Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 66 I Heard That Wiping A Cow's Tears Can Go To Hell

In Habing City, a store that sells roasted cold noodles on the surface is actually a storefront of the Habing City Health Department.

at this time.

Lin Tong and several members of the Health Department were making tea on the first floor.

In order to protect Zhang Wei and others, Huang Qingshan transferred several tiger guards overnight to protect Zhang Wei and others for one night.

"Young people nowadays are really big-hearted, they are surrounded by ghosts, and they still have the mood to play games..."

The one who spoke was an expert in the Department of Health and Dao. He heard the shouts of Zhang Wei and the others upstairs, and the corner of his mouth couldn't help twitching:

"It's quite noisy."

Lin Tong couldn't laugh or cry: "Young people are somewhat lively."

That's too lively, they are so lively that they are scolding the street, what kind of game are they playing to be able to do this.

An elderly member of the Health and Dao Department looked up with curiosity on his face.

While the other party is speaking.

can be heard.

Zhang Wei and Lu Lianxue were heard from upstairs, and what you said to me was mixed with Zhang Chao's words from time to time.

Zhang Wei: "What kind of equipment did you use as a jungler to produce a shroud?"

Lu Lianxue: "Brother jungler, I play support to support you, not to go into the jungle to show you Fengshui on your grave."

Zhang Chao: "Jungle, you have skills, don't you want to die in love with me?"

Zhang Wei: "I beg you, jungler, why don't you finish changing Guan Yu? Experience the feeling of Arima."

Wu Nian watched the three of Zhang Wei fight against the 0-20-2 passers-by. After a pause, he couldn't help clasping his hands together and chanting "Amitabha".

Not long.

Finish this set.

Zhang Wei put down his phone: "It's a win."

Lu Lianxue nodded angrily: "It's too difficult, this jungler is so good, I can't play the game in the middle of the night, what the hell are you encountering?"

Zhang Chao echoed: "There are three cheating junglers in a row, sending them off wherever they go, and their reborn parents are all on the opposite side. I really doubt whether we are the ghosts who want to kill us. In reality, if they want to kill us, they will kill us in the game. to kill us."

"Take a break." Zhang Wei's proposal was unanimously agreed by everyone.

put down the phone.

Zhang Wei looked at Lu Lianxue:

"Squad leader, I can't tell. Are you so cute when you play games? You're strong enough."

Zhang Chaolian nodded: "Really, I thought Ms. Lu would be a lady when she played games, but I didn't expect...cough."

Wu Nian clasped his hands together, although he recited a sentence of Amitabha, but judging from his expression, it seemed that he was speaking without words, and the little monk thought so too.

Lu Lianxue blushed:

"No, I didn't say a single swear word during the whole process, so don't talk nonsense."

"Squad leader, you really didn't say a single swear word, but you..."

Zhang Wei was talking.

Jingle Bell.

The phone rings.

He picked it up and saw the caller ID - Qiu Xiaolin.


Zhang Wei was a little astonished, and subconsciously looked at the time, it was 11 o'clock in the evening, how could this girl Qiu Xiaolin call him at night.

"Zhang Wei, are you asleep?"

As soon as he picked up the phone, Qiu Xiaolin's voice came from inside.

"I haven't slept yet, little Mantou, why are you calling me now? Did Uncle Aunt quarrel again, or something happened?"

Zhang Wei picked up a bag of potato chips and said while eating.

Xiao Mantou is what Zhang Wei calls Qiu Xiaolin.

When he was in high school, he met Qiu Xiaolin, and he thought her face was round and soft when pinched, so he called her Xiao Mantou.

A few days ago, when I met Qiu Xiaolin again after a few years, Zhang Wei almost called her by this title, but fortunately he changed his words in time, but now that the two of them are calling, Zhang Wei doesn't care, and just calls her by her title.

in addition.

In Zhang Wei's view.

Qiu Xiaolin called him in the middle of the night, obviously something happened.

Because Qiu Xiaolin would call him at this time before, either Uncle Aunt had a fight, or something happened.

as predicted.

Qiu Xiaolin said:

"It's something... that is, Xiao Weizi, can you ask me a question?"

"Loved." Zhang Wei joked.

Qiu Xiaolin laughed out loud: "Who told you this, stop making trouble, I'm talking about business."

She knew that Zhang Wei was trying to calm her emotions.

And it is.

Zhang Wei heard that Qiu Xiaolin was in the wrong mood, and seemed a little uneasy, so he jokingly eased her mood.

he continued;

"Okay, I'm not joking anymore, you can ask, little mantou, what do you want me to do in the middle of the night."

Qiu Xiaolin also calmed down:

"Xiao Weizi, I want to ask, how can I see dirty things. I read online that if you lower your head and look out from the crotch, you can see dirty things. Is it true?"

Zhang Wei couldn't laugh or cry.

It seems that this girl was persecuted by the nonsense comments on the Internet:

"It's not that simple. Do you think that there are organs in the crotch that people use to excrete dirty things, so you can see dirty things? If you think too much, why don't you hold a trash can? The trash can is dirtier and easier to see. to the dirty stuff."

Qiu Xiaolin nodded her round face:

"Oh, that makes sense. How about wiping the cow's eyes with tears? Can you see dirty things?"


Zhang Wei is outspoken.

Then before Qiu Xiaolin was happy, Zhang Wei's words continued:

"Because cow tears are tears from cows, which belong to the category of excrement. Animal excrement contains bacteria to some extent. If it is rubbed on people's eyes, it will directly cause bacterial cross-infection and death. People will die if they die."

Qiu Xiaolin was taken aback when she heard this: "Ah, this... I'm actually speechless, it makes sense."

The words did not fall.

She added:

"It turns out that there are so many fake comments on the Internet. It's so annoying. I thought that bull's tears were true."

"Xiao Weizi, how can I see dirty things?"

Zhang Wei didn't answer, but asked instead:

"There are so many ways to hell, but why are you asking this, little mantou, tell me honestly, did something happen to you?"

Qiu Xiaolin has always been afraid of ghosts.

You have to curl up in your arms when you watch a horror movie.

Zhang Wei didn't believe that Qiu Xiaolin would ask the ghost method for no reason.


Under Zhang Wei's questioning, Qiu Xiaolin faltered and said:

"Actually, I don't know if I came across that thing, but after we met in Luxia City, Yaya and I went to play a horror house the next day."

"I didn't want to go, but Yaya likes to play."

"Then later, I received a notice from the student union saying that the student union was going to hold an event and asked me to go back, because I am the vice president of the student union and Yaya is the president of the student union."

"Then there is no other way, we can only go back to school first, and come back when the comic exhibition is about to open."

"In the end, when I went back to school, something strange happened in the dormitory when I was sleeping at night. Yaya and I heard a knock on the door in the middle of the night."

"But the other two roommates said they didn't hear it."

"Really, the knock on the door was real. Yaya and I were sure we heard it right, after all, we both heard it."

"But my roommate said no."

"Fortunately, there was only a knock on the door, and nothing else happened. In the morning, Yaya guessed, maybe we went to the horror house and accidentally messed with unclean things."

"Because Yaya said that the reason why she wanted to play in the horror house was because she heard that the place where the horror house was built had died before, so it was very famous and she wanted to play."


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