Strongest Abandoned Son

Vol 15 Chapter 1765: Idiot is the mark

The Da Luo Xianren on the deck of the fairy ship entered the void, and Ye Mo also followed the crowd into the void.レm♠思♥路♣客レ A very ordinary Da Luoxian later squeezed behind Ye Mo, and then followed Ye Mo into the void.

Ye Mo’s knowledge of the body was swept away and he saw it, and he was marked with a god.

Ye Mo did not remove the mark of God, but his heart was just sneer. At that time, the semi-sacred sacred mark was found by him. A large Luoxian in the district also dared to make a mark on himself, and he did not know how to live and die.

After entering the void, Ye Mo did not leave with him and others. After the two pillars, he had already removed the mark of the gods and installed it in a jade box.

If Ye Mo doesn't know who made this mark of knowledge, he will not take it down. If the gods are marked by the Emperor Xiaoxian or the Emperor, he will not be afraid. If this mark is made by Hua Ruxue, he needs to worry about the Ji Bo behind the flower snow.

Ye Mo offered a copy of the time shuttle, he wanted to try the speed of this thing.

After the time and space shuttle was driven by Ye Mo, it only shook in the void, and disappeared from the place in an instant. Ye Mo’s knowledge was not used to sweeping out. This was too fast. The various orientations and celestial directions on the space shuttle are clear, and Ye Mo is shocked, and his heart is overjoyed.

This thing is simply a must-have thing to escape and hurry. The speed of a product is so terrible. What is the real time and space shuttle?

One day later, Ye Mo stopped the shuttle, and he knew that he had left the scope of the ship. If you go again, you may lose contact with the fairy ship.

This is only a day, but Ye Mo feels that if he uses Qingyue, he may not be able to fly so far for a month.

Ye Mo put away the shuttle. Take out the jade box marked by the gods, fix the jade box next to a meteorite, and fix the meteorite, and then choose a place in a farther place to start catching the 'empty flying snow'. At the same time, fishing began. He didn't know who he was going to be. If it was the level of the king, he would leave immediately. If it was under the king of the king, anyone would come, and he would have to fight.

Ye Mo was just ready, and the gods caught a white sè flash. In the experience of Ye Mo, I immediately knew that this was a 'empty flying snow'.

The reason why ‘empty flying snow’ is rare is that it is difficult to catch. The second is that the amount of 'empty flying snow' is also very rare. At the beginning, Ye Mo had to wait for ten days in order to catch a ‘flying snow.’ Even a month. And there are so many here. When he first came, he saw the ‘floating snow.’ Is it because the ship knows that there is more ‘empty snow?’ This is the intention to stop here?

Ye Mo just hesitated for a moment. That ‘virtual snowfall’ has disappeared. This made Ye Mo know that the speed of the 'floating snow' here seems to be faster.

But these Ye Mo are not afraid. As long as the ‘empty flying snow’ is enough, as for the ‘floating snow,’ he is not in the heart. He learned the new application of the gods network from the middle-aged scribes. Now the use of the gods network is far stronger than the original Xuanxian, can you be afraid of not catching the emptiness of the snow?

Sure enough, Ye Mo just waited for the time of the semi-column, and a shadow flew over. This shadow was quickly reduced in the field of Ye Mo's knowledge, and the shadow of the next moment was taken by Ye Mo's gods network and sent directly to the front.

This is a very high-quality ‘virtual flying snow’, which is better than the few pieces that Ye Mo had captured before.

Ye Mo directly took out a jade box and sent this ‘empty snow to the jade box. Compared with before, he is now catching ‘empty flying snow’. Most importantly, the time it takes him to capture the illusion of flying snow is extremely short. He believes that in this place, with his own means, he can certainly catch more ‘virtual snow.’

In the next few days, ‘empty flying snow’ was continuously caught by Ye Mo’s gods and collected in jade boxes. Sometimes I have to come to a dozen or so a day, even if it is the worst, I will catch one in two days.

In just ten days, Ye Mo has already arrested nearly a hundred vacancies, and this achievement can be said that Ye Mo thought did not think of it.

However, when the ‘virtual snowfall’ came to the fore, it was gradually scarce. After three days of catching one, Ye Mo was ready to leave. As for the guy who left the mark on him, Ye Mo didn't want to go.

Ye Mo was trying to take the mark of the gods, but it was a move in his heart. Then he retired for dozens of miles and concealed it. After a while, a vague shadow fell on the rock.

"Since you are waiting for me, come out." The shadow standing on the rock gradually became clear, and what Ye Mo did not think was that this person was not the three he guessed, but Yan Jiutian.

Ye Mo is not afraid of strict nine days, just as Yan Jiuta is not afraid of him. He immediately showed his figure. Since it is Yan Jiutian, he does not have to be afraid. Yan Jiutian will not join hands with others. Since he appears here, you don't have to worry about others coming.

