Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 686 Summon The Fallen Angels To Kill Zhang Wei?

Hill was shocked.

He thought about how Zhang Wei dealt with the man with hat and glasses when his body was weak. The dagger was broken.


Hill looked at the half-broken dagger blade on the ground. It shone with black light under the crystal chandelier on the ceiling. It was obviously not an ordinary dagger:

"A dagger made with the wolf king's bones, can it be broken? It's harder than diamonds."

With his strong strength, Hill sniffed out the material of the dagger. This is a dagger made of ghost king-level werewolf bone powder and metal materials. It was severed by Zhang Wei's forehead.

One thought here.

Hill couldn't help but look straight at Zhang Wei...

【Ding! Hill... Zhang Wei didn't do anything when he dealt with the attacker back then, so he just waited for the attacker to kill him]

[Host obtains system points +1300]

I thought about it.

Hill couldn't help looking at Zhang Wei again... I now understand why Zhang Wei performed the taboo exorcism method and forcibly improved his strength so many times, but there were no after-effects. His physical fitness is too hard.

at the same time.

Not only was Hill shocked, but the man in black and the hat and the ghosts were even more horrified, with disbelief on their faces.

They know daggers better than Hill, but they took a lot of effort to get them from a werewolf ghost king. Back then, the werewolf ghost king almost killed them all by relying on this dagger. Fortunately, they had a large number of people, otherwise they would have died. .

But now...

That can easily break through the body of a werewolf known for its defensive power, and even the dagger that can cut through a werewolf's bones that are harder than diamonds can't penetrate Zhang Wei's temple?

When they are confused.

Zhang Wei's voice came over:

"Fortunately, my head is a little harder than ordinary people, otherwise I would have been stabbed to death by you."

As soon as his words came out.

The man in black and hooded: "????"

Ghost: "????"

Hill: "????"

【Ding! The man in the black hood... Are you sure it's just a little tougher? 100 million points? 】

[Host obtains system points +300]


Before the man in black could complain, Zhang Wei reached out and grabbed the dagger in the hand of the man in black at some point.


The man in the black hat was startled, thinking that Zhang Wei was attacking him, so he let go of his hand quickly, gave up the dagger in his hand, and distanced himself from Zhang Wei. Anyway, the dagger was broken, so Zhang Wei forced a dagger and was caught by Zhang Wei. worth.

Zhang Wei didn't care, he shook the dagger and said:

"I just said why your dagger can't kill me. It turned out to be made of chocolate."

in words.

Zhang Wei picked up the broken dagger, opened his mouth and bit it down, with a bang, under the teeth supported by the system point, the dagger shattered like chocolate, and was chewed by Zhang Wei.

【Ding! The man in black and hat...Cao? ! 】

[Host obtains system points +310]

【Ding! Ghosts... Damn it, am I dazzled, bitten, crushed. 】

[Host obtains system points +330]

Their eyes widened.

Can't help it.

The ghosts turned to the man in black and hat who joined them:

"Did you take the wrong dagger? Take a knife made of chocolate to kill Zhang Wei?"

The corner of the mouth of the man in the black hood twitched:

"I took the wrong fart. That dagger has such a special shape. Do you think I'll be idle and make a chocolate dagger of the same style, Mad. He just ate the dagger? Is he really human?"

Seeing Zhang Wei chewing the dagger abruptly, the man in black was stunned and couldn't believe his eyes for a moment. You must know that it is a magic weapon, not some superficial magic prop.


It was too late to think about why Zhang Wei was able to eat the magic weapon raw. At this time, Zhang Wei's voice came:

"If you only have this ability, then you can't kill me if you want to kill me. Even if I am weak and can only move one finger now, it is still very easy to pinch you to death with one finger."

His words speak out.

The face of the man in black and hood sank:

"Don't get carried away, don't think I can't do anything about you because of your physical strength."

The words did not fall.

The black-clothed and hooded man seemed to have made a decision, and took out a small half of his withered finger in pain.

"That is……"

Seeing the finger, Hill frowned slightly, as if he recognized the origin of the finger.

at the same time.

The black-clothed and hooded man didn't know Hill, and was holding his finger, chanting some obscure and strange spells, a magic formation appeared under his feet, and as the formation appeared, he threw his finger into the formation Inside.

next moment.

A strange scene appeared, the formation was like a pool of water, and the fingers sank straight into it.


The formation burst out a dark and corrupt atmosphere, erupting like a spring.

Seeing this, the man in black and hat said with a smile:

"I can't kill you, I can summon powerful beings to kill you, Zhang Wei, you said you ruined the fallen angel's plan to deal with the Holy See, now I recruit a fallen angel, how will they tear you apart, haha. "

The voice fell.

The man in the black hood chanted the spell to summon the fallen angels.

at this time.

He was so happy that he didn't notice the weird faces of Hill, Matt and others beside Zhang Wei when he said this.


The man in black hooded sang one last time, and a terrifying figure with two pairs of black wings emerged from the pattern, from bottom to top, like the surface of water.

【Ding! The ghosts are excited... Haha, it’s really you who summoned the fallen angels to deal with Zhang Wei, now it’s a good show, summoning the enemy to deal with the enemy]

[Host obtains system points +380]

Also at this time.

The fallen angel appeared, followed the summoning induction, and looked at the man in black and hat:

"Huh? Not from the Dark Vatican? Why do you have half of my summoning finger? Forget it. Since you summoned me, tell me, why did you summon me?"

The man in the black hood didn't hesitate, pointed at Zhang Wei and said:

"Lord Ajiao, I want you to help me kill a person, that is him, Lord Ajiao, you don't know, his name is Zhang Wei, not long ago you fallen angels were summoned by the Dark Church to deal with the Holy See, the result is this Zhang Wei You messed up the affairs of the Dark Vatican and killed many fallen angels. If you kill him now, other fallen angels will be happy... Well, what's wrong with you, Mr. Ajiao?"

The words are not finished yet.

The man in black and the hat and the ghosts all noticed that the fallen angel known as Ajiao had a strange expression on his face, as if after hearing the word Zhang Wei.

Just when they were wondering.

Ajiao said:

"You said his name is Zhang Wei? Is he from Daxia?"

"Yes, that's him, huh? Master Ajiao, how do you know that he is from Daxia? As expected of Lord Fallen Angel, you can recognize him at a glance."

The man in black and hat responded, not forgetting to point in the direction of Zhang Wei, indicating who Zhang Wei was.


As Ajiao confirmed that Zhang Wei was from Daxia.

The corner of Ajiao's mouth twitched, he shook his head and said:

"...If the Zhang Wei you are talking about is the one you want me to kill, I can't kill him."

The man in black and the hat and the ghosts were stunned when they heard this.

【Ding! Ajiao... Killing Nima, although I don't know what you said about the Dark Vatican and the Vatican, but Zhang Wei is a man hand-picked by Lord Satan. I killed him, not looking for death? 】

[Host obtains system points +500]

At this moment.

"Ah? Why?"

The man in black and the hat and the ghosts couldn't help questioning... Are you kidding me, you can't kill Zhang Wei, I told you to come out to kill Zhang Wei, you said you can't kill him?

However, the next second.

Just when Ajiao was about to find a reason to respond casually.


A leisurely voice came.

Ajiao, who was about to speak immediately, was stunned, as if he heard some incredible voice, and looked at Hill who said the words, then Ajiao glared and blurted out:

"Huh? Father?!"


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