battle-tested vampire saw the situation at a glance, and couldn't help but twitch his brows.

【Ding! The vampire is surprised, dude! Hugging here, I still don't forget to chat for a while, I didn't expect that this is not only a colleague, but also a master, Neptune level, this is definitely Neptune level, Poseidon level. 】

[Host obtains system points +80]

The system prompt sounds.

Zhang Wei couldn't help but raised his head and gave the vampire a smile.

Seeing this, the vampire returned an admiring look.

Zhang Wei smiled, bowed his head and sent a message to Qiu Xiaolin:

【Zhang Wei】: Little Mantou, that vampire I was about to kill is smiling at me now, hahaha

[Qiu Xiaolin]: The kid covered his mouth and burst out laughing, Xiao Weizi, you are really bad, but I like it very much, he probably thinks you are a sea king now, and I am your hunting target.

【Zhang Wei】: Yes, he definitely thinks so, but unfortunately, you have already been hunted and shot by me and I don’t know how many arrows, laughing wildly jpg

[Qiu Xiaolin]: You are going to die, you are still driving with me even though you are hugging a foreigner.

Zhang Wei did not hide it from Qiu Xiaolin and the others. When Qiu Xiaolin and the others sent a message not long ago, he explained the situation to them.

Also at this time.

[Lu Lianxue]: Is Miss Lisi pretty?

[Qiu Xiaolin]: Same question.

【Zhang Wei】: It's not bad. I mainly wear business attire, which is very... you know.

[Lu Lianxue]: You say that, I am even more curious, send a photo to see, otherwise I suspect you are pretending, let me see how beautiful it is.

【Qiu Xiaolin】: +1

Zhang Wei did not refuse, and communicated with Liz in Chinese, and then took a photo of Liz in front of the vampire and sent it.

This scene.

After being seen by the vampire, the pupils shrank immediately.

【Ding! The vampire gasped, what, what is this operation? Why did you send your female companion to another target? This is to make the other target jealous? Fuck her appetite? Daxia's harem vying for favor? Learned learned]

[Host obtains system points +70]

The system prompt sounds.

Zhang Wei was stunned for a moment, a little amused in his heart:

"This vampire really has a lot of inner dramas. Can you make up for him? It seems that there will be some wool in the future."

for a moment

The elevator doors opened.

The vampire walked out of the elevator with his female partner in his arms. Zhang Wei learned that the room where the vampire was in, hurriedly asked Liz to check in the room next door.

at this time.

Zhang Wei stood in front of the vampire's room, looking at the room number a8006 in front of him.

He reached out and touched the door.

【Ding! Bless the hotel room a8006 system point 1 point]

With the help of the blessing system, Zhang Wei had a panoramic view of every move in the room, and he knew exactly where the vampire and his female companion were in the room and what they were doing.

Can't help it.

Zhang Wei whispered with a smile:

"I'm not eavesdropping anymore, I'm peeping, and I discovered a new and hidden function of the system, haha."

at the same time.

In room a8006.

The vampire hugged and kissed as soon as he entered the door, and then let go after a long while, letting his female partner go to take a bath first.

"After the tossing is over, I will suck your essence and blood."

He looked at his female partner who walked into the bathroom, changed his previous smile, and his eyes flashed coldly, revealing the vampire's fangs.

The female partner didn't see each other's appearance, she was immersed in happiness, she didn't expect to be with such a handsome man, she couldn't help but be prepared to work hard to win the handsome man later, so that she could smash her girlfriends with those little bitches They showed off.

the other side.

In the next room.

Liz came back and took Zhang Wei into the next room. Zhang Wei was also sitting in front of the same wall as the next room. He had a panoramic view of the situation here, and the corner of his mouth raised a curve.

Liz saw his smile and said with a smile:

"It seems that Mr. Zhang, you are indeed very funny, you are laughing."

in its view.

Zhang Wei was eavesdropping and found it exciting, so he smiled, just like himself.

In fact.

If Qiu Xiaolin and Zhang Chao are familiar with Zhang Wei and see his smile, they will surely understand that Zhang Wei is not laughing out of excitement, but that he is about to make trouble.


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