Strongest Abandoned Son

Vol 15 Chapter 1751: Seeing the enemy

At least a dozen people sit in this great box in Feixia Xianlou. Most of these people know Ye Mo, including Ye Mo’s sister, Ye Mo’s friend Ji Shu, Yin Yi, Qi Bei Cang, Jiu Fanyan, and the elder brother Shi Shiyu, who floated the fairy pool. Ning Yu and the city brother sitting next to Ning Yu. In addition, there are several Ye Mo have not seen.

The inside of the box seemed to be a bit dull. After a while, Ning Yu sighed and said: "Yue Yuemei, we have been waiting for two days, your brother Ye Mo has not come, if you delay, I am afraid we can not catch up. Fairy ship."

蓟婫 Silently said for a moment: "I said that I have to wait for him. If I am gone now, my brother will not find me, and my heart must be anxious."

"This is good, Ning Yu Shimei, let's go first, the moon fairy is waiting for her brother here. If it is too late, we can go and let the ship go again." Sitting next to the Ning Yu fairy A handsome man said in a round.

After hearing this, several people nodded and agreed. His face was a little cold, and he said indifferently: "Since the Fangcheng brothers are eager to cut, the Fangcheng brothers and you will go first, I am here alone."

Qi Bei Cang smiled and said: "Fang Shi's face can be really big, even Xian Ship can listen to you, you can wait for a while. Admire, admire."

It is obvious that most people have heard that Fangcheng said that it is a nonsense to wait for the fairy boat to wait.

The handsome man named Fang Cheng did not seem to hear the words of Qi Beicang, still smiling.

Sitting next to Ning Yi, another blindfolded fairy, said softly: "Ning Yu, sister, let's wait another half day, if half a day later. Then Ye Mo will not come and leave."

"Yes." Ning Yu and another female fairy quickly nodded. Obviously, this masked purple fairy is very respectful.

"Haha. Ye brother is coming." The purple fairy just finished speaking, Ji Shu stood up and laughed.

Sure enough, Ji Shu just finished, Ye Mo appeared in the door of the box. Ye Mo was also puzzled. He asked him to look for Pengyue Xianguo. How come so many people? Then Ye Mo saw the acquaintances such as Qi Beicang, and immediately welcomed the greetings.

For a time, the inside of the box was eagerly cut, but it was only Ji Shu and four people who greeted Ye Mo. The rest of the people are sitting still. Ye Mo is a big to immortal. The people here are all Da Luo Xian. It is really impossible for these Da Luoxian to take the initiative to say hello to Ye Mo.

"I know that you will definitely come, very good, and even advanced to a level." Yan said with joy, said that she is delighted that Ye Mo's cultivation from the beginning of the big to the early to the big to the fairy In the medium term, the second is that Ye Mo did not delay time. Originally, she intended to introduce the rest to the default knowledge of the leaves, but because several people waited for Ye Mo to be impatient, she was too lazy to introduce.

Ye Mo’s face was stunned and said to her, “Shu Yuejie. Actually, I have been hiding my own cultivation. A few years ago, I was the beginning of Da Luoxian. Now I just hide my cultivation. It’s only mid-term.”

The inside of the box was silent for a moment, and after a while, suddenly burst into laughter. Some of these laughter are kind and some are ridiculous.

It’s no wonder that everyone laughs. The lowest one here is the Daluxian mid-term perfection. The rest of the people are not the late Luoxian, or the Da Luoxian is perfect or even half-step Xian Wang. In the early days of Ye Mo’s Da Luoxian, it’s really funny to hide it.

Of course, this is not the best laugh. The best thing to laugh is that Ye Mo is carrying the knife on his back. If you look at the scabbard, you know that it is not a good thing. So a knife is still on the back, not afraid of shame. . The person inside the box is not simple, almost the worst is also the top grade fairy, and even the best fairy. Ye Mo’s carrying a knife like this would inevitably make people laugh.

In the early days of Ye Mo’s big Luo Xian, he also wanted to conceal his own cultivation, and he felt that it was not unusual for him to carry this broken knife on his back. Because of the relationship between Qi and Ji Shu, everyone waited for a day or two, and also knew that Ye Mo was born and scattered. So most of the people who laughed were not laughing at it. Of course, it was inevitable that someone would ridicule it.

Ye Mo didn't care about these laughs at all. If he wanted, his voice would never be heard. It was because he wanted to expose his true cultivation, which deliberately revealed his own voice.

In my heart, I was shocked. She is the most clear person in Ye Mo, and Ye Mo is definitely not inferior to any Da Luo Xian. Although she suspected that Ye Mo had concealed her cultivation, she knew that if Ye Mo really wanted to pass her to her, she would never be heard by others. Now that Ye Mosheng is heard by others, the only explanation is that Ye Mo is deliberate.

Is Ye Mo really promoted to Da Luoxian within five years? This is simply too shocking.

蓟婫 蓟婫 剔 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

"Oh." Ye Mo’s face was extremely embarrassed, and he recovered his early Da Luoxian’s initial cultivation, and his heart was secretly relieved. He knows that he should be a bit skeptical, but he is not worried. He believes in his own vision. He is a person of affection. Not only will he not say it, he will ask himself or not.

