Thinking of Fatty's strength, he is stronger than the Nine Evil Gathering Yin Ghost, and it is very likely that he has surpassed the level of the red-clothed ghost.

Zhang Wei frowned:

"The fat man is above the red-clothed ghost?"

Ghost exorcisers have different strengths for ghosts, which are ghosts (evil ghosts), fierce ghosts, and red-clothed ghosts...

And above the red-clothed ghost.

That is the ghost king!

Zhang Wei once saw some cases of ghost kings when he visited the forum of the Ministry of Health.

Without exception.

All ghosts of the level of the ghost king are concerned by the Department of Health and other parties.

Among them, the one Zhang Wei remembers the most is the zombie in Fengmen Village. According to Lu Lianxue and Huang Qingshan, the zombie is now imprisoned in the headquarters of the Ministry of Health, and its strength has reached the level of the ghost king.

He remembers it clearly.

In order to suppress the zombie in Fengmen Village, many powerful exorcists died, and one of them, a senior Longhushan who was no less powerful than Qilinwei, died.

And then.

That zombie hasn't reached the ghost king level yet!

at the same time.

The fat man hummed a song over there, and took his clothes into the cloakroom to change.

before entering.

He looked at Zhang Wei who was entering the next room, his eyes sparkled, and he finally chose to give up.

The fat man muttered: "Forget it, let's not kill Zhang Wei yet."

He couldn't do it for a while.

Except that Zhang Wei is Li Junfei's best friend, Zhang Wei really gets along with him, not only because of hobbies, but also because of the similarities in chatting.

"Let me wait and see. Anyway, the tailor didn't say when to kill me. I can kill him later."

"Well, yes! It's such a happy decision."

While putting on his clothes, the fat man whispered to himself.


It seems to have a feeling.

The fat man stood in the cloakroom and turned his attention towards one direction, as if he wanted to see the situation in that direction through the cloakroom. It was a middle-aged man standing at the door of the public changing room.

Although there are middle-aged people participating in the comic exhibition.

But this middle-aged man seemed to be the same as everyone else, looking around at the manga exhibition. If you pay attention carefully, you will find that the other party's eyes are always paying attention to the locker room.

Feel the breath of middle-aged people.

The fat man grinned:

"The tailor is right. The failure to besiege Zhang Wei has attracted the attention of the Department of Health and Dao. Even the Qilin guards have been sent out as bodyguards."

"Unfortunately, that's not enough to stop me...huh?"

in words.

He wasn't afraid at all that he would be discovered by the Qilin guards, let alone the slightest bit of fear.

It's just not finished yet.

The fat man suddenly looked around.

Not only him, Zhang Wei and the middle-aged Qilin Wei were also stunned at the same time, as if they had sensed something.

next moment.

Zhang Wei opened the curtain of the changing room and walked out.

He had already changed into his s clothes, but he didn't have time to smear his s appearance, so he looked around.

"Huh? Brother Wei, you changed it, so quickly...Brother Wei, where are you going?"

Li Junfei, who took the lead in changing, said.

Brother Fat hasn't changed his clothes yet, why did Brother Wei walk out.

Zhang Wei looked over:

"Junfei, after the fat brother comes out, you go to the squad leader and the others immediately, tell the squad leader to protect Xiaolin and the others, and those who will evacuate the venue later, I will go back as soon as I go, and I will meet you later."

According to the previous system reminder, Zhang Wei was not afraid that Fatty would harm Lu Lianxue and the others. On the contrary, with Li Junfei around, Fatty might still be able to protect them.


Li Junfei changed color: "Brother Wei, did something happen?"

"Manzhan has ghosts, and there are many of them." Zhang Wei didn't stop walking, and when he passed by Li Junfei, he lowered his voice in a deep voice.

Li Junfei's pupils contracted.

When he recovered, he saw that Zhang Wei had left the locker room.


the other side.

At the hall of the venue.

"Everyone, I have arrived at Luxia City Comic Exhibition. I heard that there will be a s stage play later. I have already got tickets. Before the stage play starts, I will show you this comic exhibition."

It was a boy who spoke.

He is young, in his twenties, and has just graduated from university. Instead of going to work like other students, he chose to be an up host. He not only posts videos to earn traffic, but also broadcasts live broadcasts every day to make money. .

A few days ago, he learned that there was a large-scale comic exhibition in Luxia City, which was a very good live broadcast content, so he would naturally not let it go.

He came to the venue early in the morning and started the live broadcast.

Seeing the screen full of water friends advocating themselves, going to the big sister to chat up the barrage.

The anchor smiled:

"Brothers, did you see the big sister in front?"

"If you use rockets, I'll strike up a conversation with that big sister, and ask her for a WeChat message, what the hell! Thank you 'Da Sima Huishoudao' for using rockets, okay, I'll strike up a conversation right now."

With the gift, the anchor didn't dare to neglect, and hurriedly walked towards the big sister.

Just didn't take two steps.

Ring ring ring————

The loud and clear fire alarm bell rang in surprise and reverberated through the venue.

"I wipe, what's the situation? It's on fire?"

The anchor was taken aback.

Not only them, but everyone in the hall of the venue was surprised. This was the ringing of the fire alarm at the venue.

The sudden situation made the venue chaotic for a while.

But fortunately, under the command of the staff at the venue, they learned that the fire alarm bell rang, and hurriedly commanded everyone to leave the venue.

"Why don't you be so unlucky?"

The corner of the anchor's mouth twitched, my live broadcast has just started.

at this time.

"Hey, brother, what are you doing here? The venue is on fire, so get out of here."

The anchor came back to his senses, looked at the speaker, and couldn't help being taken aback.

Uchiha Itachi? ?

The speaker was wearing Hokage Akatsuki's clothes, and Akatsuki's wide collar covered his chin. Although he couldn't see his whole appearance clearly, the anchor recognized the young man in front of him as Uchiha from the Akatsuki ring and his attire. Ferret.

"This handsome guy, is the venue really on fire?"

The anchor asked unwillingly, wondering if the other party was the sergeant invited by the venue, so he might know the situation of the venue being on fire.

"Yes, it's on fire." Zhang Wei, who was held back by the anchor, replied casually.

"Ah, it's really on fire? Damn, is it so unlucky, who caused the fire, brother, do you know?" the anchor asked.

"I know, I set the fire on." Zhang Wei grinned.


The anchor was stunned, and the studio was stunned at this moment.

Wait until Zhang Wei leaves.

For a moment, the anchor and the barrage in the live broadcast room came back to his senses, and the pot exploded in an instant.


the other side.

In the hall of the venue.

After Zhang Wei deliberately sounded the fire alarm to evacuate the ordinary people in the venue, he quickly joined Li Junfei, Lu Lianxue and the others.

As soon as she saw Zhang Wei, Lu Lianxue said:

"Zhang Wei, did you set off the fire alarm?"

She had already learned about the situation from Li Junfei, and she also felt the dark energy afterwards, knowing that the venue was haunted.

Zhang Wei nodded and said straightly:

"It's faster to evacuate people like this, faster than the organizer saying that there are ghosts and telling them to evacuate."

"Let's not talk about that, monitor, you and Xiao Lin are responsible for evacuating the crowd first. I will go to the second floor of the venue to help evacuate. By the way, if you encounter a ghost and cannot deal with it, please remember to notify me."

"it is good."

Lu Lianxue raised her forehead, and turned around to evacuate the crowd.

But at this time.




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