Realized that there might be other teams.

The two sides discussed for a while, and decided to search other directions of the cemetery separately to see if there were any other teams. At the same time, they went to the previous team. The three teams concentrated and exchanged information, maybe they could find something.

"Okay, then let's go in this direction."

The middle-aged Captain Li pointed to the left direction, and then pointed to the rear:

"That's the direction we came from. You don't need to look for it. We didn't meet any other teams along the way."

"Okay, I'll go to the other side."

Zhang Mei planned to look for it on the opposite right side of Captain Li, and said:

"For the sake of safety, we each searched for 10 minutes. After 10 minutes, no matter whether we searched for people or ghosts, we all came here to meet up."

"If it's time to meet up, if either of us fails to meet up, we will rush over to support the other side."

The middle-aged man nodded when he heard the words: "Okay."

Although in the movie, separate actions are very separate, and it is no different from giving away someone's head.

But it's a reality, and it's easier to speed up the search by splitting up.

in addition.

They are not ordinary people either, each of them is a ghost exorcist, they act as a whole team, and they are not afraid of encountering ghosts.

Just after they headed in their respective directions.

Where they met just now, a strange scene appeared on a tomb near the roadside.

The originally raised grave mounds collapsed little by little.

Not long.

The mound turned into a pit, and in the sunken hole, blood was oozing out, and the hole turned into a puddle of blood.

Accompanied by a grunt.

In the puddle of blood, a corpse floated up.

The corpse was bloody and bloody, but it didn't rot, and from the newness of the tattered clothes...

It is clear.

The corpse had just died not long ago, and the blood on the body hadn't coagulated yet, so it definitely didn't take more than half a day to die.

This scene.

They didn't see Zhang Mei.

at this time.

They were walking on the road, observing their surroundings, and it was no different from the environment on the road when they came here, with graves everywhere.

"Hey, is there anyone? If someone says something, I'll be the first to say it, squeak."

Zhang Chao shouted towards the surroundings.


Zhang Mei punched Zhang Chao on the back of the head:

"You son of a bitch, Qing Zha's name is Hammer."

"You know a shovel, am I looking for someone? If you shout, it will be easier for someone to find us if they hear it." Zhang Chao rubbed his head.

Zhang Mei rolled her eyes when she heard this.

"Are you looking for someone? That ghost, the ghost roared and screamed, and the ghost started running because of you."

next second.

Zhang Chaogang opened his mouth to refute.

"Team Zhang, look over there quickly." The companion next to him snarled, interrupting their bickering, and pointed to a lonely grave in the front left.

The tomb stood there alone.

Although it is a lonely grave.

But it's not that there are no graves around, and there are graves around, it's just that the tombstones of all the graves are down.

And they all fell towards that lonely grave strangely.

"That is!"

Zhang Mei suddenly shrank her pupils and exclaimed.

She noticed that the other tombs around the tomb were not scattered around. If you look carefully, you will find that there are nine tombs around, like stars surrounding the moon, forming a circle, enclosing the solitary tomb in the center.

Look at the nine tombstones falling to the lonely tomb.

It looked like nine tombs were bowing their heads to the solitary tomb in the middle.

"Is that Fengshui Cave?"

Zhang Chao and the others also discovered the special placement of the tomb.

From ancient times to the present, there has been a theory of Fengshui in Daxia. The ancients believed that a good tomb, where to bury it, the way of burial, the method of placing the tomb, etc., will have an impact on future generations, commonly known as Fengshui cave.

This is most evident from the cemetery of the ancient emperor.

Many ancient emperors built large tombs in order to continue to enjoy the blessings after death and continue to protect the dynasty. They spent a lot of manpower and material resources to find a good place to build a tomb for burial.

The villain warlord in Lin Zhengying's movie "Mr. New Zombie", his father's hanging coffin does not touch the ground.

as well as.

Master Ren's dragon water finishing point in "Mr. Zombie".

These are the layout of Feng Shui points in Feng Shui.


The Fengshui point in front of him doesn't seem to be a good Fengshui point.

"Old sister...cough, Captain, have you seen what kind of Fengshui point this is?"

