
"This...another summoning portal?!"

The fallen angels were stunned for a moment, and the next second they were overjoyed, their eyes shining brightly.

The fallen angel who raised the wine glass earlier laughed out loud:

"Is this God heard our prayers? Hahahaha, there is another summoning portal. I thought it would take a long time."

As soon as his words came out.

The other fallen angels were equally excited, and they joked gracefully:

"It's been a long wait, several minutes have passed."

"I have been waiting for these few minutes. It feels like years. Today is such a happy day. I can't help but want to repeat the previous sentence. Thank God, the old guy."


Happy to be happy, the fallen angels also noticed the lines of the summoning portal this time.

Look carefully.

The weird pattern on the portal is the same as the previous two portals. This pattern is like a fingerprint, which is different for everyone, and represents the symbol of that person's soul. In other words, the summoned portal is from the same person again. hand.

To this.

The fallen angels were all surprised.

Someone summoned three fallen angels to descend to the world. What a grand gesture.

One thought here.

The fallen angels spoke one after another:

"The person who summoned him is very powerful. He can actually summon three fallen angels. The price of summoning me and other fallen angels is very high."

"It seems that this believer of Satan should be very powerful in the human world, ranking first."

"Isn't that just right? Such a powerful human call can also allow us fallen angels to stay in the world for a few more days."

"Don't be curious, quickly choose who to replace this time. If you can summon three fallen angels to descend at once, you must be in great danger to that Satanist. Maybe neither Milou nor Dejap can handle it, so hurry up Go up and help."

As the last words came out, all the fallen angels nodded.

"Such a powerful Satanist, you can't let him die, let me go."

"Let me go."

You must know that this is a rare opportunity to go to the human world. The other fallen angels don't want to miss it. After all, they have missed it twice. Seeing that the fallen angels are all fighting for it, the fallen angel holding the red wine glass made another sound.

Immediately afterwards.

After his proposal, they once again chose a fallen angel to go by drawing lots.

before entering.

The fallen angel didn't care too much, and ordered someone to bring the angel spear. After all, they were summoned three times. No matter how you think about it, it is more troublesome. Although they are confident, with their strength and strength, no one in the world can kill them, but they will also be summoned Injure, or be killed by, the Satanists who summon them.


In order to protect the safety of Satan believers and fear of being injured, this fallen angel took the weapon angel spear.

"I'm going, wait for my good news, hahahaha."

The fallen angel showed a smile, waved his hand gracefully, and walked into the portal.

Wait for it to enter.

The rest of the fallen angels couldn't help sighing, even if they were maintaining their elegance and nobility, they couldn't hold back:

"Three times, except for De Garp's time. Twice, I didn't draw lots. What luck, God damn it."

"Don't you think so, I want to scold people."

Seeing that everyone was disappointed, the fallen angel comforted with a red wine glass:

"Don't be so depressed, think about the good, this time I went to the three fallen angels, and when De Garp and the others come back, they will definitely bring back a lot of interesting things from the world, isn't it great?"

That's all for the words.

His voice paused, he glanced at the disappearing summoning portal and said with a smile:

"Besides, if you think about it better, what if there is another summoning portal later, after all, this is nothing more than three years."

The fallen angels laughed out loud when they heard the words, but they also shook their heads, not having any illusions about what they said:

"Forget it, if it was the previous two times, I might have been looking forward to the third time, but this has been three times, how could there be a fourth time, summoning four fallen angels in succession, how is this possible."

"Indeed, with such strength, it's enough to directly summon Lord Fallen Archangel."

"I think it's more unrealistic than fantasy, let's drink wine... Fuck! Isn't it, what else?"

The last sentence was not halfway through, the fallen angel subconsciously glanced at the previous location of the portal.

And this glimpse.

The pupils suddenly dilated.

I saw the whispers of demons echoing there again, interweaving another portal.


appeared again.

The summoning portal with the familiar weird lines.


"Gift Crab! Is there any more of this shit?"

