Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 45 Drink Some Chrysanthemum Tea To Relieve The Internal Heat

The next day, at 7 o'clock in the morning.

Room 2333, Dayang Hotel, Habing City.

Jingle Bell.

The phone rang, and the caller ID - Huang Qingshan.

Zhang Wei answered the phone:

"Captain Huang, what's the matter with calling me so early in the morning?"

"Zhang Wei didn't disturb your sleep, did he..."

"No disturbing, I woke up just now, and now I am going to watch the Department of Health and Dao forum."

Zhang Wei responded.

Yesterday he went with Huang Qingshan and the others to save Wu Nian and the others. After returning, he found Lu Lianxue and asked her to help register an account on the Weidaosi Forum.

Department of Health Forum.

It was the largest forum dedicated to exorcising ghosts in the country. Anyone who exorcised ghosts, even if they were not members of the Ministry of Health, could enter and post there to chat and discuss.

Before Lu Lianxue called Zhang Wei and told him about Wu Nian and Zhang Chao, she learned about it from the forum.

It can be said.

The Weidaosi Forum is the largest exorcism information site in the country, with all kinds of information, which is very helpful for Zhang Wei to deal with ghosts. After all, knowing yourself and the enemy will win every battle.

to this end.

After confirming that Wu Nian and Zhang Chao were rescued safely, Zhang Wei planned to browse the forum early in the morning.

Huang Qingshan heard the words and said: "That's good, it's like this, didn't you let Team Lin and the others perform the task together yesterday, but I just thought about it, and I want to ask you if you want to do it before performing the task The test is the test to save Mr. Huang's family."

The words did not fall.

He added: "The test won't take too long. It's a test of your strength. It's similar to a physical examination. You won't waste time performing tasks."

Zhang Wei thought for a while and agreed.

Anyway, it's just a physical examination to do a test, and it's not to save the Mrs. Huang's family. He can also prostitute 500,000 yuan for free. This is a daily income of 500,000 yuan.

"Okay, I still have something to do here. I'll come to you after lunch."

Huang Qingshan's voice came from the phone.


Zhang Wei stopped moving the mouse:

"Is it the matter of Wu Nian and the others yesterday? Has there been any progress?"

After finding Wu Nian and Zhang Chao yesterday, Huang Qingshan attached great importance to the death of other teams and sent people to conduct a carpet search of the surrounding area. Zhang Wei did not participate in this matter. Need him to worry about.

So he and Wu Nian went back to the hotel early.


He didn't participate, but he got news from Lu Lianxue last night. It is said that after the search, apart from Captain Li's dead teammate, he also found the corpses of 24 exorcists.

This death toll.

Exceeding what Zhang Mei and Captain Li thought, not only two teams of the Department of Health and Justice died, but four teams of the Department of Health and Justice died.


It has been confirmed that the twenty-four exorcists who died were, without exception, all previously lost contacts from various places in the Northeast.

If only these clues.

Zhang Wei may also think that the thing may be that the Jiuxie Juyin ghost drives other ghosts in order to capture the ghost exorcist and get a powerful ghost exorcist from it, so as to carry out the second Jiuxie Juyin acupoint.

It seems that things are not that simple.

Just because Lu Lianxue said the last news at the end, there are more than twenty-four ghost exorcists who lost contact in the Northeast the day before yesterday. The exorcist has not yet been found.

A large number of ghost exorcists have disappeared, and ghosts such as the Nine Evil Gathering Ghosts are still involved. No matter how you think about it, there is a big problem.

"There is some progress."

Huang Qingshan didn't hide anything.

Some of the people who have lost contact are ghost exorcists who support the Northeast, and Zhang Wei is also a ghost exorcist who supports the Northeast, so he has the right to know some information.

The words did not fall.

Huang Qingshan rubbed his temples:

"With the ghosts of the nine evils gathering, our Northeast Guardian Department decided to start with powerful ghosts and search for these ghosts to see if we can find other lost ghost exorcists."

"Because of the experts in the investigation team in the department, they discussed that the Nine Evil Gathering Ghosts may not be the mastermind, and there may be behind the scenes."

Zhang Wei agrees.

A total of hundreds of people lost contact, and they disappeared on the same day, but there were only 24 people from Jiuxie Juyingui, obviously there were other participants, and maybe even the real mastermind. The arrested people are all out of contact, so there is no such a coincidence.

Immediately afterwards.

Huang Qingshan said again:

"In order to find these powerful ghosts, I asked people to use all the magical tools that can be used in the department to search for ghosts. I also borrowed Maoshan Bagua, one of the most treasured treasures of Maoshan Town, from Maoshan."

"Maoshan Bagua has an insight ability, which can penetrate the gossip as the center, ghosts and ghosts with a radius of five miles, even ghost king-level ghosts can be detected."

"After a night of searching."

"We found some powerful ghosts, and found some of the lost ghost exorcists from them."

"A total of 39 exorcists, 27 of them died and 12 were seriously injured, alas."

In the end.

There was anger on Huang Qingshan's tired face, and his eyes were cold. Since the investigation last night, he hadn't closed his eyes yet. Knowing the death toll, he couldn't sleep no matter how tired he was, and vowed to find out the truth about the disappearance.

"Have you found the mastermind?" Zhang Wei couldn't help asking.


Huang Qingshan sighed from the phone:

"I haven't found it. Those ghosts are the same as the Nine Evil Gathering Ghosts. They are all participants, not masterminds."

"in addition."

"But it's okay. We dealt with these ghosts with special care. We captured three red-clothed ghost-level ghosts alive. Their strength is only a little worse than that of the Nine Evil Gathering Ghosts."

"The ghosts have now been questioned and I expect more progress to be made soon."


"I can find out the damned behind-the-scenes."

Zhang Wei heard Huang Qingshan's anger, and teased and comforted him:

"Captain Huang, you are very angry this morning. Drink more chrysanthemum tea and go to the fire, otherwise you will get acne easily. Although we are boys, we must also pay attention to maintenance. We must do a three-sentence sentence to make women care for me. A delicate boy who spent 180,000 yuan."

Huang Qingshan smiled wryly:

"Oh, it's time to buy some chrysanthemum tea to relieve the heat."

"By the way, Zhang Wei, you have been paying attention to your safety recently. The Sili investigation team has made an inference. It is guessed that the exorcist may not have lost contact only once, and there may be another time."

"Because the disappearance of the ghost exorcist is likely to be related to the frequent occurrence of ghosts in the Northeast recently."

"Those ghosts captured alive, many of them are ghosts that frequently appear in the Northeast."

"So Zhang Wei, be careful."

"You are now in the Northeast, you are still a support staff, and you are very likely to be a target."

Zhang Wei frowned: "Oh? Really?"


He added in his heart, that's really great, hurry up and catch me, it's better to come with hundreds of ghosts, let me brush more system points.

Think here.

He couldn't help but glance at the system panel that was summoned in front of him.

【Host】: Zhang Wei

[System Points]: 2328

【Exorcism】: ghost back pattern

[props]: none

Its item falls on the column of system points.

This time, Wu Nian used the photo of the Bodhisattva in Nanwujiate, which gave him a full 1230 system points, which was a lot of money.


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