Sen Luo spoke.

The fat man, the door-closing zombie and others all smiled in their hearts, but on the surface they were all cold. Only the dumb and stammered looked at the fat man and the door-closing zombie, with complex and weird expressions on their faces.

To this.

They don't care whether it's Sen Luo or the glasses, they just think that the dumb and stuttering are in a bad mood. After all, Zhang Wei is the one who broke their arms, but Sen Luosi doesn't pursue it, even if they also propose not to pursue it, but it's a little bit small emotions.

In fact.

The dumb and stuttering were not emotional, they were just looking at the fat man and the door-closing zombie... These two guys are indeed traitors, they can cooperate so invisible even though they don't know each other's identities.

The fat man and the door-closing zombie didn't know that both of them had something to do with Zhang Wei, but the dumb and stuttering knew it. Zhang Wei didn't say it himself, but they patronized the healing arm and only told the tailor and the fat man that they were recruited by Zhang Wei. The Zombie who sealed the door was still in prison at that time, so they didn't mention it.

did not expect……

This "partner" who was "wandering outside" actually came back.

the other side.

The Door Sealing Zombie and the others were also thinking. The Door Sealing Zombie looked at Fatty with satisfaction, and began to think about how to win over Fatty, and the same was true for Fatty.

But at this time.

Sen Luo's voice came, interrupting their thinking.

"Since we have decided to put Zhang Wei aside first, let's talk about the Suo Longjing contact plan."

He looked towards the embroidered shoes:

"Embroidered shoes, Sen Luosi still doesn't have enough manpower, ask for someone from the succubus Joan of Arc as soon as possible, if it doesn't work, go ask for someone from the gardener."

As soon as his words came out.

After nodding, the embroidered shoes frowned and said:

"Ask someone with the gardener? Will that affect the follow-up plan? Didn't you say that the people on the gardener's side are the core of the follow-up, and the people on Joan's side are only temporary, and they are used for mass sacrifice in the early stage plan."

Sen Luo lightly waved his hand:

"It doesn't matter, you know that the members of the gardener are more trustworthy than Joan of Arc, so they can be used in the follow-up core plan, but the contact-level lock Longjing must be implemented, and other follow-ups can be slowed down first, and some gardeners will be recruited first use."

The embroidered shoes nodded and said:

"A few days ago, I contacted Joan of Arc. She hired a lot of people, but to be on the safe side, I'd better ask the gardener for some information. Where is the gardener now? Still stealing the country?"

Mentioning the gardener, Sen Luo was silent for a while, and finally responded with a light nod:

"Well, she is still stealing the country. She is too deep in her pursuit of beauty."

"Okay, then I will go to contact Joan about her situation later, and then get her people over first, and then go to the gardener."

Said the embroidered shoes.

But at this time, Sen Luo seemed to think of something and said bluntly:

"Willow, you follow the embroidered shoes to ensure that the personnel are transported back safely. I have asked Yin Yang to investigate Shengxuan's movements. He went to the port to investigate not long ago. Now that Shengxuan is chasing the soul-calling banner, it is not ruled out that he will go to the port. You go to protect it." Well, if Shengxuan comes, you can use your ostensible identity to deal with Shengxuan to ensure that the movement of personnel will not be discovered."

The embroidered shoes froze for a moment, and instinctively looked at the old man Liu Shu beside him.

at the same time.

The old man Liu Shu was also a little surprised. He didn't expect that he would have another task so soon. He couldn't help but nodded and said:

"Leave it to the old man."

The words did not fall.

He looked at the embroidered shoes with a smile:

"This time, please take care of the embroidered shoe girl."

The embroidered shoes waved her slender hands:

"Willow is being polite. You are taking care of me. With you here, I can rest assured. Otherwise, I am not sure that I will survive Shang Shengxuan."

At this moment, the paper figurine took over the conversation and said:

"When I met Shengxuan, apart from Yinyang, Senluo, and the gardener, I think only Old Liushu and I had a chance to survive. That guy is called the strongest true dragon guard. I'm not kidding. He is better than the real dragons I met before. Wei, it's not the same level, that guy is a monster."

