Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 338 Tailor Vs Department Of Health And Five Northeast Families

The next day, 7:00 a.m.

Department of Northeast Defense.

Huang Qingshan fell asleep lying on the desk, he was too tired, these days, with Sen Luosi and Wei Daosi getting more and more violent, especially five Qilin guards died, he didn't take much rest, he slept only two days a day three hours.

Taking advantage of explaining the deployment plan just now, he was finally able to relax a bit, and planned to lie on his stomach for a while, and then he fell asleep immediately.

But he just slept for a while.

The violent knock on the door woke Huang Qingshan up, and he quickly wiped away the sleepy hala from the corner of his mouth:

"Come in."

Words come out.

The office door opened, and the assistant hurried in:

"Captain Yellow, something has happened. The behind-the-scenes Sen Luosi showed up and took away the representatives sent by the Five Northeast Families to negotiate with us. Now the Qilin guard who is protecting us is fighting with the opponent."

"What did you say?"

Huang Qingshan, who was originally sleepy in pajamas, was refreshed at this moment even if he lacked sleep, and stood up in shock.

next moment.

Without hesitation.

Huang Qingshan ordered in a deep voice:

"Is it true that there is no one in my Department of Defense? Go and tell the eminent monks on Mount Wutai and the nearest Qilin guards to rush over. This time... we must not let the behind-the-scenes escape! How many corpses are there? Kill me!" How many!!"


Immediately, a series of orders were sent from the headquarters of the Northeast Health Department to the Northeast Health Department.


the other side.

In the northeast, a resort hotel affiliated to the resident of the Ministry of Health.

at this time.

Looking at this resort hotel from a distance, thick smoke billows up, and from time to time there is an explosion-like sound, bringing a dazzling flame, which can be seen even outside the resort.

"What happened?"

"Isn't that Daxing Resort, it's on fire? Call the fire department quickly."

It was the citizens outside the resort who spoke. They were eating breakfast and preparing to go to work when they heard an explosion. They seemed to be able to hear the roar of a fox or a weasel. Then they saw the resort was on fire when they went out.

"Is this a gas explosion?"

"The gas must have exploded. Look at the fire. Isn't the gas explosion powerful? How come the gas exploded?"

"It can't be some kind of weasel from the mountains, biting the gas tank, right? I don't know if it's an illusion. I heard the weasel's cry just now. It should be an illusion. The distance is so far away."

"Wait, you said the weasel? . . . did you hear that too?"

"Fuck, did you hear that too?"

Just when the citizens were talking about it.

They all saw the large suvs on the road leading to the resort. Through the open windows, some citizens vaguely saw them. There were no firefighters or hotel staff in the cars, but... ...monk?

at the same time.

Inside the resort hotel.

The antique hotel buildings, courtyards, and flower beds were all destroyed, and the ground was in a mess. The fountain sculpture was broken, and only the flooded nozzles were spraying water, soaking the messy ground even more unbearably, and the surrounding buildings were dilapidated and on fire.


There was a loud bang.

In a ruin, a huge foundation wall vibrated, and a tall adult weasel emerged from below. It lifted the load-bearing wall weighing several hundred kilograms with one hand, and hugged a little weasel with the other. He stared at a figure in front of him.

"Sen Luosi, you bully people too much, do you really think my Huang family is easy to bully!!!"

ahead of that.

That figure looks like a high school girl, but its whole body is full of traces of sewing with needles and threads, it is a tailor.

She learned that the representatives of the five Northeast families were here, and they came here early in the morning, causing damage to the resort hotel.

Accompanied by the adult-sized weasel.

among other ruins.

Many figures appeared one after another.

Some of them were human, but there were also three terrifying figures, a five-meter-long snake, a lion-sized white fox with hairy fur, a half-meter-tall hedgehog, and a giant whose tail was thicker than its arms. mouse.

Those are the representatives of the five Northeast Huhuang, Bailiuhui and other four families except the Huang family.

They glared at the tailor, not much less angry than the Huang family, even worse.

"Sen Luosi's, hand over Pomegranate Hu!"

The white fox spit out human words, his voice was cold.

The pomegranate it is talking about is Grandpa Hu's favorite granddaughter, ranked sixteenth, named pomegranate, and was taken away by Sen Luosi some time ago.


The five Northeast families spoke out one after another.


Facing the words of the representatives of the Five Northeast Families and Qilin Wei, the Secretary of Sanitation present, the tailor did not give a single answer. His expression was colder than the one he gave when he saw the fat man. Coupled with the patched face, it looked numb and oozing.

As soon as she stretched out her hand, she was full of ghosts, like a tsunami overwhelming the little weasel in the hands of the adult weasel.

"Sen Ross!!"

"Too much bullying!!"

The Northeast Five Families and Qilin Wei were all on the move. Although they were not as powerful individually as the tailor, they could serve as representatives anyway. Which one of them didn't have the strength of a ghost king.


The weasel roared, and the roar in its mouth was like thunder, shaking the surrounding stones to shatter, turning into sound waves and colliding with the tailor's yin tsunami. , more devastated.


Everyone has no time to deal with these things. Compared with the tailor, they can afford the loss of hundreds of millions of resorts.

for a while.

