Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 390 Zhang Wei, Are You Sure You Are Traveling To Hawaii?


After repeatedly confirming that the blasphemer was dead, Zhang Wei of the Holy Light version didn't stay long, and had a brief conversation with Weisili, and when he got the confirmation that the corpses of the fallen angel and the goat's horned devil would be sent over, Zhang Wei nodded in satisfaction. .

next moment.


The holy light burst out from his body, turned into the light of stars all over the sky, recondensed into the word "Zhang Wei", flew back to the page of the Bible in Matt's hand, looked at the Bible again, and calmed down, if it weren't for the blood bags all over the floor , as if nothing had happened before.

"Congratulations to the Jade Emperor."

Matt spoke excitedly, then carefully put away the Bible, and signaled to Wesley and the others with care and air:

"Hey, it's a good thing I asked the Jade Emperor to sign it, otherwise we would all die today, Frye, you see, I said earlier that I want to sign with me, now I regret it."

Fry and the others didn't speak, but the envious eyes betrayed them.

In fact.

After seeing Zhang Wei appearing and blasting the blasphemer, they regretted it a long time ago. Why didn’t they ask for an autograph with Matt? It's okay, the Jade Emperor will come out.

Also at this time.

On the side, Dalsey learned the meaning of Matt's words from Wesley, and when he learned that he and others were rescued by Zhang Wei's signature, his eyes were burning:

"The signature of the Jade Emperor..."


Although everyone didn't speak, there were turmoil in their hearts. Every time they recalled what happened tonight, especially the scene of Zhang Wei torturing and killing fallen angels, they all subconsciously looked at the Bible in Matt's hand, and suddenly an idea popped up in their hearts ...Maybe it's time to believe in the Jade Emperor.


Darcy murmured:

"After finishing the business in Hawaii, it's better to go to Daxia. It just so happens that my annual leave is not yet used."

Not only Darcy, but others also thought the same way, planning to find time to go to Daxia to get to know the Jade Emperor.

To this.

Matt was most excited when he heard it:

"Then let's go together at that time, I really want to go to Daxia again, tell me when I go, I will cover air tickets, board and lodging, everything is for the Jade Emperor, but before that, I have to complete the task given by the Jade Emperor. "

His words speak out.

Wei Sili and the others couldn't help being startled, and instinctively looked at the corpse of the blasphemer. Before Zhang Wei left, he talked to Matt and the others and asked them to help pay attention to the movements of Satanists. If any Satanists appear and are powerful Yes, at least ghost king level, please be sure to inform him.

Although Zhang Wei didn't say the purpose, but with the example of the blasphemer, they all guessed the purpose.

for a while.

Silently, they crossed those Satanic believers on their chests:

"May you all get rid of evil and return to righteousness as soon as possible, and believe in God or the Jade Emperor, Amen~"


the other side.

Hawaii, a national hotel chain, a massage parlor.

at this time.

Zhang Wei withdrew the system point on the signature, but still left 1 system point. After all, Matt and the others are priests, and it is easy to encounter Satanists or ghosts. This is a mobile 'wool radar'.

"grown ups?"

It was the demon Akro who spoke. He found that Zhang Wei seemed to be talking to them the whole time since he was talking to them, but he looked a little absent-minded.

Zhang Wei saw his concern, waved his hands and said:

"I'm fine, by the way, water ghost, have you contacted the female succubus yet?"

The words fell.

He looked at the Drowned Ghost King with a questioning look.

When helping Matt and the others deal with the blasphemers, Zhang Wei did not forget to talk to the demons. During this period, he talked about contacting the female succubus. The drowning ghost king contacted the female succubus on the spot in order to survive.

"My lord, I have already contacted you, that is, the female succubus is not available recently, and she will not be able to come until two days later."

【Ding! The drowning ghost king is worried, I've tried my best, don't kill me, my lord]

[Host obtains system points +120]

To this.

Zhang Wei, who was in a good mood, waved his hand:

"Is it two days later? It's ok. It just so happens that I can visit Hawaii more in these two days, and I happen to have something I need you to do."

"My lord, just give orders."

When the demons heard the words, they responded in unison as if rehearsing in advance.

But at this time.

Just when Zhang Wei was about to speak.

Jingle Bell.

The phone rang, and when I picked it up, the caller showed that Lin Tong was calling.

"Huh? Captain Lin?"

Zhang Wei was stunned, and answered the phone.

next moment.

Before he could ask, Lin Tong's voice came first from the phone:

"Zhang Wei, are you busy now, I'm sorry to call you at this time."

"Captain Lin, I'm not busy. In fact, I was about to call you. By the way, Captain Lin, what do you want from me?"

"It's like this. I reported your exchange for three town-level magical artifacts, and then I was wrong. Many of the body-protecting town-level magical artifacts have been temporarily applied for, and now they are kept in inventory. Yes, all expensive."

Lin Tong said with an apologetic tone on his face, and apologized:

"If you exchange these now, you will not only need to hand in three corpses of ghost kings, but more, at least eight corpses of ghost kings. I'm really sorry, I was negligent. Why don't you exchange them later for us?"

"Wait until the town-level magical artifacts lent by the ghost exorcists in the department are returned, you are exchanging them, those are cheaper..."

It was Lin Tong who was speaking, but a voice from Zhang Wei interrupted his words.

"Captain Lin, you don't need to apologize to me. It's fine. After all, the price of the town-level magic weapon is expected to be higher. Eight pieces should be eight. I'll exchange them now."


Lin Tong felt auditory hallucinations, and couldn't help saying:

"You want to exchange now? You... don't tell me, you have eight ghost king corpses now???"

in words.

Lin Tong didn't hide his ghostly tone, Zhang Wei told himself not long ago that he had three corpses of the ghost king in his hand, and this damn one didn't arrive in a day, so there were eight of them?

Think here.

No matter how well-educated Lin Tong was, he couldn't hold back and said:

"Did Zhang kill all the ghost kings in Hawaii for your mother-in-law? Are you sure you are traveling? Didn't you go to Hawaii to wipe out the ghost kings? Did you kill all the ghost kings in Hawaii, I am Cao."

Even after asking three times in a row, the shock on Lin Tong's face still persisted, and he felt short of breath.


Lin Tong had only one image in his mind...

It was on the beach in Hawaii, and there was a hill of corpses piled up by ghost king corpses. On the top of the hill, Zhang Wei's whole body and even hair were stained with ghost king's blood. Jack the Ripper villain's laugh:

"Hahahaha, one after another, kill kill kill, kill me, Jie Jie Jie Jie~~~~"

Just as he made up his mind.

Zhang Wei's voice came:

"Captain Lin, you're joking. I'm really here to travel. By the way, I don't have eight corpses of ghost kings in my hand. How can I be so stupid? Only three corpses have changed into eight corpses in one day. What do you think?" Bar."

"That's right, haha, the main thing you said just now is to scare me..."

The words are not finished.

Zhang Wei's voice came again:

"I only have five on hand now."

Lin Tong: "Uh, fuck..."

Lin Tong remained silent, maintaining a phone call posture, with his mouth slightly open, the cigarette in his mouth dangling on his lips, precariously.

But he didn't wait for him to come back to God.

On the phone, Zhang Wei continued:

"However, Captain Lin, let me ask, if I have the corpse of a fallen angel in my hand, would it be more valuable? One is worth two ghost king corpses."

His words were spoken leisurely.

this moment.

Lin Tong, who hadn't regained his composure at all, fell into a longer period of sluggishness...


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