"My Satan."

Even the nobles known as hell, the self-respecting and elegant fallen angels, when they saw the summoning portal again, they couldn't hold back, and couldn't help but swear a few times.


Deathly silence.

The fallen angels present looked at you, and I looked at me, and they were all stunned there.

Although the portal appeared again.


This time, none of the fallen angels were happy, it was more shocking and weird.

"Could it be... that Satanist is dealing with angels? Has a believer in God summoned an angel?"

The one who spoke was the fallen angel holding a wine glass.

As soon as his words came out.

The other fallen angels all looked over, and although they didn't speak, their flickering eyes were self-evident, and they all had the same thoughts as him.

Three fallen angels were summoned in a row, one of them was still holding an angel spear, but in a short time, the other party continued to summon the fourth fallen angel. Are you sure you are fighting with a believer in God? Instead of angels playing?

to this end.

Looking at the summoning portal that appeared, the other fallen angels looked embarrassed, not as happy as before, but solemn and angry:

"Those damned guys in heaven, they don't take us seriously, we must show them some color."

"Then who will replace it this time?"

"Let me go, I'm going to take care of this damn guy."

Immediately afterwards.

After a while of deliberation, a fallen angel was selected. This time he was more cautious, not to mention taking the angel spear, even the angel shield, fully armed, and even other fallen angels gave their treasures to him. The other party is bound to make those angels in heaven look good.


That's how aggressive it is.

Time flies.

After the fallen angels waited for a while, the portal appeared again, but it was not the returning portal they thought, or... the summoning portal.

Fallen Angels: "..."

at this moment.

Without exception, they no longer have the elegant faces before, and some of them are extremely weird:

"...Here, what's going on with this shit."

After coming down again and again, four times in a row, they couldn't sit still anymore, and they realized the problem:

"It's not a scam, is it?"

"There is a problem, there is definitely a problem. Neither Degarp nor Milouu came back, but they are still calling, and they are still summoned by the same person. This can't be a trap."

"Now I really doubt that this is not made by the believers of God, or some kind of conspiracy made by the heaven. Damn God, has he started to play tricks?"

"Anyway, who will you go this time?"

With this word spread.

All the fallen angels fell silent, and instead of fighting, they all took a step back.


No matter how you look at it, there is a problem. Dejiapu and the others never return. This is not going to the world to enjoy, it is clearly a flash.


After a heated discussion, they selected a fallen angel to check.

can be seen.

Unlike De Garp and the others, this fallen angel couldn't smile, and walked in with a sad face.


After a long time.

The portal appeared again.

But this time, no fallen angel dared to enter again. The gate of hell that was previously regarded by them as a portal of enjoyment and happiness is now really like a gate of hell. Entering is going to hell and death!

"Can't go, absolutely can't go."

"Hurry up and report this to other fallen angels. I doubt those god believers in the world, and then plan a big conspiracy to help heaven weaken our fallen angels."

next moment.

Inside the black castle, the servants of various fallen angels flew out of the castle to bring news to the fallen angels in other territories.

It is also this moment.

The fallen angels in the castle murmured one by one:

"It's a good thing I wasn't selected to go to the portal."

"Today is indeed my lucky day, it was right not to enter the portal."


at the same time.

Hawaii, inside the church.

Zhang Wei didn't know that his behavior today had caused a strange consequence. In the next few days, Satan's believers would not be able to summon fallen angels. There was no other reason. The fallen angels in hell saw hell Even if the summoning portal appeared in front of him, he chose not to enter it, thinking it was a trap.

at this time.

Zhang Wei was staring at the puddle of blood that summoned four fallen angels, wondering:

"Why didn't the fallen angel come out?"

in words.

He glanced at the corpses of four fallen angels piled up behind him, and looked anxiously at the blasphemer, his eyes expressive.

I said what's the matter with you, old iron blasphemer.

Why didn't the fallen angels come out.

Are you lazy? Believe it or not, I will deduct your 'salary'.


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