"Why are there so many ghost exorcists here, huh?"

Abraham was stunned, and looked around subconsciously. His eyes finally fell on a place, which was a wall behind, on which was hung a huge logo badge.

He recognized the badge, the logo of the Defamation Law Society.


Abraham was stunned, and already realized where he was blown away:

"This is the resident of the Defamation Association? Huh? I am a sheep among wolves?!"

He was startled.

But as I feel that in the whole building, there are four top-level ghost kings, and there are more than ten ghost kings. Obviously, this is not an ordinary resident. This number should be the headquarters. Although I realize that this is the headquarters, I can But he no longer had the previous fear:

"I don't have the aura of a half-step town, good guy, it seems... I'm not a sheep joining a pack of wolves, but a wolf joining a pack of sheep."

Abraham swept away the haze before, revealing his iconic grin.

【Ding! Abraham's ecstasy...the willows are dark and the flowers are bright, another village]

[Host obtains system points +620]

"Kill all these slander mages, and I should be able to improve a lot of strength."

Abraham murmured excitedly, exhaling the spirit of death.


He was not idle, got up and walked towards the door of the room he was in.

Also at this time.

When he opened the door with a wave of his hand and stepped out for a moment, Abraham stopped in his tracks and looked in the direction of the corridor where he was.

That's the direction of the staircase exit.

Accompanied by his gaze, more than a dozen figures walked in from the escape door, and it was the senior officials of the Defamation Law Association leading other slandering masters.

Same time.

Abraham noticed them, and they saw each other.


"It's really Abraham! He really broke the seal."

"That's Abraham?"

Looking at Abraham's undisguised undead aura and the unique undead skin color of the undead, the mages were sure that it was the undead Abraham of the Kunchiyan Mental Hospital.

Also at this time.

They saw the blood on Abraham's face and his sunken chest.

"Look, he seems to be injured."

"This should be the injury caused by the president to Abraham."

"If you have a chance, everyone, don't panic. Although he is at the national level of Banbu Town, the president has done his best to hurt him. We can suppress him."

"Yes, I can't let down the president's desperate efforts! Suppress him!"

They spoke one after another.

From their point of view, if Abraham can appear here, the president is either seriously injured in the Kunchiyan Mental Hospital, or may have even died. Otherwise, how could Abraham come to the headquarters of the Law Defamation Association so easily, and still come down from the sky so arrogantly? Also injured!

the other side.

When slandering the mages, Abraham didn't understand Korean and couldn't understand what they said, but it didn't prevent him from being happy. He grinned and said:

"It's just right, I was looking for you."

The words fell.


"Not good, hurry up and set up! Jump God!"

The pupils of the high-ranking mage slander suddenly shrank and shouted, but it was too late.

I saw...

With a bang, Abraham's whole body exploded, turning into a mass of scattered necromantic aura, like a teleportation. When he reappeared, there was already a bang, and the necromantic aura condensed and formed in front of a high-ranking mage.

He stretched out his hand to grab the top level of the slander mage, even if the opponent was the top ghost king, even if he reacted and resisted, he couldn't resist Abraham, who was half a step away from the country.

Immediately afterwards.

Abraham lifted it up, opened his mouth and spit out a lot of ghostly spirits, and rushed to the other slanderers present and said:

"I'll take you as an appetizer first. It's been a long time since I ate Mage Slander. I feel that Mage Slander is delicious. It may be that you eat kimchi all the year round, and your body is marinated. It tastes like kimchi when you eat it."

"I'm fighting with you."

The high-ranking mage slander gnashed his teeth and roared, only to see that his arm shrank rapidly. He cast the curse of mage slander at his own expense.

next moment.


Abraham sensed a mysterious force hitting his chest. He, who was already injured, was hit by such a huge impact, let go of the slanderer in his hand, and took two steps back, but that was all.

can be seen.

A golden radiance lit up on his body, blocking the power of the curse.