The white fox emitted a fairy-like white light, which was the magic of the Hu family. It condensed into white fox tails that were bigger than the head of a truck, and drew towards the tailor, intending to dismember it.

The black snake twisted its body and rushed towards the tailor with a speed faster than that of a car. Wherever it passed, cracks were drawn on the ground. At the same time as it moved forward, its body was like a cell splitting, turning into ten A big black snake came, opened its bloody mouth and bit the tailor.

The giant rat and the hedgehog were even more straightforward. Their hairs all turned into sharp thorns, and they shot at the tailor like a rainstorm, faster than bullets.

The five families of the Northeast all showed their true bodies and shot.

This scene.

It is extremely rare, and now after the tailor appears, they have to join hands together.


The tailor didn't say much, and more ghostly aura gushed out of him, blasting the sound waves of the weasel, including the weasel, into the air.

Same time.

Facing the dozen or so big black snakes that attacked, the left arm that seemed to have been torn apart from the man's body made a fist, jumped up, and the fist went from bottom to top, hitting the head of a big black snake that came recently.


The earth is cracked.

The head of the big black snake was smashed into the ground by it.

The other black snakes were not much better. The tailor opened his other hand back to block another black snake attacking from behind. Then he grabbed it and whipped it towards the other black snakes, which also crushed the white fox. Drawn white tail.

As for the attacks of the Hui family and the Bai family.

The tailor had no fear at all, let the hairs shoot out, and resisted them all with his body.

all of these.

Happens in seconds.

When I look again.

A dozen or so black snakes were all crushed, or torn apart, and turned into black smoke and merged into one remaining black snake, but the black snake was coughing up blood, apparently seriously injured. Angrily, he vomited blood and fell to the ground. He could only resist and protect the little weasel in his hand.

"The five northeastern families are nothing more than that."

In order to stimulate the Northeast Five Families to pay more attention to themselves, so that the fat man can refine the weapon safely, the tailor Youyou said this.

in words.

A figure faintly appeared in his mind, chubby, fair-skinned, with a silly smile in his eyes.

It was the figure of the fat man.

In the past, when the fat man first joined Senluo Division and suffered from the second-degree illness, he often said this kind of pretended second-degree speech. He never thought that one day he would use his words to pretend.


The effect is very good.

The Northeast Five were even more angry.

As soon as Qi Qi said the words, the tailor seemed to feel something, and suddenly raised his left hand, pinching his index finger and middle finger.


A Tang knife engraved with exorcism talismans was held between his two fingers.

The one who attacked was a Taoist priest, Qilinwei, the Secretary of the Taoist Law, who wanted to take advantage of the tailor's slack to attack, but the tailor still found out.

next moment.

With the pinching of the tailor's two fingers, the Tang knife was pinched off by him, and at the same time, a wave of corpse energy eroded from the two fingers along the broken Tang knife to the Taoist Qilinwei.

The opponent changed color and quickly let go of Tang Dao.

see this.

The tailor sneered:

"Tang Dao is pretty good. You were taught by Shengxuan? Unfortunately, your strength is much weaker than Shengxuan's."

The words did not fall.

The tailor seemed to have noticed something, saw the Qilin guard who hadn't made a move before, and under the cover of the Northeast Wujia and the Taoist Qilin guard, they finally formed a formation.

I saw the leader Qilin Wei holding the Maoshan formula in his hand:

"Arise! Sleepy Demon!"

A yin-yang gossip lighted up on the ground, and from the four directions of the gossip, red lines shot out to bind the tailor's limbs.

The tailor recognized the array.

The yin and yang trapping magic circle of Maoshan technique has four Qilin guards for the donor, which is enough to trap and kill a very powerful ghost king.


Seeing that the tailor was blocked, the others were about to shout out, but they stopped abruptly in less than half a second.

It sounded like an iron chain being snapped.

The tailor had just been tied up by the Yin-Yang Gossip, but in the blink of an eye, she let out a ghostly roar, and under their ghostly eyes, she forcibly broke the binding thread of the Yin-Yang Gossip and broke free.

"Damn it, how strong is this guy?"

"This guy can't stay, give her some more time, and she will definitely reach the level of Hanba."

The Northeast Wujia and the Qilin guards looked shocked.

Words speak.

The tailor who broke free did not say anything, but said coldly:

"If you only rely on this ability, you can die."

The words fell.

The tailor is about to start.

However, just when he was about to take a step, a monk's voice came from behind him:

"Amitabha, Sen Luosi's benefactor, if they can't do it, then if you count the old monk and others."

It's not loud.

Together with the tailor and other people, the person who made the sound had just arrived at the entrance of the resort, but even though it was several hundred meters away, the voice seemed to be reciting in everyone's ears.

Hosted by Mount Wutai!

The tailor recognized the comers, to be exact, there were several comers, six in total, each of them was old, but despite their old age, they gave off a sense of vigor and immortality.

Those six people included monks, Taoist robes, lamas, and old people in traditional mandarin jackets.

Those were the older generation who were supported by the Department of Health and Dao.

at the same time.

It is currently one of the highest-end combat forces in the Northeast! !

Seeing them, the tailor's cold eyes finally changed slightly, and finally waited for these guys. Although he was in danger and might even die here, the purpose of distracting the fat man was also achieved.


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