Strongest Abandoned Son

Vol 16 Chapter 1987: Who is the fire expert?

Outside the snow volcano, Ye Mo has been searching for four days in a row. He has searched the area of ​​the snow volcano for nearly 500,000 miles in the west. However, no traces of the twins were found, and even the hidden array did not see one.

In the place where the snow volcano is hundreds of thousands of miles away, except for the wilderness that is lacking in the spirits, there is only the icefield snow that is affected by the snow on the snow volcano.

The fifth day is about to pass, and Ye Moxin is more and more disappointed. He is sure that the site of the Twin Sons is not here. He wants to find Luo Xiaoyue through the Gemini ruins and find Mu Xiaoyun. It seems to be a bit difficult.

Ye Mo’s knowledge stretched farther, and a familiar dawn flew over the edge of his gods, and Ye Mo immediately caught the dawn. The default knowledge of the owner of this dawn is the Emperor of the Xianyi Chamber of Commerce. At the beginning, because this person was very interested, he explained that Yuan Muxian had taken away Tang Beiwei and he had spared him. I didn't expect to see you for the rest of the day. I saw this guy again.

Originally, Ye Mo did not want to manage the Emperor of the Emperor, but then it was a dawn that flashed from the edge of his gods, and the murderousness of Ye Mo immediately surged.

After the pursuit of the master of the dawn of Emperor Xiandi, Ye Mo has never seen it, but at a glance he can see who the other party is. This person is like a piece of wood, with a bark on his face. Who is it that is not the one who took away Tang Beiwei?

And it is too normal for Yuan Muxian to chase and kill the Emperor. When the early Yuan Muxian seized the news of Tang Beiwei, it was to repeat what the Emperor said to himself. After revisiting the Emperor Xiandi, he knew that he must be chased by Yuan Muxian, and now it seems. It is still true.

Ye Mo will immediately chase the past. However, it was discovered that the dawn of Emperor Xiandi once again reversed. Directly rushed to the direction of the snow volcano. Obviously, the Emperor of the Emperor wants to rush into the snow volcano and fight hard with the snow volcano.

The speed of Yuan Muxian is obviously faster than that of Xiandi. If it is not the Emperor's flying magic weapon is higher than Yuanmuxian, the Emperor of Emperor has already been caught by Yuanmuxian.

Ye Mo stopped and re-enacted that Emperor Xian had wiped it from Ye Mo. Ye Mo did not manage it. He wanted to stop Yuan Muxian.

At the same time as Emperor Xian and Ye Mo passed by. I saw Ye Mo, he immediately surprised, and returned again.

"Ye Zongzhu..." The Emperor of the Emperor rushed to Ye Mo and walked around.

"What is chasing you is Yuanmu Xian?" Ye Mo asked, staring at the nearer and colder, coldly.

Re-emphasizing the Emperor of the Emperor, he replied immediately. "Yes, it is Yuanmuxian. I have been hiding in the sky. The **** is still chasing me here, and I ask Ye Zongzhu to help."

Ye Mo nodded and said: "You don't have to say this wood. I will kill it."

Feel the murderous intention of Ye Mo, and slammed the Emperor's subconsciously to fight a cold war. No interface. Because he avoided the Yuanmuxian everywhere, he did not know about the battle between Ye Mo and the Hollow Emperor. He even did not know the opening ceremony of the Emperor of the Moon.

Ye Mo’s voice just fell, and Yuan Muxian had already arrived in front of Ye Mo. He swept Ye Mo’s eyes and looked at the Emperor Xiandi with disdain. “Looking for a mid-century Emperor, I want to escape from my hands? Don’t dream. Waiting for your Muzu will let you know what is scared."

"Bunny rabbit, don't want to die, just go away, don't wait for your wooden ancestor to destroy you." Yuanmu Xian hand a trick, a copper bell appeared in his palm. The brass bell was just a random jingle, and Ye Mo felt that his heart seemed to be burned by the fire, and it was extremely uncomfortable. What makes Ye Mo uncomfortable is that the voice of this person is just like a mouse biting wood, and the disgusting is the ultimate.

Ye Mo secretly nodded, this bronze bell should be the famous magic weapon of Yuan Muxian. It is no wonder that the Emperor of the Emperor is so jealous of Yuan Muxian, so that he has not yet shot the power, and re-emphasizing the Emperor is definitely not the opponent of this person. Moreover, although Yuan Muxian has concealed the cultivation, but Ye Mo’s eyes have seen that the Yuanmuxian has been cultivated in the late Emperor’s emperor, far more than the Emperor.

