Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 351 Fat Brother, That's All I Can Help You

at this time.

With the message sent.

Even though he didn't see the fat man, Zhang Wei knew that the fat man must be jumping and jumping with excitement, for no other reason than the system notification sound.

【Ding! The fat man was so excited, Zhang Wei really has a way to resurrect, haha, great, great, look at the tailor... Wait for me, I'll ask Zhang Wei right away, wait for me, I'll put it back soon you revive]

[Host obtains system points +220]

at the same time.

Daxia, in a frosty room in the unfinished building.

Fatty looked at Zhang Wei's news, he changed from his dull and excited expression, and then he was afraid that Zhang Wei would fall asleep while talking, so he hurriedly sent Zhang Wei a second message:

[Fatty]: Zhang Wei, don't lie to me, do you really know? Some? So you know more than one?

[Zhang Wei]: A little understanding, a universe at your fingertips jpg

Immediately afterwards.

Well aware of Fatty's situation, Zhang Wei secretly sent a message to Fatty:

【Zhang Wei】: There are actually many ways to revive people, all of which are taboos among the people and absolutely against the heavens. They all require a price, and this price cannot be easily borne.

【Zhang Wei】: As for the cost, it also depends on the resurrection method used.

[Zhang Wei]: Another point is that there are many methods of resurrection, which vary from person to person. It depends on the kind of person to be resurrected, and then use different resurrection methods.

[Fatty]: What does resurrection mean? elaborate.

【Zhang Wei】: It refers to the death situation of the person to be resurrected, such as how many dead people are resurrected, whether there is no whole body or a whole body. Of course, there is indeed a universal resurrection method, but this often comes at a cost. Huge, unnecessary, after all, the cost can be reduced as much as possible, why not reduce it.

Maybe it's because I'm afraid that my insinuation is not enough.

In addition, he was afraid that the fat man would mess around, so Zhang Wei immediately sent another message.

[Zhang Wei]: So, there are quite a lot of resurrection methods, and there are many technical terms. I’m afraid you won’t understand, Fat Brother. How about this? Fat Brother, you can give an example of a dead person, and then I will use this dead person’s situation, Tell you a resurrection method, handle jpg

With the message sent.

Zhang Wei, who was far away in Hawaii, looked in the direction of Daxia and murmured:

"Fat brother, that's all I can help you with."

This was Zhang Wei's thought after careful consideration just now. Although he knew that the tailor might be behind the scenes, Zhang Wei chose to tell the fat man the method, because he could see that the fat man pays attention to promises. If he helps him, he owes him I lost my favor.

in addition.

He also really wanted to know, if the tailor was behind the scenes, then if he was resurrected, he might be able to know the reason why the other party resurrected those people, not to mention that Wei Daosi was curious about this, he was also curious.


at the same time.

Big summer, unfinished building.

The fat man learned that the method of resurrection varies from person to person, and he lost his calm because of the death of the tailor. He was anxious for a while, and he didn't know how to let Zhang Wei know about the tailor's situation, so that Zhang Wei could give the method of resurrection.


Just as he was scratching his head anxiously for a second, the message from Zhang Wei came in the next second.

Fatty's eyes lit up.

【Ding! Fatty is excited, Zhang Wei, you are so kind! I was thinking about how to make a cliché, and it's a timely gift! Do not! Reborn parents]

[Host obtains system points +230]

"Ma De, I have decided, if Zhang Wei you can help me revive the tailor, I will not kill you in the future, no! Whoever dares to kill you, I am in a hurry."

The fat man said to himself, and glanced at the tailor lying quietly beside him:

"Tailor, you didn't expect that the person you wanted to kill before is saving you now, so you just say that you did not commit crimes."

Knowing that the tailor had hope of being resurrected, the fat man resumed his previous escape.

But he didn't dare to delay, so he quickly gave Zhang Wei an example.

[Fatty]: Your suggestion is good, let me think of an example, hehe, I have to think of a complicated example, just to test you, wait a few minutes for me to think.

Then the fat man pretended to think, and it took a few minutes before he sent a message to Zhang Wei.

