Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 349 Fatty: Zhang Wei, Are You There?


Not long after the ghost knocking on the door died.

Hawaii, in a presidential suite of a high-end hotel chain.

Zhang Wei was soaking in the bathtub of the bathroom, and he had the blessing system points for Li Junfei. He was not afraid of Li Junfei getting hurt, so he leisurely soaked in the bathtub big enough for three people to fly together. Chicken killing service.

While Zhang Wei was waiting for the technician to come to his door.

Ding dong.

A WeChat notification sounded from his mobile phone, and Li Junfei sent a message.

[Li Junfei]: Brother Wei, Brother Wei, the ghost is dead, let me report to you, the black cat police chief salutes jpg.

【Zhang Wei】: How about it, the amulet I gave is useful.

[Li Junfei]: It’s easy to use, more than just easy to use. Don’t praise it too much. Brother Wei, I’ve decided that I won’t score points tonight. I made up the follow-up cartoons of Pig Man overnight, and I saw it The seventh Wuling Jade, I didn't expect so many pigmen to come out later.

【Zhang Wei】: No, most people only know "Bear Infested" and "Joyful and Big Big Wolf". Chase, hiahiahiahia

[Li Junfei]: I started chasing it from today, and I finished it all night long. No, not only to watch, but also to buy figures. When I give Brother Wei your pig man figure, I will buy some pig man equipment to wear, haha.

【Zhang Wei】: No, I suggest you buy a new Pigman figure, and buy one for me by the way.

[Li Junfei]: Okay, I will also buy one for Fat Brother. Before that, Fat Brother kept telling me about Pigman. I didn’t have time to watch it because of my high score. Now I have to watch it quickly.

Mention fat.

Zhang Wei got up slightly from the bathtub, his eyes flickered, and he sent a message to Li Junfei.

【Zhang Wei】: Speaking of which, haven't you started a fight with Fat Brother now?

[Li Junfei]: No, I haven't seen Fat Brother for several days. I still looked for Fat Brother tonight, but he still didn't reply to me. Brother Wei, you said that Fat Brother will be fine. To hell?

【Zhang Wei】: Don't think about it, fat brother is not as unlucky as you, you will encounter ghosts when you shit.

【Zhang Wei】: I guess I'm busy with something. By the way, how long have you been in touch with Fat Brother?

[Li Junfei]: Four or five days ago, the fat guy said he had something urgent to do, and then he couldn't be found later.

Check the information with Li Junfei.

Then compare the information on the Northeast incident.

The time when Zhang Wei discovered that the fat man disappeared was exactly the time when the behind-the-scenes of the Northeast Incident were exposed.

[Li Junfei]: Brother Wei, are you really sure that Fat Brother will be fine? How about we go to his e-sports hotel? I have the pigman you gave me, Brother Wei, it should be fine, and the fat brother has disappeared for 4-5 days.

Just when Li Junfei was worried again.

Ding dong.

Another WeChat notification sounded.

Zhang Wei subconsciously looked at the WeChat message, and when he saw it, his brows suddenly raised.

【Fat Man】: Zhang Wei, are you there?

It's a message from Fat Brother.

Zhang Wei was surprised, and while sending a message to Fatty, he did not forget to send a message to Li Junfei.

【Zhang Wei】: I, Cao, Junfei, Brother Fat sent me a message just now, he is fine, don't worry.

at the same time.

In Daxia, a hundred miles away from the three northeastern provinces, in a room in an unfinished building.

Even though it is a scorching summer day, the room is covered with frost, a thick layer thicker than a human arm, exuding cold air, and the ice surface is also overflowing with chilly air.

Look carefully.

In that room, the fat man was sitting on the ground, his clothes were thrown on the ground beside him, and the tailor's corpse was lying on it.

That's Fatty's masterpiece.

In order to prevent the tailor's corpse from rotting, he used the spirit-calling flag to cover the place with ice that could freeze even the soul.

not long ago.

After setting up the tailor mother, he took the tailor out of the Northeast and hid here. He wanted to find a way to save the tailor, but although he was powerful, he was not familiar with it, and he didn't play with these weird tricks like the tailor. .

Think before and after.

A figure appeared in his mind - Zhang Wei!