"You are really amazing. I have been able to refine my time and space in such a short period of time. I thought that there was no way to refine before you came out. It seems that I underestimated you." Yan Jiutian’s tone is calm. It is not like a person who was taken away by Ye Mo.

Ye Mo smiled and said: "You are also very powerful, but at that time the shuttle is not yours. After refining my own time and space shuttle, you can still catch up here, it seems that your ability to mark the mark is not bad. ”

Yan Jiuda’s disdainful sneer said: “The mark of this garbage will be mys? If you know my origin, it’s so small to me. It seems that you will not meet me today, and you will have limited achievements in the future. ”

Ye Mo was shocked, and he realized that he seemed to be preconceived. He did not think that this mark of the gods was made by Yan Jiutian, that is, the subconscious feeling that Yan Jitian could not do such a mark of God.

It seems that this is really the case now. This **** mark is not made by Yan Jiutian. Who made it? Yan Jiutian did not do the mark of God, how did he catch up with himself? Is the mark of the next artifact not fully refining? However, his product artifact is lost in the world of gold pages, even if there is no refining, Yan Jiutian can not catch him.

"How do you catch up with me?" There was doubt in his heart, and Ye Mo immediately asked.

Yan Jiu Tian said proudly: "Even if you fly with time and space for a few months, I can find a trace of the artifact in the void."

Ye Mo wrinkled his brows. He knew that Yan Jiutian was based on his flight path. Can the artifact shuttle really leave such a clear trajectory in the void of the fairy world? If this is the case, how can he use this time shuttle to escape the pursuit of the king?

"You don't have to worry, your skills are good, but this time I have no intention of giving you a chance. I have to worry about whether Sky Shuttle will be discovered, it is also my business, and has nothing to do with you." Yan Jiutian is like I know what Ye Mo thinks in general.

"Ha ha ha ha ..." Not waiting for Ye Mo to talk, but also a burst of laughter came, then a golden shirt man came out.

Xiaoxian Wang Yumang, Ye Mo did not expect to be the gods to mark this stupid pig.


Xiaoxian Wang胪 Mangfei flew to the front, this only saw Yan Jiutian. Yan Jiutian stood on the rock, and the figure and the void were integrated into one. It was difficult to detect with the gods. Now that Xiaoxian Wang came to the front, he saw Yan Jiudian.

"It’s a long way to run, but I also hired a garbage to help. Do you think that this way, will I let you go? Or can’t I find you?” Xiaoxian Wang’s disdainful look at Ye Mo And cold eyes swept a little nine days.

Ye Moi has killed the cliffs and he knows that he believes that with his own ability, he can also kill some garbage Da Luo Xian. What's more, he still has a big card. To kill a Ye Mo in the early days of Da Luo Xian, isn't it simple?

"Idiot." Yan Jiutian looked at Xiaoxian Wang Yumang without a word.

Xiaoxian Wang Yumang immediately became furious, and in the later stage of a large Luoxian, it seems that Da Luoxian, who had just entered the late stage, dared to swear his idiot, which is simply looking for death.

"Looking for death." Xiaoxian Wang Yimang thought that he had already started, and two looming black and white had been sacrificed by him.

Ye Mo’s knowledge swept up, only to find that it was a golden light. There were two kinds of colors in the middle of the golden light, one black and one white, but the bottom and the top were gold.

After the golden light was sacrificed, it immediately slid and slid, just breathing time, and the rotating golden light wrapped all the hundreds of miles around the nine days. There seem to be countless voices in the golden light yelling, calling people around to enter the golden light.

If it is not a void, the place surrounded by the golden light is no longer alive. It seems that all the vitality disappeared in this golden light, or it could not survive at all.

Ye Mo has withdrawn from the distance for a thousand miles, but he did not escape. The two men are not afraid, there is no need to escape. However, this golden light Ye Mo knows that it should be extremely powerful. He feels that there is no vitality in the golden light outside. That is nine days in the scope of the golden light, I don’t know how it will be?

"Sure enough, it is an idiot." Yan Jiutian sneered, and a rifle-like rifle sacrificed with a piercing scream.

Yan Mang did not sweep Ye Mo into the yīn Yang Jin Lan. It was very uncomfortable in the heart. Now Yan Jiutian is still ignoring his idiot, and he can bear it. The black and white explosion in the golden light broke out, and the space filled by the golden light became more and more changing. The vitality seemed to disappear over and over again. At the end, it seemed that even the void in the golden light would be extinguished.

"Give me a break..." Yan Jiutian saw the black and white space of the golden light bursting out, and the space surrounded by the golden light was even more vital. His whole body was sizzled by the extinct vitality. There was a dignified expression on his face, and the black sè fog line pistol in his hand had been rolled out.



The black sè's fog line pistol hit the golden light, and the black and white space and the fog line were suddenly intertwined, and they rolled up another vitality and destruction.


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