A corner of the cemetery.

After escaping from the hands of the Nine Evil Gathering Yin Ghosts.

Zhang Mei and the others came here.

"Ghostbusters in yellow casual clothes, that's not the team I met."

While doing simple bandage treatment for the bloodied player, Team Li listened to Zhang Mei's story about the corpse in the puddle of blood they encountered.

"So, sure enough, there are other people from the Department of Health and Dao who were introduced into this ghost domain."

It was Zhang Chao who spoke.

At this time, he was assisting Team Li to bandage the wounded.

Also at this time.

Team Li said one thing:

"The corpse you encountered, I'm afraid their entire team should be dead, because I found the team I met before I met the Nine Evil Gathering Ghosts, and they were all dead."

When everyone heard this, their hearts suddenly became heavy, and their hearts were covered with a haze.

Zhang Mei rubbed her temples and let out a mouthful of foul air:

"Get ready to fight to the death."

I thought about it.

Zhang Mei arranged:

"Wait, if the group of fierce ghosts comes, Zhang Chao and you deal with the other ghosts, and Li Dui, Wu Nian, and I will deal with the Nine Evil Gathering Yin Ghost."

She said and looked at Wu Nian:

"Wu Nian, you have the magic weapon given to you by your teacher, and the killing power against ghosts should be higher than that of Team Li and me. Later, you will be the main attack on the Nine Evil Gathering Yin Ghosts, and Team Li and I will assist you."

Wu Nian clasped his hands together and nodded.

Then she looked over to Team Li again: "Captain Li, you have fought that Nine Evil Gathering Yin Ghost before, tell us what tricks it has."

From ancient times to the present, there have been many ghosts and monsters circulated among the people, and each of the circulated ghosts has its own characteristics.

Take zombies for example, their characteristic is that the bitten person will be infected with zombie poison, if the zombie poison is not removed in time, the bitten person will become a zombie.

For example, drowning ghosts, their characteristic is that they are very scary in the water, they can manipulate the water, drag people into the water and drown.

It's like a ghost exorcist.

Different professions of ghost exorcists, such as Taoist priests, Maoshan warlocks, horse immortals, etc., have their own special ghost exorcism techniques.

The same goes for ghosts.

And their characteristics are mostly determined according to the way they died in life. For example, drowning ghosts died by drowning in life.

Zhang Mei and the others don't know what kind of ghost the Nine Evil Gathering Yin Ghost is. They only know that this ghost used the Nine Evil Gathering Yin Acupoint in order to improve its strength, and that's not how it died.

It's about everyone fighting to the death.

Captain Li didn't dare to take it too seriously, and said directly:

"That ghost has a very special method, it..."

not finished yet

Captain Li glanced away, and his eyes stayed on the tombstone closest to everyone.

Not just him.

Zhang Mei and others also noticed.

Because they smelled a rancid smell of blood, following the smell, the smell of blood came from that tombstone.


Zhang Chao raised his brows, and when he took a closer look, he couldn't help but be astonished.

I saw two newly engraved characters on the tombstone at some time, the handwriting was crooked, and there was a foul-smelling blood on each stroke. The blood flowed from the strokes, forming red bloodstains.

watch carefully.

Those three words are really... Wu Nian

Because the font was crooked, scribbled and covered with oozing bloodstains, they didn't recognize it for a while.

The moment of recognition.

Captain Li suddenly changed color, panic appeared on his face, and immediately shouted:

"Destroy those two characters quickly, hurry up!! That's the method of the Nine Evil Gathering Ghost!! As long as the name is engraved, that ghost can lower the head of the person with that name, and that person will die in a short time! !! My teammate died like this before!"

Zhang Chao's face turned green with fright, a chill shot straight from the soles of his feet to the sky, and he quickly grabbed the mahogany sword in his hand and rushed towards the tombstone.

for a while.

Zhang Chao, Zhang Mei and the others rushed forward.

It's just that it's useless to let them use all kinds of ghost exorcism techniques, and they can't destroy the words on the tombstone.

Wu Nian also made a move.

The Buddha string in one hand is spinning, and the other hand is holding a page of Buddhist scriptures.

Following the recitation of scriptures, an amulet around his waist even more bloomed with Buddha light covering Wu Nian's whole body.

But read for a few seconds.


Wu Nian's face turned pale in vain, all the Buddhist strings in his hand were broken, the Buddhist beads were scattered all over the ground, and a mouthful of blood spurted out from his mouth.

