Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 68 Knocking On The Door At Midnight Again, Screaming In The Girls' Dormitory

You know it's 11 o'clock in the evening.

There is a woman beside Zhang Wei, it is hard not to doubt the relationship between Lu Lianxue and Zhang Wei.

Zhang Wei was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said:

"Are you jealous?"

Then Zhang Wei briefly explained that Lu Lianxue was his classmate and fellow-mistress.

When Qiu Xiaolin heard this, she was inexplicably relieved, but soon she looked at her cheeks again.

"Who is jealous, I just ask casually."

"Just be tough." Zhang Wei grinned.

"Whoever is stubborn is a dog. I won't talk to you anymore. I'm going to bed. You should go to bed early too."

Qiu Xiaolin hung up the phone, not wanting Zhang Wei to stay up late.

"This girl." Zhang Wei shook his head with a smile.

at this time.

Zhang Chao came over with a wretched face, rubbed his hands and said:

"Zhang Wei, didn't you say that you are single? Why is there still a woman looking for you in the middle of the night? It's tricky. Tell me who it is, and you are so affectionate."

"I'm really single."

Zhang Wei pushed away Zhang Chao's approaching face:

"Xiao Mantou is just a title."

"I don't believe it. Based on my many years of experience in picking up girls, you must be tricky. Otherwise, that girl must be interested in it. Otherwise, why would she call you in the middle of the night? Tell me, what's the relationship between you, be lenient when you confess, and be strict when you resist."

Zhang Chao didn't realize that when he said this.

Lu Lianxue blushed.

She inexplicably thought that she had called Zhang Wei in the middle of the night about the iron coffin zombie.

Unable to resist Zhang Chao's questioning, Zhang Wei replied, "It's nothing, it's my ex-girlfriend."

"Hiss! Ex-girlfriend? Guys, you guys are still in the rhythm of rekindling your old relationship. Let me guess, the next thing is to have a fire, and then see each other with lust, and finally the two of you enter the room and start lighting 'lol Talents' Overgrowth, Grasp of the Undying, Deadly Rhythm, Phase Rush..."


Zhang Wei knocked Zhang Chao on the head directly:

"All right, all right, don't make up your mind, let's see what makes you climax."


the other side.

The city next door to Luxia City is Wenling City University.

at this time.

11:59 p.m.

Qiu Xiaolin's dormitory.

Like Zhang Chao, Qiu Xiaolin was on the phone with Zhang Wei, which attracted ridicule and gossip from Zhang Ya and other roommates.

"What are you talking about, Zhang Wei and I are innocent, he is just my ex-boyfriend."

Qiu Xiaolin retorted.

But there was an involuntary smile on her face, which she didn't even notice.

"I think Xiaolin, you are duplicity. You can see that your mouth is almost up to the ear."

"That's right, I think Xiaolin deliberately called her ex-boyfriend by hearing some knock on the door. In fact, she just wanted to call her ex-boyfriend."

The two roommates said with a smile.

But before Qiu Xiaolin could say anything, Zhang Ya spoke first:

"No, Xiaolin and I really heard a knock on the door. Really, Xiaolin and I made sure yesterday that there was indeed a knock on the door. I swear to God."

Seeing Zhang Ya swearing, she raised her hand and raised three fingers to swear.

The two roommates giggled.

Apparently they didn't believe it.

One of them even smiled and said: "Yaya, why have you become superstitious? I think you and Xiaolin are hallucinating. Besides, you said that the knock on the door was very weird. How weird is it? Isn't it like this one?" There's a knock on the door."

"Yes, yes, that's the knock on the door."

Zhang Ya nodded her head.

However, as soon as the words were finished, everyone in the dormitory, together with the previous roommates, were stunned for a moment, and subconsciously looked towards the dormitory door.


I don't know when.

There was a knock at the door.

Such as fingers knocking heavily on the door panel, the sound is dull and powerful.

The sudden knock on the door made the two roommates confused, and the roommate who was joking earlier got up from the bed immediately, and was about to get out of bed and put on his shoes to open the door.

When she got up, she muttered doubtfully:

"It's the middle of the night, who knocks on the door, come on, don't knock."

Roommates didn't notice.

Zhang Ya and Qiu Xiaolin's expressions changed, there was no smile on their faces before, and there was nothing wrong with looking at each other in horror! It was the knock on the door. It was the knock on the door that they heard last night. It was exactly the same, and the rhythm was exactly the same.


Zhang Ya didn't have time to put on her shoes, so she rushed out of bed and grabbed her roommate's arm, preventing him from opening the door.

Before the roommate asked why, she hurriedly said:

"Xiaoqing, wait."

Then she called to the door:

"Who is knocking on the door outside?"

Zhang Ya shouted, but there was no response at the door.

Still knocking on the door.


There was the same knock on the door again, and Zhang Ya shouted, but there was no answer, even if the two roommates were in their hearts, they felt that something was wrong.

"Hey, stop knocking, who is outside, hurry up and tell me, I won't open the door if you don't tell me."

The stopped roommate shouted towards the door.



There was still a knock on the door, but there was no answer.

this moment.

The roommates were a little flustered. You must know that they are girls, and most of them are not as bold as boys. In addition, it is late at night or midnight, so they can't let them not think about it.

As the knock on the door kept ringing, it just knocked over and over again.


It's still the same rhythm of knocking on the door.

The roommate panicked and shouted at the door:

"Who are you outside the door, can you stop pretending to be a ghost? Tell me quickly, otherwise I won't open the door. It's useless if you stop knocking!"

It's a pity that the result is still the same, the knock on the door is ringing, but there is no answer.

I don't know if it's because of fear.

In vain, they felt that the surroundings were eerily quiet, except for the sound of knocking on the door.

"Why don't you go up and have a look?"

The roommate pointed to the window next to the door.

The dormitory design of their school, the dormitory not only has doors, but also windows, right next to the door, just nodding from the side of the window, you can see the scene outside the door, but because of the privacy of the girls’ dormitory, the dormitory windows have curtains Pull it to prevent privacy from being seen by people outside the door.

But now it is precisely because of this.

It made it impossible for them to know what was going on outside the door, unless they walked to the window and opened the curtains to look at it.


After a while of discussion.

With apprehension and fear in their hearts, they stepped forward together and slowly approached the window.

Then Zhang Ya swallowed her saliva, opened a corner of the curtain, and looked out of the window.


The four girls screamed in horror at this moment.

Negative emotions such as fear, trembling, and panic swept over their bodies and minds, and the four of them fell to the ground in fright, screaming and backing away.

Along with the retreat, a corner of the curtain lost Zhang Ya's hand support and fell.

The moment it fell.

The four of them were still horrified to see...

In front of the window they were looking at, a bloody face and a pair of bloody eyes were looking at them through the drawn curtains.


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