Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 326 Blackening Is Strong Three Points, Blackening It, Blah, Blah, Little Magic Fairy

The ghost king was so angry that he wanted to scold people, he wanted to scold aloud, but he thought that if he swears at a little devil fairy, let alone whether this action is considered child abuse, and just said that he scolded like this, he would definitely be censored. People and ghosts laugh to death, and they will definitely think that they have been slapped.

Just ask.

A ghost king fought fiercely with a bala la little demon fairy, and the ghost king was beaten and scolded in the street. Thinking about it, I feel ashamed.

for a while.

The ghost king's veins bulged, and he poured out his yin qi crazily, intending to kill Ba La La Xiao Moxian and capture Zhang Chao, the heir of the Maoshan School, alive.

However, the idea is beautiful, but the reality is skinny.

Ba la la Xiao Moxian frantically danced the energy bar, ba la la energy was pouring out, and with the sound of ba la la Xiao Moxian's curse, he crazily clashed with the ghost king.

This scene.

All the people present and the ghosts can see it all.

Watching the ghost king and Ba La La Xiao Moxian fighting inseparably.

【Ding! The ghosts are dumbfounded, are you kidding me, the boss is being restrained by the ba la la Xiao Moxian...? ! 】

[Host obtains system points +440]

Although they don't want to admit it, the fact is right in front of them. The ghost king-level existence they are proud of is not an ordinary ghost king. Now it is the same anxiety as their "childhood memories".

"Ba la la Xiao Moxian is so strong."

"Is this the Ba La La Little Demon Fairy I know? Why is it so fierce?"

They were dumbfounded.

Staring in front of him, there was the balala little devil fairy with five hairs special effects, but the ghost king he was hitting couldn't move forward at all, and he didn't give the ghost king a chance.

【Ding! The ghosts were silent. Didn't the animation of Ba La La Xiao Moxian only have 50 cents special effects due to lack of funds, is it because the magic of Ba la la Xiao Moxian's magic looked like 50 cents special effects? 】

[Host obtains system points +450]

Just thinking about it.

Balala Little Moxian recited the mantra again:

"Ba la la energy - Tanini - light energy."

spell out.

Ba La La burst out with energy, emitting a ray of light like a five-haired special effect. Although the ray is fucked, at this moment, it illuminates this place as bright as day. scream.


One of the red-clothed ghosts sent out, and when it was illuminated for a moment, it felt like it was melted by the high temperature, and it was too late to escape, and was instantly evaporated by the blazing light.

【Ding! The ghosts change color, hiss...]

[Host obtains system points +460]


The ghosts backed away in fright, and they didn't hide their panic. This blah, blah, little magic fairy's magic... the special effects are a little 50 cents, but it's really strong.

【Ding! The ghosts trembled, drafting? Oh, what is this? Does this blah, blah, little magic fairy magic also pay attention to economical benefits, using five cents special effects... to play the power of value for money? 】

[Host obtains system points +470]

Accompanied by a system beep.

The corners of the mouths of many ghosts twitched. They used to watch Ba La La Xiao Moxian when they were young. Even if they were young, they felt that the special effects were really tormenting, but now they were really tortured by the special effects.

At this moment.

A ghost said:

"What should I do, the boss doesn't seem to be the opponent of Ba La La Xiao Moxian."

His tone was anxious, if they can't deal with Ba La La Xiao Moxian, then they will be finished when Wutai Mountain's support comes, and the boss must deal with Ba La La Xiao Moxian, take down the descendants of Maoshan faction, plus these people As hostages, they will be able to eat and drink spicy food.

"Don't worry, Boss seems to be evenly matched with Ba La La Xiao Moxian. As long as you seize the opportunity, Boss can win. Boss has been a ghost king for several years."

the other side.

Xia Mei and the others were also dumbfounded.

" really Ba La La Little Demon Fairy?"

"Ba la la Xiao Moxian is not only awkward, but really strong."

Many people murmured in shock.

I thought that Ba La La Little Demon Fairy was fake, but in their view, Ba La La Little Demon Fairy is a cartoon, so how could it be used to fight ghosts, but looking at it now, it is not what they thought at all.

Same time.

Now they finally understand why Zhang Chao, the descendant of the Maoshan School, invited magic arts. The god he invited was not Erlang God, but the little devil fairy. Please deal with ghosts.


There really is a ba la la little magic fairy, there really is a ba la la magic...

Think here.

I don't know who spoke, but someone in the crowd said:

"Ba la la the little devil fairy can be invited, so... what about the dancing goddess? Please invite a dancing goddess, Duo Mi will kill that ghost king."


Even if they are ordinary people, they can see that the anxious battle between the ghost king and Ba La La Xiao Moxian will not be resolved for a while. In other words, they are not safe yet.

Also at this time.

A voice came, interrupting the thoughts of all ghosts and people.

That is Zhang Chao.

Compared with others, Zhang Chao was the first to discover the battle between Ba La La Xiao Moxian and the Ghost King, but he didn't panic at all. Instead, he praised Xiang Ghost King:

"You little ghost king is quite powerful, you can actually fight back and forth with my little devil fairy."

he said.

Under everyone's gaze, he took out a small notebook.

The ghost king was the first to discover his actions, and he didn't have time to pay attention to Zhang Chao's 'insult'. You must know that in this kind of evenly matched competition, the outcome may be a difference.

Look intently.

It froze for a moment.

On the cover of that little book were written a few handwritten characters... Balala Xiaomoxian User Manual.


Balala Little Demon Fairy User Manual? what is this? God please, does this even come with an instruction manual?

Let alone the ghost king, Captain Sun and the red-clothed ghosts who also saw the small book in Zhang Chao's hands were all bewildered.

Immediately afterwards.

They just saw it, Zhang Chao said, opened the small notebook and read:

"So it can still be used like this, Zhang Wei is worthy of you."

The words fell.

He looked at the ghost king, hehe smiled and said:

"Little ghost king, you are dead. I'm going to get serious. Since blah, blah, little devil fairy can't touch you, then..."

There was a pause.

Zhang Chao looked at Ba La La Xiao Moxian beside him, blushed a little with shame, and shouted:

"Turn it black, blah, blah, little devil fairy."

boom! ! !

Bright rays of light surged, and bloomed on Balalala Little Demon Fairy. Following Zhang Chao's words, the light turned into purple-black, and the bright breath disappeared, turning into a dark breath.

Sudden strangeness...

【Ding! The ghost king is sluggish, I'm in trouble, can I still turn black? 】

[Host obtains system points +170]

【Ding! The ghosts are sluggish, and they will turn black if they can't beat them? Is it a draft, do you want to do this?]

[Host obtains system points +480]

next second.

Everyone and ghosts heard it.

Naba la la Xiao Moxian heard a voice:

"Gunara, the God of Darkness—Uhurahu—transformation of the Dark Demon!"

sound up.

Ba la la the little magic fairy turned black and became a black magic fairy.


Feeling the terrifying dark aura emanating from the Little Demon Fairy who has turned into a Black Demon Fairy, even ordinary people like Xia Mei can feel that the little Demon Fairy after being blackened is much stronger than before.


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