After listening to the old man Liu Shu, he leaned on his crutches and looked at the embroidered shoes beside him:

"Then the time will come when you will be able to use the old-fashioned place, the girl with embroidered shoes just ask."

"Don't call me girl, I'm not that young. In terms of age, I'm the oldest present besides you."

I don't know if the called girl looks young, no girl would dislike being called young, or other reasons, the embroidered shoe covered her mouth and giggled.

Words come out.

The tailor beside him explained to Mr. Willow:

"Sen Luosi, to be promoted to a high-level executive, you must not only have strength, but also have abilities that others cannot match. The ability to embroider shoes is her age. She is not much younger than you, Old Willow. Three hundred for many years."

"So she knows a lot of history and knowledge about the world of exorcising ghosts from ancient to modern times."

The fat man also took the words and added:

"Old man, you can understand that embroidered shoes are Baidu. If you don't understand, you can ask her, oh, no, you are older than her. She is Baidu, and you are Google that has been around for a long time."

Just when the fat man was about to say something.

Sen Luo's voice came:

"I'll chat later, let's get down to business first, embroidered shoes, you and Liu Shu are in charge of the Senluo department, and the others can't be idle. The dumb and stuttering you two are currently exposed in front of Zhang Wei, and the Wei Dao department must also be there. Will pay attention."

"You two don't act for now, use the identities you told Zhang Wei to go outside for a while."

"As for the zombies..."

can be seen.

When Sen Luo mentioned zombies, everyone looked over, a little curious, what orders Sen Luo would give to zombies, you must know that the other party is the core existence of Sen Luosi:

"You and the tailor are currently the best candidates to get in touch with Suolongjing, but both of you have been exposed to the Department of Health, and they are currently the most closely watched targets. It is inconvenient, but you two, one knows about Suolongjing, and the other handles business Efficiency is what I am most assured of.”

"So the matter of contacting Suolongjing is still left to you, but you are behind the scenes, and the matter of contact is left to you, fatty."

"Huh? Me?"

The fat man froze for a moment, then his eyes lit up, and he said with eagerness:

"Is it finally my turn to play the villain? Sure enough, I'm the only one who comes into contact with something like Suo Longjing. Don't worry, Sen Luo, this matter is on me."

His words come out.

The tailor beside her glanced at Sen Luo, and then at Fatty. She knew why Sen Luo had to hand over to Fatty to contact Suo Longjing. At present, in Sen Luo's department, except for herself and the door-closing zombie, only Fatty was an existence that was both good and evil. , there is no need to trigger the lock Longjing mutation, you can have the opportunity to lock the Dragon Well.


Sen Luo gave some more instructions and ended the meeting.

Immediately afterwards.

Watching Sen Luo go, the high-level executives did not stay long, the paper figurine got up coughing, said something to heal and left.

Seeing this, the glasses on the side got up and said:

"Then I'm leaving too. I'm going to cultivate Huahua a lot. The plan is progressing steadily. I have to let Huahua grow up as soon as possible, so that Sen Luosi can give a strong helping hand."

His words speak out.

Fatty and the others all laughed, and Fatty said bluntly:

"Not bad, glasses, you are very motivated, you are very aggressive, I am optimistic about you, please help Huahua improve her strength, Huahua, you also work hard to improve."


Hua Hua smiled and nodded.

The tailor also said:

"Our company is indeed short of manpower. If you want to train Huahua and need help, you can call me."

Hearing the words, the door-closing zombie thought that he needed to win someone over. Huahua is a future rookie and the most suitable one, so he replied casually:

"Cultivating people, I was very good at training when I was alive, and I also trained a strong junior. If you don't understand, you can ask me."

Facing the enthusiasm of the crowd.

The glasses pushed the presbyopic glasses, smiled and refused:

"Thank you for your kindness, but no need, I can raise Huahua by myself."


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