Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 70 Don't Blow It Up, I'm Going To Be Blown To Death

【Ding! The female ghost who knocked on the door vomited blood and panicked. 】

[Host obtains system points +18]

"what did you do to me?"

The female ghost who knocked on the door covered her ears in pain, and looked at Qiu Xiaolin in horror.

she found out.

That little round-faced female college student burst the bubbles of chewing gum and made a popping sound, like a person standing in the sky in a thunderstorm. soul.

It's a pity that Qiu Xiaolin didn't respond at all, and blew a chewing gum bubble again.

Also at this moment.

Zhang Ya and the others also came back to their senses, watching Qiu Xiaolin blowing gum bubbles again, and the female ghost knocking on the door showing panic, they were extremely sure that chewing gum could deal with ghosts.


They looked at each other, surprised and excited, quickly picked up the chewing gum in their hands, quickly opened the package, put the chewing gum in their mouths and chewed quickly.

"Female ghost, you are finished! Sisters, rush to the duck! Blow it up!"

Zhang Ya shouted excitedly.

Blowing gum bubbles.


Accompanied by four popping gum bubbles, the four of them blew the gum bubbles.


The female ghost who knocked on the door felt like being struck by lightning, she knelt down and screamed in pain, covering her ears.

It wanted to cover its ears so that it wouldn't hear the sound of the chewing gum.

However, the sound of chewing gum bubbles is like hitting its soul directly, and it can't be solved by covering it at all.

for a while.

A strange scene appeared.


In a college female dormitory, four female college students stood around a bloody female ghost, chewing gum at the female ghost, and laughed excitedly.

The key point is that the female ghost watched them eat chewing gum, as if she had seen a horror movie, she was terrified, and yelled "Don't, don't!".


As they excitedly blew gum bubbles at the female ghost, they popped open.


The female ghost yelled in pain, and at the same time she kept vomiting blood from her mouth, her seven orifices were also crazily bleeding.

"Female ghost, look at me, look at me."

Roommate blows gum bubbles.

The female ghost screamed incessantly.

This scene makes people confused. It is hard to imagine that this is the reaction of a person encountering a ghost, and I also imagine the reaction of a ghost watching a person eating chewing gum.

"Don't blow it, don't blow it, I can't take it anymore."

The female ghost who knocked on the door yelled:

"Ah!!! Don't!! Please don't! I'm going to be blown to death!!"

To this.

Zhang Ya was very relieved, and said with a smile: "I didn't expect that we girls like to be blown up when we are alive, but we are afraid of being blown up after death."


the other side.

In Habing City, a store that sells roasted cold noodles on the surface is actually a storefront of the Habing City Health Department.

at this time.

The second floor of the store.

Since they will part ways tomorrow, Zhang Wei and the others didn't go to bed, so they chose to fight the landlords since they couldn't get married.

Zhang Wei's BG of Doudizhu played on his mobile phone to enhance the atmosphere echoed in his ears.

Zhang Chao threw four jacks.


Seeing this, Wu Nian looked at the cards in his hand, clasped his hands together: "Amitabha, sorry."

Lu Lianxue also said, "pass."

The words fell.

Everyone looked at Zhang Wei.

"Zhang Wei, it's your turn, hello? Zhang Wei?"

Zhang Chao stretched out his hand and shook it in front of Zhang Wei, thinking that Zhang Wei was in a daze.

"Is it my turn?"

Zhang Wei was stunned for a moment, and then he threw four q's after asking about an over card.

Seeing that everyone wanted to go, he threw out six cards 444333:


Seeing this, Zhang Chao couldn't bear it directly, and joked at the same time:

"Zhang Wei, what were you in a daze for just now? Are you thinking about your little steamed bun, hehe."

In fact.

Zhang Chao was half right.

Zhang Wei's daze was indeed related to Qiu Xiaolin. Just a few minutes ago, a system reminder sounded in his mind that Qiu Xiaolin used Green Arrow chewing gum.

He didn't hesitate.

Immediately add more system points to Green Arrow Gum.

The reason why Zhang Chao and the others mistakenly thought he was in a daze was because he was paying attention to Qiu Xiaolin's situation.

After giving someone something to support the system, not only is the other person far away, but the system can also remind Zhang Wei that the other party has used something, and can also check the other party's situation, which is a bit like opening a remote surveillance.

Watching Qiu Xiaolin and the others play and have fun with the female ghost knocking on the door.

"This girl is quite rambunctious, who did she learn from?" Zhang Wei complained inwardly with a smile.

Same time.

Zhang Wei also felt relieved.

With her own Green Arrow gum, at least Qiu Xiaolin is safe tonight.

While thinking about it.

Zhang Wei responded to Zhang Chao:

"No, I was wondering when you gave me your sister's WeChat, Zhang Chao, I think you called my brother-in-law."

Zhang Chao laughed:

"You're still looking at what's in the bowl, thinking about what's in the pot, but it's not impossible to give you my sister's WeChat. My sister really wanted me to befriend you before. Come on! This wins you, and I will give it to you." You and my sister WeChat."


Zhang Wei threw out the card directly: "Spring!!!"

Zhang Chao's eyes widened: "Wori, the bastard, you plotted against me and actually hid a hand of cards."

At this moment, Lu Lianxue asked curiously: "Zhang Wei, from what you said before, the little steamed bun should have provoked something unclean, so you're not worried at all."

While Zhang Wei was arguing with Zhang Chao, the two of them were exchanging swords with each other, and he replied:

"Don't worry."

"Why?" Lu Lianxue, Wu Nian, and Zhang Chao were curious at the same time.

"Because I gave Xiaomantou a piece of Green Arrow gum."


at the same time.

Qiu Xiaolin's dormitory.

In the successive bursts of chewing gum bubbles.

The female ghost who knocked on the door was severely injured, she chose to kneel down and beg for mercy, and when she continued to beg for mercy, Qiu Xiaolin and the others paused for a moment, then suddenly turned into a blue light, rushed to the balcony, and fled the dormitory.

before leaving.

The female ghost who knocked on the door was in the air on the balcony, she didn't forget to turn her head, her bloody face was full of hatred and resentment:

"I won't let you go!!"

Seeing the female ghost knocking on the door leave, they were on the fifth floor, so they couldn't keep up with the pursuit.

"The ghost is gone."

Zhang Ya changed color and stamped her feet a little annoyed.

After all, they are still a little tender, and the first time exorcising ghosts can't play with ghosts' tricks.

The roommate who wanted to open the door before was also worried:

"What should we do now, Xiaolin, do you still have some chewing gum?"

"It's not much, there's only one piece left." Qiu Xiaolin took out the stick of chewing gum.

A stick of Green Arrow chewing gum only has five pieces, and Qiu Xiaolin gave one piece to herself and the others, and there was only one piece left.


The roommate was even more worried, but she could hear clearly that the female ghost who knocked on the door would come back to take revenge. Although the exorcism excited them before, but the female ghost ran away, which also made them afraid.

"Just one piece is not enough, what if the female ghost comes." The roommate said.

At this time.

Another Zhang Ya heard the words and suggested:

"Why don't we separate soon and stay together, so that even if there is only a piece of chewing gum, we don't have to be afraid of the female ghost hurting us."

However, they did not wait for the roommates to agree.

Qiu Xiaolin smiled and waved her hands:

"Without chewing gum, we don't have to be afraid of female ghosts."


"Because my ex-boyfriend will come tomorrow."


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