"The curse of a mere top ghost king also wants to hurt me. If you were at the same level, I would be afraid of you, but you are not. I have God's name and protection, so I am not afraid of curses."

Abraham grinned grimly:

"Back then, your old president also wanted to curse me, because I was hurt like this, thank God."

It's not loud.

But the slander mages who could understand Italian were all discolored. Even those who couldn't understand understood the situation under the quick explanation of the old senior. It may not be able to hurt Abraham, but the slanderous mage can't. He has the name and protection of God, so it can be said that the slanderous mage is the nemesis.

"Don't use curses, use traditional exorcism to deal with him."

shouted the old senior.

The words did not fall.

Perhaps it was the fear of Abraham back then, or thinking of the previous discussion, the senior executive hurriedly said in Italian:

"Stop, Abraham! You don't have to take revenge on us. Although our president hurt you, all of this was caused by that Daxia man Zhang Wei. If you want revenge, you should go to Daxia!" Xia is right."

As soon as his words came out.

Abraham, who was about to continue, stopped his hands and looked at the senior executives.


The senior executive was pleasantly surprised, thinking that his rhetoric worked, and hurriedly continued:

"You may not know that the reason why our president bothered you was because of Zhang Wei. He refined a town-level magic weapon, and then wanted to find a ghost to test it. After looking for you, our president didn't want him to go. I even persuaded him, but he insisted on going.”

Just as he was about to continue.

But Abraham made a movement, stretched out his hand and said:

"Wait, what did you say? Say it again? That magic weapon was made by that Daxia person???"

"Yes, yes, he refined, to be precise, a half-step township-level magic weapon he repaired, which coincidentally promoted him to the township level, and then he wanted to test its power. Our president reminded me earnestly Well, his magic weapon belongs to Daxia, and it has no effect on you who have God-given protection, so he just won’t listen.”

"Is that Daxia's magic weapon?"

Abraham interrupted again.

The old executive was stunned for a moment. Although he didn't know what Abraham meant, he answered honestly:

"Huh? Yes, the Great Xia Magical Artifact, it was actually taken by Zhang Wei from our Dharma Defamation Association. The magic weapon was given to me by the ancient dynasty of the ancient Daxia Dynasty as a gift."

Abraham: "..."

Abraham was silent, looking at the serious eyes of the senior executives, subconsciously looked at his sunken chest:

【Ding! Abraham was confused, so I was really hurt by Daxia's magic weapon? Or a freshly refined one? And I'm a test subject? How could this happen, it shouldn’t be, did I become trash...]

[Host obtains system points +630]

Also at this time.

Other slander methods also opened their mouths one after another, telling Zhang Wei that he was not, and even directly swearing that Zhang Wei is a rubbish:

"A young man, but he has a bit of talent and is arrogant at the half-step town level. He is the most damned."

"That's right, Abraham, if you want revenge, you should go to Zhang Wei. It's because of his trash that the president disturbed you."

"Yes, it's Zhang Wei who thinks he's a little bit smart, so... ah!!!"

The words are not finished yet.

The terrifying undead breath surged.

boom! !

Abraham slapped a slanderer who was about to say something away with his palm, turned his head 360 degrees on the spot, and slammed his body against the wall to die.

Senior executive: "????"

Other slanderers: "????"

【Ding! Abraham... Damn, have you scolded enough, Zhang Wei is rubbish? Doesn't that mean that I was injured by him, isn't it more rubbish, drafted, shut up if you can't speak, sure enough, stealing Chinese people is the most speechless person in the world]


Abraham said grimly:

"Shut up, Ma De, Zhang Wei is not trash!!"

【Ding! Abraham... I was actually injured by a big Xia magic weapon. This is impossible, absolutely impossible! You absolutely lied to me]

[Host obtains system points +640]

Senior executive: "????"

Other slanderers: "????"


The slanderers were stunned...what's the situation, how could Abraham still defend Zhang Wei.


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