Zhang Chao knew that his cousin, Zhang Mei, was very knowledgeable about Fengshui in Maoshan. When she was not exorcising ghosts, she was often invited to see Fengshui.

"I can see it, but I'm not sure. I'll have to look again to find out."

Zhang Mei did not answer.

As she said, she chose to go to the lonely grave, and went up to check to make sure that the grave was what she thought.


Everyone walked towards the solitary grave that was less than seven or eight meters away from them.

In this tomb, the tombstone stands there alone, and nothing unusual can be seen just by looking at the tombstone.

But when looking at the mound behind the tombstone, it is really weird.

The mound of the lonely grave is cracked.

It split in two from the middle, and collapsed on the left and right sides, and the tomb... There was no coffin, no dead person, and it was empty, which seemed a bit strange.

A cracked, empty tomb?

At this moment.

The companion who discovered the lonely grave first opened his mouth, noticed some details, and said bluntly:

"This cracked shape doesn't look like a grave dug outside."

"It's more like there is something in the grave, and the grave was opened from the inside out."

Can be pulled out of the grave.

Would that be human?

The answer is obviously no.

Also at this time.

Zhang Mei seemed to be certain of something, she turned her head solemnly and left:

"Let's go, get out of here immediately, let's meet Li Li and the others."


Zhang Chao didn't quarrel with Zhang Mei. He knew his cousin, and it was definitely not a good thing to let her show that look. He quickly called Wu Nian and others to follow Zhang Mei.

Wait until you catch up with Zhang Mei.

He just asked:

"What's wrong with that grave?"

Zhang Mei walked quickly, and said in a deep voice, "That is the Nine Evil Gathering Yin Point, which is specially used to raise ghosts, or to be used by ghosts."

Even Zhang Chao and the others didn't dabble in Feng Shui much.

But when I heard about ghosts, I also knew that it was not a good Fengshui point.

Wu Nian clasped his hands together and said:

"Amitabha, I once heard from my master that there is a 'Nine Yin Points for Accumulating Wealth' in Feng Shui."

"It's a hole specially built by crooked Feng Shui masters for some rich people. They use specific methods to build the tomb on top of other tombs."

"Then the owner of the tomb can absorb the wealth of all the surrounding tombs, use the wealth of the eight directions for his own use, and strengthen his own wealth, so that his wealth will be prosperous and rich for four generations."

"Captain Zhang, is the 'Nine Evil Gathering Yin Point' you mentioned the 'Nine Yin Gathering Fortune Point'?"

Zhang Mei shook her head:

"I know the Jiuyin Jucai acupoint you mentioned, but it's not the Jiuxie Juyin acupoint, but it has similar functions."

"Nine Yin Accumulation of Wealth Acupoint absorbs wealth from the surrounding graves."

"And the nine evils gather at the yin acupoints, gathering yin qi and sins."

She glanced at everyone, then explained:

"As you know, ghosts are generally formed by resentment and yin. It can be said that ghosts are a collection of negative emotions, so fear and resentment are the most attractive to them."

"The Jiuxie Juyin point is designed to absorb these."

"Bury nine treacherous and evil people, or people with good morals, in nine directions of the tomb, and use special methods to bury and set up the tomb."

"Then the nine people who were buried, their evil, morality, and sins can all be sucked up by the ghosts in the tomb to strengthen themselves."

"This kind of feng shui point is very evil, and generally few people and ghosts will use it."

"Because the Jiuxie Juyin Point will absorb not only Yin Qi, Taoism, etc., but also sin."

"Sin is the most terrible cause and effect. Even if a ghost is a negative aggregate, it cannot easily absorb the sin. Once the sin exceeds its own burden, the ghost will be eaten back by the sin and become an irrational monster, and the ghost will be directly oppressed by the sin. Explosion."

Speaking of which.

Zhang Mei's face was ugly, and her eyes were solemn:

"I looked at it just now, and the nine tombstones have collapsed, and the main tomb in the center is also cracked."

"Obviously, the ghost that lives in the main has sucked up all nine graves."


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