Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 75 Fat Brother, I'll Take You To Know Brother Wei

Facing the tailor's snarl.

Adhering to the idea that as long as I hang up fast enough, I won't hear your scolding, the fat man hung up the phone.

But scolding, not long after, the fat man received a money transfer text message.

The tailor still remitted one hundred thousand to him.

"I have money to buy hands again, and I will go to the Naruto mobile game to draw a card later to see if I don't kill those krypton elders."

The fat man looked excitedly, and immediately put the matter of killing Zhang Wei behind him.

in its eyes.

There is nothing more important than anime.

Not long.

He came to a hand-made store in S Square.

"Boss, is there a handicraft for sale here?" The fat man walked into the door.

"Yes." The boss looked at his clothes, and immediately stepped forward happily: "Come on, I'll take you to the third shelf. I happened to buy some figurines under one person today."

"Is there any figure of Miss Bao'er?"

"Yes, there must be. The best seller under one person is Sister Baoer's handiwork."

The fat man nodded after hearing this, his eyes were about to light up as he looked at the dazzling array of handicrafts, and he felt more and more that it was right for him to borrow money from a tailor.

"By the way, boss, do you have Hokage's Choji figures here?"

The fat man found that there was a Naruto figure on the shelf next to him.

Maybe it's because he is also fat, he especially likes fat characters.

The boss apologized after hearing the words:

"There are Dingji's figurines, but they were specially ordered by other customers and cannot be sold to you."

"Then can you show it to me, the Dingji figure that you ordered, if it looks good, I will order one too."

"Okay, just wait a moment." The boss turned around and went to do it.

for a moment.

The boss holds a Dingji figure out.

Fatty caught his eye for an instant, and was about to say something.


A man walked in the door of the store.

The other party said to the boss:

"Boss, has my Ding Ji done it yet?"

When the boss saw that the benefactor was coming, he raised a smile:

"It's here, look, this is the figure you ordered in my hand."

The man looked at the figure and was very satisfied:

"By the way, boss, besides picking up my figurines, I also came to pick up my buddy's figurines. I came with me to order figurines before. He ordered a Thunderbolt General. Do you remember that Brother Wei has Texting you to say no."

"Yes, that General Thunderbolt arrived yesterday. I thought your buddy wouldn't come to get it. I'm going to get General Thunderbolt right now."

The boss turned around and went back into the house.


Li Junfei was about to take a look at the figurines in the store. He did not forget to help Zhang Wei buy the figurines of Sister Baoer, so he shouted to the boss behind the house:

"Boss, do you have any figures of Sister Baoer here?"

"Yes, it's on the third shelf. Customers, take a look for yourself, and tell me directly if you like it."

Just when Li Junfei wanted the third shelf.

"Brother, do you also like Sister Baoer's figures?"

It was Fatty who spoke.

Li Junfei looked at the other party: "That's right, who wouldn't love Sister Bao'er, you know the eighteen moves of Awei, haha."

"Yes, yes, hahaha, that Awei Eighteenth Style is really fun, and Sister Baoer is so beautiful, and with that strong accent, hahaha, I love Sister Baoer."

The fat man nodded.

As soon as the favorite anime character was mentioned, the fat man immediately jumped up and talked endlessly.

The same goes for Li Junfei.

The two chatted in an instant, you and I said 'Sister Baoer', and went to the third shelf together, pointing to the figure of Sister Baoer on it, and talking about which figure here looks good.

"Haha, I also think this handicraft of Sister Bao'er looks good, and I was thinking about buying this just now."

The fat man pointed at one of the figures.

Just now, he and Li Junfen agreed that this figure is the most beautiful, and they almost share the same taste.

Can't help it.

The fat man gritted his teeth: "Since you like this figurine, old man, then you can buy it, haha, it's rare to meet someone of the same kind, and you may not believe it, but I actually like Ding Ci's figure, the Ding Ci you ordered This time, I asked the boss to take it out for me to see just now."

"Fuck, do you like Choji too?"

Li Junfei spoke in surprise.

You must know that the role of Choji is no better than other Naruto characters. Compared with Choji, most Naruto fans prefer Sasuke, Kakashi and other characters.

After all, Choji is a fat man, and his image is much worse than other characters.

But now there is actually someone who likes Choji just like him.

for a while.

The two sides looked at each other, looked at each other and laughed, bosom friend! !


Li Junfei said in a voice: "Then if you like it, I will give you the Ding Ci figure first, and I will order another one from the boss."

Then he couldn't resist Li Junfei's enthusiasm, and the fat man happily got the figure of Ding Ci.

After he paid the boss the money, he held his hands and said:

"I'll take Ding Ci's figure, that Junfei old iron, you can take the figure of Sister Bao'er, otherwise I'll take all the bargains, I'm sorry."

"Haha, that's for sure. In fact, I can't let you have Sister Bao'er's figure, because I didn't want to buy it. I bought it for my brother Wei."

"Oh? Your buddies also like Sister Baoer?"

"Yea, haha."

Li Junfei talked eloquently:

"Brother Fat, you don't know that Brother Wei is the one who brought me into the pit, otherwise I wouldn't know about Sister Baoer."

The fat man replied:

"Haha, no wonder your Brother Wei is buddies with you."

As he spoke, he pointed to the figure of General Thunder and Lightning:

"Your taste is really good, I really like General Thunderbolt, hahaha, I also have this figure."

"Haha, when I have time, I'll introduce Brother Wei to you. It's hard to meet like-minded anime friends, so we can't get together to keep warm."

"Yes, I came to Luxia City to participate in the comic exhibition recently, so I'm free recently. You can call me anytime, and I'll be there anytime." Fatty added Li Junfei as a WeChat friend.

Also at this time.

I learned that Fatty also went to the comic exhibition.

Li Junfei laughed and said: "Fatty brother, are you going to the manga exhibition too? I am going too, that's just right, let's be together when the time comes, I just happen to introduce Brother Wei to you."

The fat man nodded and responded, "It's good to be brave, it's a deal."

He is very happy.

Sweep away the bad mood of not getting things done before.

Until they left the figure shop, the two chatted for a while.

"Let's go, Junfei, find a place to drink milk tea. I'll give you an anime. I saw it recently. It's very unpopular."

"Haha, okay, I'll make a phone call with Brother Wei first."

"Okay, you fight."

Li Junfei called Zhang Wei.

"Brother Wei, I got the figure of General Lei Dian, and I also bought the figure of Sister Bao'er for you, waiting for you to come back."


"By the way, Brother Wei, I met a friend at the figure shop today. He also likes to watch Under One Man and play Yuanshin. When the time comes, I will take him to the manga exhibition."

"no problem."

Zhang Wei agreed without thinking too much, anyway, he was accompanied by Lu Lianxue, and Qiu Xiaolin and the others would also go, and it was okay to go with one more person, not less than one more person.


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