[Fat Man]: For example, I have a friend, a very good friend, female, and then, she made herself into a ghost, and then in order to revive people, she suffered the punishment and died, and her soul was broken, leaving only one Empty corpse, how should this kind of resurrection be revived.

Its message is sent.

Zhang Wei frowned, especially seeing the key information in it, squinting his eyes and nodding slowly, said meaningfully:

"Oh~ gender female~ I see."

Immediately afterwards.

【Zhang Wei】: Fat Brother, you want to talk about how to revive a ghost who has been punished by resurrection, right? That is to say, it depends on what method she used to resurrect people.

[Zhang Wei]: How about this, let me polish your example, Fat Brother, and let me take what I know about the Northeast recently, because something similar to the resurrection happened in the Northeast recently, haha.

[Fatty]: Okay, you polish it, you polish it, I don't understand this, you can add that Northeast incident to talk about it.

The fat man was so happy that he almost split the corners of his mouth to the roots of his ears.

【Ding! Fatty is happy, hi! Zhang Wei, you really dozed off and came to pillow, Saigao! 】

[Host obtains system points +240]

Accompanied by the system prompt sound.


Hawaii, inside the hotel chain.

Zhang Wei rubbed his chin, nodded slowly and said:

"It seems... the tailor that Fat Brother is talking about is most likely the one behind the scenes, and Grandpa Xiaoxue's guess is right. The sudden resurrection of thousands of people in the Northeast has something to do with the one behind the scenes."

Same time.

Zhang Wei sent a message to Fatty.

[Zhang Wei]: Alright, let me take the incident in Northeast China as an example. This time something happened in Northeast China. Thousands of people were resurrected. Then some people suspected that this resurrection might have something to do with Sen Luosi. I talked to you before Let's just say it, Senros, a very bad organization.

[Fatty]: I know, Sen Luosi is old and broken.

[Zhang Wei]: Then this time, Sen Luosi refined a township-level magic weapon in the northeast, the soul-calling flag.

[Fatty]: Ah! Is it so awesome, then this soul-calling banner can absorb souls, so can't it also use the resurrected person?

【Zhang Wei】: Yes, but there will also be a price.

[Fatty]: Well, let’s give an example like this. According to the example I just said, replace my female friend with the behind-the-scenes person. If the behind-the-scenes person revives the thousands of people you mentioned with the spirit-calling banner , As a result, she was punished, her soul was shattered, and even the soul fragments were sucked away by the soul-calling banner, so how should she be resurrected.

[Fatty]: How is it? My example is enough to combine reality, haha.

【Zhang Wei】: It's so real, I almost thought that the person behind the scenes really resurrected the person, and then died of the backlash of the soul-evoking banner and punishment.

[Fatty]: If this is the case, can the behind-the-scenes be resurrected?

Fatty's expression became disturbed when the news was sent out.

It wasn't long before Zhang Wei sent a message that his expression changed.

[Zhang Wei]: Yes, and if it is true according to your example, Fat Brother, then... There are two resurrection methods, one of which is expensive.

[Fatty]: The price is huge? To what extent?

【Zhang Wei】: Die!

【Zhang Wei】: The resurrected person is resurrected, but the resurrected person will also bear the price of death. The so-called one life for another, after all, the behind-the-scenes power is powerful. The so-called everything has a cause and effect, what kind of cause, What kind of result will be obtained, the result will be more terrible if the behind-the-scenes power is strong.

Look at the message from Zhang Wei.

The fat man fell into silence, but within two seconds, after he glanced at the tailor beside him, his eyes were condensed, and he didn't know what he was thinking, obviously he had made a huge decision.


He sent Zhang Wei back a message:

[Fatty]: Then what is this resurrection method, and is there another resurrection method? The price is also very high, it is also death, right?


The corner of Zhang Wei's mouth twitched, and he sent a message leisurely:

[Zhang Wei]: No, there is no price for another method of resurrection, and I will tell you quietly, fat brother, don’t tell others, this other method...Only I know it.

Accompanied by the news of Zhang Wei.

[Fatty]:? ? ? ? ? ? ?

【Ding! Fatty is confused, huh? 】

[Host obtains system points +250]


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