"Never mind!!!"

Zhang Chao was the first to react and supported Wu Nian who was about to stumble and fall.

Don't think about it.

Then Captain Li's 'tombstone's lowering of the head' began to work. It was so powerful that Wu Nian couldn't resist even with the magic weapon and the Buddhist golden body.

Wu Nian's pale face and blood on the corners of his mouth made Zhang Mei and the others anxious. Seeing that their exorcism skills were useless, the two male companions grabbed a stone beside the tombstone and smashed it wildly at the tombstone. Destroy the tombstone, thereby destroying the words on the tombstone.

Tombstones are too hard.

With the blessing of the word "No Thought" on the tombstone, even if the tombstone has experienced wind and rain before, there is no sign of weakness at all.

As time goes by second by second.

Wu Nian's complexion is getting worse and worse.

"Wu Nian, hold on."

Seeing this, Zhang Chao was so anxious that he was sweating profusely. He didn't care to support Wu Nian, but put Wu Nian aside, and prepared to continue to join the ranks of destroying tombstones.

Only Wu Nian is the most peaceful in the arena.

He was not afraid because he was in a dangerous situation, his pale face was full of calm, and he sat cross-legged with his hands folded:

"Amitabha, everything is fate."

"Order the size of Nima."

Zhang Chao cursed angrily, he knew what Wu Nian meant, today was the catastrophe of the other party's life and death, but he didn't find his destiny to break the catastrophe, and he was destined to die here:

"You won't die. I'll destroy the tombstone right now, and then we'll find the Nine Evil Gathering Yin Ghost together, and beat it until your mother doesn't recognize it. Your death has been broken."

Zhang Chao and the others were full of resignation.

After being with Wu Nian for three years, they didn't want Wu Nian to die like this.

Facing Zhang Chao's scolding.

Wu Nian was not angry, but smiled knowingly:

"This is the 189th time you have scolded the little monk. Zhang Chao, you don't have to worry about me. Today is the big catastrophe for the little monk. It should be like this. Maybe it's time for me to return to the Buddha's side."

"It's just that I can't let you go, and I haven't helped you deal with the Nine Evil Yin Gathering Ghosts yet..."

He sighed.

at this moment.

His always paralyzed face was no longer calm, and he felt deeply guilty:

"It was the little monk who harmed you, and I was involved in my catastrophe."

From Wu Nian's point of view, the Nine Evil Gathering Yin Ghost was his death calamity, but now that everyone is trapped in the ghost domain, everyone is involved in karma by him, and they endured this death calamity together with him. It's his only regret.

"Shut up, don't get involved, my cousin took over the task, it's none of your business."

Zhang Chao reprimanded, but the destruction of the tombstone in his hands never stopped.

Wu Nian smiled, just about to respond.


Wu Nian was stunned, and suddenly looked forward to the left, together with Zhang Chao and the others, they all sensed that there was a terrifying Yin Qi emerging from that direction.

In the eyes of everyone.

From that direction, came a gloomy figure.

That is the Nine Evil Gathering Yin Ghost!

at the same time.

There were shadows in all directions, they were the group of ferocious ghosts before, and they followed the Nine Evil Gathering Yin Ghosts.

"Amitabha, you came just in time. I am worried that you didn't come." Wu Nian's eyes were like torches, and the Buddha's light burst out. This Buddha's light was no longer as gentle and fierce as usual.

The words fell.

Wu Nian got up, held that page of Buddhist scriptures, and spoke lightly.

"Ji Shou is naturally pure, the endless Buddha storehouse is the Great Merciful Venerable. In the southern world, there are fragrant clouds, fragrant rain, flower clouds and flower rain. There are countless kinds of precious rain and precious clouds. It is auspicious and auspicious and solemn..."

The sound of Buddha's voice is lingering.

this moment.

Countless sutras floated out of the Buddhist scriptures in his hand, and the amulet around his waist burst into immeasurable Buddha light. The radiance was so strong that it illuminated this place like daytime. Buddha light.

The scattered wooden Buddhist beads are as dazzling as stars at this moment.

Wu Nian is like a Buddha, with stars all over his body, a lotus flower in his mouth, and immeasurable Buddha's light on his body, and his treasure is solemn.

In order to deal with the Nine Evil Gathering Yin Ghosts.

