Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 52 Zhang Wei's Test Results, System Upgrade

The physical strength test room is adjacent to the physical fitness test room.

Wait until Huang Qingshan finished introducing the test cabin.

The two arrived at the physical strength test room.

"Zhang, let's change your clothes for you. There is a changing room with all kinds of shorts in it. After you change into them, go into the cabin over there."

Huang Qingshan pointed to a large iron box in the room that only one person could stand inside, like a refrigerator.

for a moment.

Zhang Wei changed his clothes and walked into the cabin.

【Ding! Bless the host with 2328 system points]

The staff member Xiao Zheng also came. When Zhang Wei entered the test cabin door, he put some sensor stickers in the cabin door, which looked like the hospital received the patient's ECG, and pasted them all over Zhang Wei's body. Then he closed the cabin door and started the physical strength test. .

"Drip! The body strength test has begun."

The door notification sounded.


The exorcists who stood at the door and watched forcefully, stared at a green indicator light on the top of the hatch.

"Guess how long it will take for the light to turn yellow."

"Tell me less than 10 minutes, after all, Zhang Wei's physical body can fight against iron coffin zombies."

"To be honest, I just ordered Ruixin coffee, and it is expected to arrive in 20 minutes. I am ready to test for more than 20 minutes."

While they were discussing.

They all stared at the green indicator light intently.

Different from the physical fitness test, the physical strength test was conducted inside the hatch. They couldn't see Zhang Wei's physical strength, but they could intuitively judge Zhang Wei's physical strength through the green indicator light.

Because the test cabin will squeeze the people in the cabin, release toxins, etc., and as time goes by, the effects of squeezing and toxins will increase.

And the human body has a certain tolerance limit.

When the limit is exceeded, it will cause harm to the human body.

The green indicator light is a real-time monitoring of the limit of the physical body, and it has three colors, green, yellow, and red.

Green represents that the physical body is within the tolerance range.

Yellow represents that the physical body has entered into a dangerous range.

Red means that the physical body is about to reach its limit, and the test will end at this time, and the test results will start to be calculated.


Everyone began to wait for the indicator light to change.

When 10 minutes, the light is still green.

Sure enough, with Zhang Wei's physical strength, it reached an average of 10 minutes.


11 minutes, 12 minutes... 15 minutes, 16 minutes...

Over time.

When 20 minutes, the light is still green.

"I guessed right, Zhang Wei can last at least 20 minutes."

Many people present predicted that Zhang Wei could last for 20 minutes without the indicator light not changing yellow.

"It should be a yellow light soon."

The ghost exorcist who covered his chest before made a sound, and he was also one of the people who guessed that Zhang Wei could last for about 20 minutes.

Can't help it.

Everyone kept their eyes on the indicator light, for fear of missing the next color change of the indicator light.


21 minutes, 22 minutes... 25 minutes...

Everyone's face gradually changed.

"My coffee has been delivered and I've finished drinking it. Why hasn't Zhang Wei turned yellow yet? I'm sorry. Zhang Wei is too green."

"28 minutes!!! My God, it's not yellow yet. I remember little master Wu Nian, it's yellow now. This... Zhang Wei's physical strength is weaker than Wu Nian who has cultivated a Buddhist golden body Master is still strong?!"


time comes to 30 minutes

Everyone is gradually going crazy...the light is still green!

When the time comes to 40 minutes.

Everyone went crazy, but the indicator light still didn't change, it was still green! !

When the time comes to 50 minutes.

this moment.

Everyone looked crazy.

"Hit me and see if I'm dreaming, it's been 51 minutes."

"Captain Huang, is the test chamber running? Could it be that the switch is not turned on?"

"Gulu... It's been 53 minutes, the indicator light must be broken, Xiao Zheng, go and check it... What? It's not broken? Fuck!"

"Brothers, it's been 54 minutes. Damn, Zhang Wei won't die inside, so the test chamber can't detect the limit. Captain Huang, hurry up and see if the test chamber is broken."

"What a day, the yellow light hasn't turned on after 55 minutes?! Is Zhang Wei planning to settle in the test cabin?!"

Everyone looked as if they had seen a ghost.

When the time comes to 60 minutes.

That is, a full hour passed.


Everyone's faces are no longer crazy, they are already numb.

"Brothers, it's been an hour, are we in a fantasy world?"

"You guessed it right, we are in a fantasy world, and now Zhang Wei is going to be sanctified in the flesh." The one who spoke was the exorcist who was holding his chest before, and he was carrying a plastic bag containing Laotan sauerkraut and beef instant noodles Come in.

The people now no longer stare at the indicator lights all the time. They are numb to the point where they are playing the king. They have already played the first round and are starting the second round. Some of them just go out to buy food and come back anyway They feel that it's okay to go out for a trip, and the indicator light will probably still be green.

Until the 61st minute.


Under everyone's numb eyes, the indicator light turned yellow!

"Oh, it's yellow, okay, let's start the next round of kings."

"Originally, I was a little bit competitive with Zhang Wei, but now... well, forget it, I now understand what my master said before, when there is a gap between people, there will be a comparison, but when When the gap is too large, there will be no comparison, and some will just worship."

Finally the words were spoken.

All the people present expressed their agreement. Originally, they came to watch Zhang Wei and compared him to some extent, wanting to know his perception of himself and the list of potential rising stars, but now they don't want to compare anymore, they can't compare.


Although the comparison is gone.

But that anticipation is burning more and more, looking forward to the test results, to see what the classification of Zhang Wei's "monster" is.

After a long time.

When the light turns from yellow to red.

"Drip" sounded.

The test cabin opened, and Zhang Wei walked out of it.

"Zhang Wei, you've figured it out." Huang Qingshan took a sip while holding a cup of pearl milk tea.

Zhang Wei smiled: "I'm sorry, I kept Team Huang waiting for a long time. Is it time to test my potential?"

Huang Qingshan shook his head when he heard the words:

"There is no need to conduct a potential test, because the potential test has already been completed. The test cabin is integrated. While testing the physical strength, it will also test and calculate the potential test."

The words fell.

Huang Qingshan added another sentence:

"Zhang Wei, you can go change your clothes. By the way, call Lin Tong to pick you up. I have already paid you 500,000 as a reward. The test results will take some time to calculate. You can leave first, and the results will come out later. I'll let you know via WeChat."


'You are so brave' at the entrance of the gym.

Huang Qingshan watched a car go away, it was driven by Lin Tong who came to pick up Zhang Wei.


Just as he turned around, he walked into the gym.

With a report in his hand, Xiao Zheng ran towards Huang Qingshan. Behind him, all the ghost exorcists followed.

The test report is out!

"Captain Huang, take a quick look at what grade Zhang Wei's test result is."

"Captain Huang, tell us quickly, what is the result of Zhang Wei's test?"

Everyone rushed to ask questions.

Sensing everyone's expectant eyes, Huang Qingshan didn't have any ink marks, and was also very concerned about Zhang Wei's test results, so he couldn't wait to open the report.


They rushed forward one after another and looked at the test report.

【Name】: Zhang Wei

[Physical fitness test]: First grade

[Physical Test]: Second Classification

[Potential Test]: The second level


at the same time.

Inside the car driven by Lin Tong.

Zhang Wei, who was sitting in the back seat, was talking to Lianxue beside him about what he had just passed the test.


The cold system prompt sounded in my mind.

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for accumulatively obtaining more than 1000 system points, and in the past 24 hours, the system automatically loaded the upgrade package and completed. 】

[The system starts to upgrade, the estimated time required for the upgrade, 1 minute]


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