Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 509: The Top Ghost King Fights Heisei's First Kamen Rider

I was stunned for several seconds.

The onmyoji and monsters came back to their senses, and then boiled:

"Hiss, these Kamen Riders are...really?"

"That must be true, Kenji, did you see it? Damn it, I didn't take a picture of Kamen Rider W's flying kick, joker extre, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh."

"Handsome, Kamen Rider."

"I also want to be a Kamen Rider, no, I also want to be kicked by a Kamen Rider."

"Then you will definitely die, just like the monster brother in front."


Don't wait for everyone to talk to monsters.

"What Kamen Riders don't have a mask, kill them for me!"

The top ghost king spoke.

【Ding! The top ghost king was furious, you deserve to die if you dare to destroy my Hundred Ghosts Night Walk. 】

[Host obtains system points +200]

As soon as his words came out.

The monsters who don't know the Kamen Rider all rush to the Kamen Rider, wanting to avenge their companions, but the monsters who know the Kamen Rider hesitate for a while, and finally see that the Kamen Riders are all attacking, so they do it .

【Ding! The monsters are reluctant... Yada! (No) Fight with my beloved Kamen Rider? Damn, I'm calling. 】

[Host obtains system points +1000]

can be seen.

With the order of the top ghost king, all the Kamen Riders took action.


A roar resounded.

I saw the head monster with a huge head and no body. It opened its huge mouth, trying to swallow all the Kamen Riders in one gulp.

But at this time.


The shining light pierced the sky.

A retro-looking Kamen Rider, he jumped up and rushed into the air, turning into a ball of light. At that moment, his body grew when he saw the wind, and he grew to a huge figure of nearly two hundred meters.

With a voice:

[j punch! 】

He punched out and smashed the huge head monster. Under the impact of the huge punch, the huge head screamed and flew hundreds of meters away.


He jumped up again.

[j kick! 】

The flying kick flew towards the monster with a huge head that was flying 100 meters into the air. As if the other party had been hit hard, his mouth was directly distorted by the flying kick, and a few teeth that were as big as the head of a truck in his mouth were kicked away. When it fell to the ground, several deep pits were smashed into the ground.

To this.

Looking at this scene comparable to "Ultraman fighting little monsters".

Many monsters, onmyojis, even those who have seen Kamen Rider are shocked:

"My Cao, how can Kamen Rider grow bigger?"

"Is this Kamen Rider? Are you sure it's not Ultraman?"

"What kind of Kamen Rider is that?"

Also at this time.

An onmyoji in his 30s said excitedly:

"Fuck, don't you guys know that Kamen Rider? That's Kamen Rider J. His move 'jubo rider' is to turn into a titan form. A miraculous form that came down to the earth for the power of the elves."

"Then just like just now, wrapped in this spirit energy, Kamen Rider J will turn into a shining ball of light and rise into the air. The light particles slowly form a giant body of J, which is very powerful!"

"At the same time, he is also the first Kamen Rider who can be gigantic, hahahaha."

in words.

This middle-aged onmyoji couldn't hide his excitement.

Many onmyoji around him were stunned when they heard the words. When they saw the grade of the middle-aged onmyoji, they couldn't help asking:

"Which era is Kamen Rider J from? When was it released?"

To this.

The middle-aged onmyoji said like a few treasures:

"It's from the Showa era, it was released in 1994."

As soon as his words came out.

The corners of the Onmyoji's mouth twitched... No wonder I had to know this Kamen Rider, who was from the Showa era.


I didn't wait for Onmyoji to watch "Kamen Rider Version: Ultraman Fights Little Monsters".

A cold snort sounded.

That was the top ghost king's move.

Seeing the transformation of Kamen Rider J caused the monsters to exclaim, and heard some monsters talking about the awesomeness of Kamen Rider J, and seeing the monster with a huge head being beaten back steadily, the morale was once Affected, the top ghost king couldn't sit still, and raised his hand to Kamen Rider J.

【Ding! The top ghost king... die to me! 】

[Host obtains system points +210]


The ghost aura belonging to the top ghost king is surging, whether it is monsters or Kamen Riders, at this moment, with the top ghost king as the center, a vacuum zone is formed.

It sticks out with one hand.

The ghost gas turned into a huge skeleton, just like the original Susano, roared and grabbed Kamen Rider J, and the surrounding buildings shook.

"Not good! J! Get out of the way!"

The middle-aged Onmyoji changed color.

Although he thinks that Kamen Rider J is powerful and is his childhood hero, but as an onmyoji, he knows how powerful the top ghost king is, and Kamen Rider J is not necessarily an opponent.

Seeing that Kamen Rider J is about to be swallowed by a huge skeleton.

But it was the next second.

call out!

A jet-black figure with hints of gold pierced through the air, like a dark meteor, heading retrograde towards the sky.

It exudes a powerful momentum.

Even the top ghost king looked sideways, feeling the aura of his body, his pupils suddenly contracted.

【Ding! The top ghost king...fuck! Top ghost king level? ! 】

[Host obtains system points +220]

Accompanied by the system prompt, many onmyojis and monsters recognized the figure of the Kamen Rider.

"That is……"

"It's Kuga! It's Kugar! (Kuga)"

"Kamen Rider Kuuga!"

at the same time.

The Kamen Rider Kuraga who rushed into the air roared:


He kicked out with both feet, leaping into the air and kicking towards the huge skeleton. With the moment when both feet kicked, the surge of electric shock and energy burst out, and the night sky lit up with a pillar of fire as intense as daytime.


The huge skeleton was pierced through, ignited raging flames, and turned into a ghostly aura that filled the sky.

Its a blow.

Disintegrated the shot of the top ghost king.

It deeply shocked the monsters, and the onmyoji who were watching the play from a distance.

Same time.

It also excited the onmyoji and monsters who are familiar with Kamen Rider Kuga.

【Ding! Monsters... I am Cao! I Cao! I Cao! ! Kamen Rider Kuuga Ultimate Form! ! It actually disintegrated the king's attack, as expected of Kuuga's ultimate form. 】

[Host obtains system points +1200]

"Hiss! Appeared, a Kamen Rider comparable to the top ghost king."

Onmyoji Abe stared wide-eyed, and there was surprise in his eyes. Sure enough, there was nothing wrong with the plan for creating anime characters. They had already appeared, top ghost king-level characters.

"This is the first Kamen Rider of the Heisei Era, Kura, too strong."

"That's for sure, this is the ultimate form of Kuraga, can it be not strong, it must be a top ghost king."

"It's so handsome, it's much more handsome than those flashy Kamen Riders in the Reiwa era, is there any reason!"

"Have you seen it? That's why I am willing to shoot dramas with Aite. Empty me! Empty me!!"


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