He worked hard, exhausted his whole body, and simultaneously stimulated the greatest Buddha power from the three instruments.


Finally, Wu Nian said "Amitabha".

The scriptures floating all over the sky, wrapped in some immeasurable Buddha's light, bombarded and killed the Nine Evil Gathering Yin Ghosts.

The momentum was as great as the sound of a bell, causing all the ghosts in all directions to shriek and shriek. Even if the Buddha's light was not specifically aimed at them, the aftermath alone would make them almost overwhelmed.


The Nine Evil Gathering Yin Ghosts were surprised.

It didn't seem to expect Wu Nian to display such power.

But only surprised.

Facing the scriptures of Buddha's light that greeted us all over the sky, the Nine Evil Gathering Yin Ghost made an unimaginable action for Wu Nian and Zhang Chao.

It didn't even resist.

stand there.

Open your arms, face to meet the Buddhist scriptures to it.

boom! !

The scriptures of Buddha's light fell instantly.

"How could this be?" Zhang Chao and the others were stunned, their eyes full of disbelief.

As if bathing in sunlight, the Nine Evil Gathering Yin Ghost was bathed in the baptism of Buddha's light, without even taking off a layer of skin, causing it no harm at all.

You must know that it is a powerful magic weapon condensed by three ancient Wutai Mountain presiders, all of its Buddha power.

No matter how strong the Nine Evil Gathering Yin Ghost is.

It's impossible not to cause a little bit of damage.


Wu Nian suddenly stared at Nine Evil Gathering Yin Ghosts:

"Your acupoint where the nine evils gather, one of the nine tombs has a Buddhist monk?!"

He is well aware of the power of his three instruments.

That has a strong restraint on all evils.

But the facts have no effect on the Nine-Evil Gathering Yin Ghost, don’t think about it, there is only one possibility, the Nine-Evil Gathering Yin Ghost is not in the category of evils, but it is absolutely impossible for the Nine-Evil Gathering Yin Ghost to use the Nine-Evil Gathering Yin Point It's not evil, obviously it has a part judged not to be evil by the magic weapon.

Thinking about it carefully, Wu Nian quickly understood that it was the Nine Evil Gathering Yin Point, which could absorb everything in the nine graves, and the people buried in the graves made the magic weapon feel that they were not evil.

But to make the magic weapon feel that it is not evil, the easiest thing is to be a Buddhist monk. After all, the magic weapon itself comes from the hands of a Buddhist monk.

The Nine Evil Gathering Yin Ghost grinned grinningly.

In order to give everyone more despair, it directly nodded and admitted:

"Among my nine graves, one was the abbot of Mount Wutai. Although he was later sentenced to be a monk and became a demon monk, it is undeniable that he is an eminent Buddhist monk."

It is just bathed in Buddhist scriptures.

Slowly, ghostly voices came.

"With the Buddha's power of the demon monk, let alone your three instruments, even if you invite a bodhisattva, they can't help me."


The Nine Evil Gathering Yin Ghost stretched out its ghost hand, and the terrifying Yin Qi surged, turning into a huge ghost hand, and grabbed Wu Nian.

"No thoughts!"

Zhang Chao and the others changed color, they didn't care about destroying the tombstone, they wanted to help Wu Nian.

But there is nothing to do.

When they made a move, other ghosts from all directions, seeing the Nine Evils Gathering Yin and Guiwu fearing the Buddha's light, they all burst into fierce light and made scary ghost screams, and they all swept towards them, leaving them without time to spare.

Seeing the ghost's hands spread and reach out to Wu Nian, their eyes were tearing apart.

But at this time.

"Please Bodhisattva...then please take a look..."

Wu Nian murmured, and took out a photo from his pocket.

It is Zhang Wei's photo of "Namo Gatling Bodhisattva".

The words of Nine Evil Gathering Yin Ghosts reminded Wu Nian that Zhang Wei gave him a photo of "Namo Gatling Bodhisattva" not long ago, and asked him to find a chance to use it to drive away ghosts.

Now all the magic tools in his hand are exhausted, and only this 'magic weapon' is left.

A dead horse is a living horse doctor.

Wu Nian threw out the photo of Namo Gatling Bodhisattva.

As he folded his palms together, he recited "Namo Amitabha".

boom! ! ! !

There was a deafening noise.

Like the ringing of the Buddhist bell, the reverberation resounded throughout the place.


The photos burst out with monstrous Buddha light!


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