If anyone can help him save the tailor at present, it can only be Zhang Wei. One is that Zhang Wei has also defied God to save people, and the other is that Zhang Wei is one of the few people he can trust.

Following Zhang Wei's message of 'here', the fat man's dark eyes lit up, and he hurriedly typed back the message.

But the word has just been typed.

Jingle Bell.

His phone rang, although it was an unknown number, but the fat man knew that the caller was from Sen Luosi, because only Sen Luosi knew his mobile phone.


The fat man frowned, and instinctively glanced at the Evoking Banner lying beside the tailor.

When the phone was picked up, there was a voice from the glasses in an instant:

"Fatty, where are you? I'm at the pick-up point right now. Why didn't I see you? Did you get blocked? Do you need me to help you? You can't let the Guardian take the soul-calling banner."

The refining of the soul-calling banner is a crucial event for Sen Luosi. It is impossible for Sen Luosi to ignore it. He has discussed it with the tailor and the fat man. Sen Ross.


The glasses in charge arrived, but did not see the fat man.

"I'm not blocked, but I have some things to do, and I can't go to the pick-up location for the time being."

Listening to what the glasses said, the fat man slowly replied.


The glasses froze for a moment, and frowned, the eyes under the pair of round glasses said coldly:

"Is there anything more important than the recovery of the soul-calling banner, fat man, you don't want to swallow the soul-calling banner all by yourself."

When it comes to summoning the soul, the glasses are not polite, showing the most real cold side.

The fat man didn't care, and responded coldly:

"Swallow? Do you think I will do this kind of thing? Don't think of me so lowly. I said, I will take the soul-calling banner back, but I have other important things to do now. Wait for this to be done. I will personally bring back the soul-calling banner."

in words.

His tone was full of anger, he didn't give the glasses face at all, and he was no longer as easy-talking as before. The spirit-calling flag is a town-level ghost, and it is a thing used by the tailor to revive her mother, so maybe it can revive the tailor as well.

to this end.

He can't give the soul-calling flag to Sen Luosi now, even if he is an enemy of Sen Luosi!

at the same time.

After hearing the fat man's words, the glasses couldn't help but move their eyes and said:

"You don't want to avenge the tailor, do you? I'm sorry for the tailor's death, but it's all up to the tailor to decide. Forget it, I have no right to interfere with what you want to do, but remember one thing, Spiritual Banner Get it back as soon as possible, don't force me and Sen Luosi and others to get it by ourselves."

"Understood, don't speak harshly to me, I won't take this."

The fat man didn't care about the glasses' threatening words at all, and after he replied casually, he hung up the phone.

He doesn't intend to tell Glasses about the resurrection of the tailor, there is no other reason, Sen Luosi will not allow him to do this, the resurrection of people is against the sky, the death of the tailor is the best proof, and the tailor has planned for fifty It took many years to kill many lives to do it. Such an action, not to mention that it would delay the use of the Soul Calling Banner, would also be easily discovered by the Department of Health.

after all.

The Department of Health has been very vigilant.

Immediately afterwards.

After being hung up by the fat man, the glasses at the answering location glanced at the phone next to his ear, and the corners of his mouth twitched:

"Now I understand why tailors recruit fat people. They have the same temper."

The voice just fell.

A meow came from behind him.

Seeing Hua Hua licking the chubby kitten's paws, sitting leisurely by the side and saying:

"Meow~ What's the matter? Didn't the fat man come? Where's the summoning banner?"

Just this morning, Huahua was told by the glasses that they were going to meet the fat man to get the soul-calling flag. Huahua was so happy that she thought she could see the soul-calling flag, and then reported the transfer of the soul-calling flag to the master. Who knew that she hadn't seen Fatty now .

Glasses shook his head:

"The fat man temporarily changed his plan. He doesn't know what to do with the Soul Calling Banner, but when it comes to the Soul Calling Banner, he can't tolerate his reckless behavior. Let's go, Huahua."

"Meow~ where are you going?"

"Go back to Sen Luosi and tell others about the fat man."

The words of the glasses came out.


Huahua's cat pupils are dimly lit, and the willows are dark and the flowers are bright again! I didn't get the soul-calling banner, but can I go to Senluosi? Meow~ Saigao~ I can bring good news to the master~


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