Think here.

Sen Luo made a decision to wait until the investigation of Zhang Wei and the fallen angels, and if the information confirms, he does not intend to let the gardener carry out the assassination:

"Let the gardener be promoted to the township level first, I remember that the dead house is almost reaching the half-step township level."


Sen Luo thought:

"Let's deal with Zhang Wei after the Suolongjing plan has progressed a bit. If the dead house is promoted to the half-step town state level, there will be a follow-up plan for him to go."

Just as Sen Luo made his decision.

A voice sounded behind it:

"Sen Luo, what are you talking to yourself there?"

Words come out.

Sen Luo looked back obediently, and Yin Yang was walking towards him carrying the corpse of a powerful western ghost.

Sen Luo didn't hide anything, and told the whole thing.


Yin Yang looked over:

"Oh? Mixed with the fallen angels? 2 fallen angels of the township level, and some half-step township level, plus a Longhushan veteran, it is really difficult to deal with, do we need to go there, we are now Europe is not too far from the Vatican, so it should be very fast by plane."

The Lock Dragon Well project needs to use a lot of corpses, and now the Department of Defense seems to have discovered Sen Luosi's actions. To be on the safe side, Sen Luo and Yin Yang stopped killing ghosts in Daxia and lost Suo Longjing, and chose to go abroad to kill foreign ghosts , Come and throw it into Suo Longjing.

Also for this.

Knowing that the attack on Zhang Wei failed, Yin Yang volunteered.

"Huh? Didn't you ask me to kill Zhang Wei before? Are you sure you went to meet Zhang Wei, not for other purposes?"

Sen Luo looked at Yin Yang, and guessed that Yin Yang hadn't let go of his curiosity about Zhang Wei's refining magic weapon.

the other side.

Yin Yang doesn't care about being seen thinking:

"Although you persuaded me to let Zhang Wei die, since Zhang Wei was not killed, I still want to see it."

Sen Luo shook his head:

"No need to go, I'm going to put Zhang Wei's matter aside for now. If the fallen angels are mixed with Zhang Wei, and the dark church is also with Zhang Wei, even if you can kill Zhang Wei in their hands, it's not good." Get out of the way."

"It's not worth the effort to kill Zhang Wei. Let's wait for the follow-up. Besides, if I don't kill Zhang Wei, it's also in your mind. In the future, you will have the opportunity to approach Zhang Wei and ask about the secret of the forging."

His words speak out.

Yin Yang was silent, pondered for a moment and nodded:

"That's fine."

Immediately afterwards.

Sen Luo didn't continue the topic, fearing that Yin Yang would change his mind again. Whether it's a gardener or Yin Yang, both of them have a stubborn temper. It took him a while to persuade Yin Yang last time, so he immediately changed the subject:

"Is the werewolf corpse in your hand the one we're tracking?"

"No, I found a top ghost king-level werewolf along the way, so I killed it. You said that the national-level wolf king of Banbu Town should still be in this area."

That's all for words.

Yin Yang casually took out a Yin Yang instrument:

"Using the blood on this werewolf's corpse just now, I can already track down the werewolf, let's go."


Sen Luo put away the phone.


the other side.

Holy See Headquarters Square.

"Mr. Zhang Wei."

Little Priest Dannock was practicing exorcism with other partners. Out of the corner of his eye, he found Zhang Wei sitting in a wheelchair and being pushed by Lu Lianxue.

at the same time.

Zhang Wei also spotted Danok and waved with a smile.

"Mr. Zhang Wei, why are you here? Why don't you rest more? How is your recovery?"

"Dannok, you have so many questions, which one should I answer?"

Zhang Wei smiled and continued:

"I've been lying in bed for a day and a night, and I don't come out to bask in the sun. I feel like I'm going to be moldy. It just so happens that the weather is fine today, so let Xiaoxue push me out. I'm recovering well. Don't worry about me. By the way, Dan Nuo What are you guys doing? Isn't it prayer time now?"

"That's right, Mr. Zhang Wei, we happened to practice exorcism against each other, because today we will officially exorcise demons alone, hehe."

Dannok was very happy to share with Zhang Wei.


Under Dannock's explanation, Zhang Wei understood that Dannock and the others are gifted children that the Holy See focuses on training. They have good exorcism talents, so they have been cultivated since childhood. Although they are not very old now, they have been trained for many years. Exorcism guidance, even if they are still children, the Holy See decided to let them practice.

This is not child abuse.

In fact.

Not only the Holy See, but also ghost exorcist organizations in other countries have this training method. Similar to foreign football players, they are selected from an early age, and children with football talents are trained to play football from an early age.

"So we practiced exorcism today, familiarized ourselves with it, and prevented the exorcism from overturning when the time came, because Matt told us that it was our first exorcism alone, and they would not do it unless our lives were in danger."

"But once we make a move, it also means that we didn't exorcise the demon alone, and serious credits will be deducted."

Danok explained, waving his little fists wildly, eager to try with other little priests.


Zhang Wei smiled:

"Then you guys have to work hard and perform well. I didn't know how to exorcise ghosts when you were so young. If you can exorcise ghosts by yourself at this age, you must be better than me."

"Hey, then we must perform well."

Dannock and other young priests all had bright eyes. Now Zhang Wei has a pivotal position in the Holy See and is worshiped by many priests. Many young priests are even bewitched by Zhang Wei's strength and Matt's presence. ', and began to understand the Great Xia Jade Emperor.

And now they have the opportunity to surpass Zhang Wei, they are all excited.

Can't help it.

A little priest couldn't help but said:

"Mr. Zhang Wei, do you want to come and see us exorcising demons..."

Before he finished speaking, Danok interrupted:

"What are you talking about, Mr. Zhang Wei is still recuperating now."


The little priest scratched his head in embarrassment.

To this.

Zhang Wei said with a smile:

"Dannok, I'm weak, not paralyzed. It's okay to go and see your exorcism. By the way, where are you going to complete this exorcism alone?"

"We are planning to go to the Aegean Sea. The Holy See received a message saying that there are ghosts over there."

"Aegean Sea? That's a good place, a tourist attraction, Xiaoxue, do you want to go there?"

Zhang Wei said, turning his head to Lu Lianxue behind him.

Lu Lianxue responded:

"I want to go, isn't the Aegean Sea a famous resort for lovers, but wait until you are in good health before going."

"It's okay. Since you want to go, then go. After all, we will go back to Seoul University in two days. We want to go to the Aegean Sea again. God knows when."

Zhang Wei thought that when he returned to Daxia after being an exchange student, he would go to rescue the old man of the Huang family. Not to mention the danger, he might not have time to accompany Lu Lianxue and Qiu Xiaolin, so he wanted to spend more time with Lu Lianxue and Qiu Xiaolin while he had time.


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