Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 688 Meet Chou Xiaolin At The Airport

As the man in the black hood was killed.

the other side.

Lu Lianxue's side is also nearing the end, with three half-step ghost kings as partners, and Zhang Wei may be watching from the side, she finally broke through the bottleneck and stepped into the ghost king level in one fell swoop, as if she had been injected with chicken blood.

"Congratulations to Miss Lu for improving her strength. You can go to the side and rest for a while. Let me kill these ghosts for you."

Hill smiled.

Lu Lianxue nodded, now that she has been promoted to the level of ghost king, rather than continuing to exorcise ghosts, she would rather come to Zhang Wei's side as soon as possible to share the joy of her improved strength.


As Lu Lianxue returned to her side, Zhang Wei reached out and squeezed the back of Lu Lianxue's hand:

"Congratulations, Xiaoxue, you have been promoted to the ghost king level. Now you can improve your level in Qilinwei."

Lu Lianxue nodded, with a smile on her beautiful face:

"Now, if I meet ghost kings in the future, I don't have to be a burden. I can drive you away, and I can also take Xiao Lin to deal with some ghost kings and help her improve her strength."

Speaking of Qiu Xiaolin, Zhang Wei laughed and said:

"I just went to pick up Xiao Mantou tomorrow. If she sees Xiaoxue, you have been promoted to the ghost king level, she will be happy too."

Immediately afterwards.

We talked again.

Zhang Wei and the others didn't stay long, leaving the follow-up matters to the exorcist priest who came from the Holy See and then left.


at this time.

outside the hotel.

"Mr. Zhang Wei, thank you for your help this time. Fortunately, you are here. Otherwise, let alone Dannock and the others, Matt and I will die, and the Pope will probably be furious by then."

Frye thanked.

He knew very well that if Zhang Wei wasn't there, with their strength, they wouldn't even be able to support them, and they would be easily and instantly killed by the men in black and hats. At that time, the Holy See would suffer serious losses. Future talents are all cultivated by the next generation of red-clothed archbishop-level priests.

"Don't be so polite, I didn't even make a move, I just took a dagger."

Zhang Wei replied casually.

can be seen.

Along with Hill, the corners of Matt and the others twitched. At this time, Hill asked curiously:

"Mr. Zhang Wei, how did you manage to eat the dagger? That dagger, if I'm not mistaken, is mixed with the bones of a wolf king. It's so hard that I don't think you can break it with a pistol invented by modern humans."

"Maybe it's because I'm from Daxia. We Daxia people can eat everything, and everything can be cooked. After all, we have good teeth."

【Ding! Hill... are you a liar?]

[Host obtains system points +1200]

Hill didn't ask too much. He knew that Zhang Wei didn't want to say more, but because of this, he labeled Zhang Wei as physically strong and unhuman.

Immediately afterwards.

Hill looked at Ajiao who came with him:

"Ajiao, since you have been summoned to the human world, then you can follow me from now on, just to protect Mr. Zhang Wei with me, multiple fallen angels protect multiple protections, I just called your mother Amy, She will come to pick you up now, and when the time comes, you can protect secretly together."

"Uh, yes, father."

Ajiao was stunned for a moment, and finally nodded. Before leaving, he took a special look at Zhang Wei. Not long ago, he had learned about what happened to the Holy See from Hill, and he was shocked for a moment.

【Ding!'s unbelievable that this human being in a wheelchair is actually Zhang Wei, he can beat his father, that's his father]

[Host obtains system points +500]

With doubts.

Ajiao found his mother Amy, but before he could ask, he was shocked by the mother who had been purified into an angel:

"My Satan! Mother, have you become an angel?!"

"Yeah, isn't mother looking pretty like this?"

Amy did not hide anything, she told Zhang Wei that she had purified herself into an angel, and told Ajiao:

"Zhang Wei can not only purify the original fallen angels, but also the fallen angels of our descendants, so Ajiao, don't show any disrespect to Zhang Wei. Whether you can purify into an angel in the future depends on Zhang Wei, and... ..."

in words.

Amy whispered:

"Ajiao, I remember that you found a fallen angel girlfriend, who came, looking for an opportunity, and summoned her, and our whole family became an angel together. By the way, Ajiao, how did you suddenly come to the world? Who summoned her?" about you?"

Wilbur and the others also looked over.

To this.

Ajiao coughed, and said in embarrassment:

"That... Mother, Lord Wilbur, I was summoned by a ghost exorcist who wanted to kill Zhang Wei."

Wilbur: "????"

Amy: "????"


the next day.

Steal country, international airport.

at this time.

Zhang Wei has already returned to Seoul from the Aegean Sea. Instead of going back to Seoul University, he waited at the airport to pick up Qiu Xiaolin.

Not long after.

Zhang Wei swept across the exit gate of the airport, and his eyes fell on a cute figure in an instant.

It was a girl with a cute little round face, but her figure was very bursting, with a bulging front and back, which perfectly interpreted what a girl with a childlike face was. When Zhang Wei looked at the other person, the cute figure also spotted Zhang Wei. Immediately , she happily waved to Zhang Wei:

"Little fear!"

Qiu Xiaolin shouted happily, and then, regardless of the eyes of other passers-by, she held her hand and saluted, and ran towards Zhang Wei quickly, and flew into his arms.


Zhang Wei also opened his arms to embrace Qiu Xiaolin who was rushing, and joked:

"Little Mantou, I haven't seen you for so many days, have you gained weight?"

"No way, you must be weak. I weighed myself before I set off. I lost weight. The only fat place is..."

As Qiu Xiaolin said, she pointed at the two lumps in front of her playfully, with a smirk on her cute face:

"I found that I can still develop. It may be that you gave me too much papaya and milk. After I finished eating, I felt fatter here."

"Oh? Really? If you say that, I want to inspect the goods. Let me weigh you with both hands to see if you have gained weight here."

Just when Zhang Wei was about to reach out.

Qiu Xiaolin got up and hid with a smile, and said with a playful smile:

"I won't give you a scale, I'm so hungry."

in words.

Qiu Xiaolin stuck out her little tongue.

Hearing this, Zhang Wei stretched out his hands to pinch Qiu Xiaolin's round and cute face:

"Hey, it's really a tiger falling into Pingyang and being bullied by dogs. I am a dignified half-step township, and I am actually looked down upon by you, a little red-clothed ghost-level ghost exorcist."

"Oh! Xiaoweizi, you call me a dog and bite you."

Qiu Xiaolin turned against Zhang Wei and said with a smile:

"Little Weizi, you can't scold me, because if I'm a puppy, what is Xiaoweizi? A little male dog, after all, you're greedy for my little dog's body."

As soon as his words came out.

Zhang Wei and Qiu Xiaolin looked at each other and laughed.


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