Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 60 May The Buddha Forgive What The Little Monk Heard Today

The female ghost's cry came from Zhou Ying's house.

Everyone stopped in their tracks for a moment, each one dumbfounded.


The ghost still appeared.

Zhou Ying and the others recruited a ghost, and as Zhang predicted for them, the ghost went to Zhou Ying's house.

It's just what's going on, why is the female ghost screaming like this... What did Zhang Wei do to the female ghost?

Before they could think about it, another sound came from Zhou Ying's house. Besides the female ghost's cry, they also heard Zhang Wei's voice.

"Ah!! No, take that thing away!"

"Please let me go!"

"Ah!! Don't come here!! Stop it, ah!!"

Everyone looked embarrassed.

Zhang Chao and Lin Tong swallowed even more.

What is the situation.

Why would the female ghost yell these words.

Is Zhang Wei really exorcising ghosts? Why doesn't it sound like exorcising ghosts, but rather riding ghosts.

Suddenly Zhang Wei's voice came.

"Stop screaming, and no one will come if you break your throat."

"My dear sister, you are already an adult, don't be afraid, let us be drunk and dream about death."

The words fell.

The whining sound of the female ghost came from Zhou Ying's house.

The sound sounded like something had been poured into the female ghost's mouth, making her only whine and unable to speak.

Everyone was completely stunned.

They didn't know the situation in the room. At this moment, they couldn't help but have a picture in their minds... that can only be seen on the computer's "study materials" file.

"Didn't Zhang Wei expect to be good at this?"

Hearing the whining of the female ghost, Zhang Chao swallowed.

Let alone Zhang Chao and Lin Tong.

Even the innocent Lu Lianxue blushed. It was different from discussing educational films with Zhang Wei before. She heard the teaching live.

Rao is not calm even if he has no thoughts.

A strange expression appeared on his paralyzed face, he clasped his hands together and shook his head, saying:

"Amitabha, for sins and sins, do not see what is wrong with propriety, do not listen to what is wrong with propriety, may the Buddha forgive what I heard today."

for a while.

They were all stuck in place, obviously they were anxious to go to Zhou Ying's house before, but now they hesitated.

Just when he was hesitating whether it would be bad to go in now.

"don't want!!!"

There was an earth-shattering cry.

next second.

Everyone's eyes widened, and they saw a female ghost rushing out of Zhou Ying's house.

The female ghost seemed to have been frightened by something, and there were all kinds of emotions on her face, shock, anger, sadness, and anger.


What made them dumbfounded was that the female ghost's whole body was not intact, as if she had suffered some terrible abuse, and there was still foamy liquid hanging from the corner of her mouth.

The female ghost also discovered Wu Nian and others immediately.

Immediately afterwards.

Under their stunned expressions.

The female ghost rushed towards them and hugged Lu Lianxue's thigh:

"Take me away, please take me away."

While crying and begging.

The female ghost even snatched a willow stick from Lu Lianxue's hand. It was a special wicker stick specially used to catch ghosts. Not only did the female ghost not resist, she even tied her own hands.

its move.

Zhang Chao and the others were dumbfounded.

The female ghost obviously knew from the aura emanating from them that they were ghost exorcists, but instead of running away, she threw herself into a trap.

But after seeing the miserable appearance of the female ghost, I recalled the previous cry and conversation.

Everyone was relieved.

I also feel a little sympathetic to the female ghost.

Especially Lu Lianxue, who is also a woman, if it wasn't for this ghost, she would almost drag this ghost to the Women's Federation and sue Zhang Wei with all her strength.

no way.

The female ghost is really miserable. If they didn't know Zhang Wei, they would definitely think it was a scene of "violence" and "domestic violence". .

"Hey, you guys are here."

Zhang Wei led Zhou Ying out of the house.

Zhang Chao's eyes widened immediately, and his eyes fell on Zhou Ying:

"I'm Cao, Zhang Wei, you bastard, don't tell me you're facing this female ghost in front of Zhou Ying..."

"Yeah, I taught this female ghost a little lesson." Zhang Wei would misunderstand and said bluntly.

? ? ?

Are you sure this is a little lesson? !

Everyone subconsciously glanced at the trembling female ghost hiding behind Lu Lianxue.

Zhang Chao looked sad and angry: "Zhou Ying is still a child, Zhang Wei, I misread you."

Words come out.

Zhang Wei: "????"

Soon, Zhang Wei came to his senses, and found that everyone had the same expression as Zhang Chao. They obviously had the same idea as Zhang Chao, and couldn't help but laugh:

"I said Zhang Chao, what are you thinking about? Do you think I can perform Jingwei's reclamation in front of Zhou Ying?"


That night.

9 pm.

The entrance on the first floor of the apartment where Zhou Ying's family lives.

"Thank you, Zhang Wei big brother." Zhou Ying hugged Zhang Wei gratefully.

"you are welcome."

Zhang Wei pinched Zhou Ying's face, and whispered:

"If your father dares to domestically abuse your mother and beat you again, you can call me and tell me."

The words fell.

He walked up to Zhou Dacheng:

"That female ghost, I will not kill her. I will let my friend keep her and let her follow Zhou Ying far away. As long as you dare to touch their mother and daughter, you know the consequences."

in words.

Zhang Wei smiled and said:

"Actually, I was already at the door when the ghost struck you today, but I was just thinking, the law is used to restrain people, but there is no law to restrain ghosts, ghosts kill people, it is not against the law, especially killing sluts. "

"It's a pity that I am more of a saint, so I came in to save the bitch. After all, bitches are human too. You say so, uncle."

Zhou Dacheng trembled when he heard it.

He had seen the horror of Zhang Wei with his own eyes.

Not to mention anything else, just kicking the ghost almost sent him away.

After receiving Zhou Dacheng's repeated assurances that he would not dare, Zhang Wei nodded in satisfaction.

He waved goodbye to Zhou Ying and the others,

He walked towards Wu Nian, Zhang Chao, and Lu Lianxue who were waiting for him not far away.

"Zhang Chao, don't you want to eat barbecue?"

"Of course I eat, I only ate half of today's meal, and now the renewal fee is up, I treat you, let's go!"

Zhang Chao said this:

"But let's say it first. Except for Miss Lu, don't drag your family with you this time. My wallet can't hold it. Of course, if you bring single beauties, then I don't mind. The more the better."

"Okay." Zhang Wei laughed.


(ps: Dear readers, please comment a lot. After reading the book, if you have time, use your holy and flawless little hands to remind me to update it. And if you can, readers, please help me a lot in Shuhuang Square and publicize it. My book ha~thank you so much! Because it is so important to this book!!!!)

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