"Haha, Ye brother, I am so bitter, you really think that you are a big fairy. You are also a big Luoxian. Your hidden practice is really good..." Ji Shu first Laughed and said.

Then Yin Yi, Qi Bei Cang, and Jiu Fengyan came over to praise Ye Mo’s hidden practice. Jiu Fanyan was even more pleased: “I said that you did know some of the cultivation of Da Luoxian. You have been a big Luoxian, Ye Shixiong, I will trouble you again in the future."

Ye Mo quickly laughed. "It doesn't matter. If I know, I will definitely not hide it."

The reason why he exposed his cultivation is because Ye Mo does not know how long he has to stay in Tiantian. He has a lot of Emperor Tiandi. Once he was discovered by Xiandi, he could not do much. His hidden practice comes from the ‘three birth decisions’, which can't be casually exposed.

Another point is that he killed a man of Xiaoxian Wang. Now Xiaoxian Wang is definitely already aware of it. If he was in the early days of Da Luoxian, he killed the middle of Luoxian. It is not unusual. Once he is in the middle of the big sin, he may also cause suspicion.

Ning Yu fairy face is expressionless, Ye Mo saw her and the handsome city brother, it is estimated that the sacred fairy sage has been elected.

Fangcheng stood up and said: "Since everyone has arrived, take the time to go. On the ship, we will discuss it in detail."

"Where to go?" Ye Mo asked in confusion. He only knew that he would come here to meet, and then took him to find Pengyin. As for where to go to find Pengyue fairy fruit, Ye Mo did not know.

He smiled a little and took out a jade card and handed it to Ye Mo. "This is the brand I got for you. You hold it. We first take the fairy boat to the first day to clear the sky, and then listen to the Emperor. arrangement."

Seeing Ye Mo’s incomprehension, Qi Beicang took a picture of Ye Mo’s shoulder and said, “Ye brother, don’t underestimate this brand. This brand is not available to anyone. Your sister’s fairy moon fairy for this brand. It took a lot of thought."

Ye Mo took the sign or asked inexplicably. "Since you want to go to the Qing Dynasty, why not take the transmission array?"

He explained patiently. "Because there is still a mission to go to the Qing Dynasty, it takes a year or so for the ship to go to Qingwei. This year. All those who have a jade card can go to the fairy ship to catch the virtual flight." Snow, only the first thousand can see the Emperor Xiandi."

It was actually going to see the Emperor, and Ye Mo was not very willing at once.

"But the Qingtian days are very far away. If we have so many people sitting in the past, the kind of ordinary immortals can't afford it." Jiuyuyan explained it next to him.

Ye Mo nodded, and he was also good for him. If you don't go, you will not be able to take the lead if you get the Pengguo fairy fruit. And he knows his strength, maybe he can also get Pengyin.

Ye Mo thought that at the beginning of his early days, the middle-aged scribes did not find the Golden Pages world. Now he is a big Luo Xian. As long as the gold page world is hidden in the deepest part of the sea, even the Emperor of the Immortals will definitely not find it. Thinking of this, Ye Mo was a little relieved.

He even looked forward to seeing the Emperor, and the hollowed out Emperor did not know that he was absent. If the emptiness of the emperor is in the air, Ye Mo would like to see if the celestial emperor is the one in his memory.


A group of people went to the transmission array and sent it to the Zaraqin City of Brahma. The boat to Qingditian stopped at the Zacque City of Brahma.

Listening to the chats of the people, Ye Mocai knows that Qing Wei Tian is similar to Zhong Tianyu’s Yu Lotte, and belongs to the first Tianyu domain of the Upper Tianyu, and is far away from the other top ten Tianyu, even through the precinct. . This ultra-long-distance transmission, the transmission price is simply expensive.

At the same time, Ye Mo also knows that the masked purple fairy is the new Saint Yunyun fairy who floats in Xianchi. The other few people he does not know are good relations with Jishu and others. Because everyone has a good relationship, it is said that this will come together to go to the fairy ship.

Brahma Tianye has heard of it once, at the bottom of the pool of chaotic stars that he asked him to kill the fairy tulips of the Sanctuary. At that time, he was rejected by him. At that time, he was only a golden fairy, let him come to Tiantian to kill, unless he was crazy.

Ye Mo could not go to Jiu Fan Xian Chi, but he was too lazy to ask where the Jiu Fan Xian Chi was.

After passing out from Zhaqian Xiancheng, Ye Mo followed others to the location of the ship. When Ye Mo and his entourage came to the place where the ship was docked, it was already crowded with immortals from all major fields. Most of these people are in the late period of Da Luoxian, and there are a few of them in the middle of Da Luoxian.

It can be seen that it is very difficult for him to help him get a jade card on board.

"Is it you?" A cold voice rang in Yemmer's ear.

Ye Mo heard this voice immediately and made a sigh of excitement. He was too familiar with this voice. He turned around and stood in front of him. He was very young and strict.

(The third is sent, the update is over today, and the monthly ticket is requested to open the distance behind. Good night everyone!)

... (to be continued..)

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