"You are the Yuanmuxian?" Ye Moshou's hand, Zi Yan has appeared in his hand, while killing the spurt out.

"Who are you?" Yuan Muxian felt the powerful insult of Ye Mo, and the majestic field that came out, and suddenly frowned.

"Mo Yue Xian Zong Ye Mo, want to kill you for a long time." Ye Mo's hands flashed purple, purple enamel has been sacrificed, magical cracks.

At this time, the fissure magical power is not the original crack, but the fusion of Ye Mo’s insight in the Qing Dynasty.

"It turns out that you are Ye Mo. I originally planned to kill you in the ink of the Moon. If I met today, then I wouldn't let me run again." While Yuan Muxian spoke, the lumens of Guangyan Bell had been sacrificed.

The sound of the demon souls was squeezed out of the bells, and these sounds were connected with the fire silk, and they merged with the fairy emperor field of Yuan Muxian. These flame fields have actually sizzled Yem’s field.

Ye Mo raised his hand and let it go without a shadow. At the same time, he said, "No shadow, prevent this rotten wood from escaping, and eat this wood when necessary."

With the improvement of Ye Mo's cultivation, many times it is impossible to use it without a shadow. Without a shadow, there is a panic. Now Ye Mo let it come out to be ready to eat, and where it will let go of such a good thing. Immediately said, "You can rest assured that the boss, although the taste of wood is definitely not the same, I will still swallow it."

Yuan Muxian was furious, and the illuminating bells of the Ming and Qing dynasties became more and more violent, and the invisible flames raged wildly. Even the surrounding space was burned, and small cracks appeared in the space. Re-enacting the Emperor of the Emperor is a dark center, this magic weapon that can burn the void space, and he is not the opponent of Yuan Muxian.

The magical knives that the purple scorpion has brought have already crossed the space of tens of thousands of feet. The murderous space that smashes the space makes the Emperor Xianxue hurry and withdraw. This kind of killing can't resist. At this time, the Emperor of the Emperor was not frustrated, and the cultivation of Yuan Muxian and Ye Mo was not much higher than him, and the magical powers of the two were displayed, and he could not even touch the shadow.

Whether it is Yuan Muxian or Ye Mo's magical moves, it is not something he can resist.

"Oh..." The purple knives and the sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sac

Yuan Muxian's field mixed with fiery wire was torn apart and opened a trace. Not only did the traces open larger, but the lumens of Guangming Bell again gave a rushing jingle. The crack that had just been opened was quickly compensated, and the flame in the field of Yuanmuxian was even hotter.

These ringtones are just like the real thing, invading the space of a thousand miles. Onlookers, the Emperor of the Emperor, was affected by the fluent and wide-ranging bells, and suddenly spewed out a blood and went backwards again.

Don't say that the emperor is re-emphasizing, even Ye Mo is also affected by the fiery ringing of this fluent Guangyan bell, and the fissure magic suddenly eases. Killing is even more of a stagnation.

Without a shadow, I was bitten by a big bite. Yuan Muxian filled the field of terrible fire, and suddenly he was bitten off a gap, and the broken field could no longer block Ye Mo’s purple knife mark. Zimang is skyrocketing and the whole space is opened. Yuanmuxian feels that his **** and spirit are taken away by this knife mark.

The slashing of the knife and the extreme killing of the squad gradually tied him, and he slowly lost his fighting spirit under this killing.

No, Yuan Muxian’s battle experience is very rich. At this moment, he knows that he is not Ye Mo’s opponent. Don’t say that Ye Mo has a fairy monster that can swallow the field to help, even if Ye Mo does not have this fairy monster to help. He is definitely not an opponent.

Yuan Muxian no longer cares about anything else. The gestures are continuously played. The lumens of the air are soaring. It’s just a moment of rest. The skyrocketing lumens of the bulging bells are blazing countless flames.

These fierce beasts are mixed with the soul-sounding sounds of the lumens of Guangming, and they are rolled over to Ye Mo.

Ye Mo was furious. Originally, his fissure magical power could be changed. He could completely suppress the lumens of Yuan Muxian, but Yuan Muxian actually played in front of him.

At this time, Ye Mo did not continue to encourage the purple sable, but instead took up the purple sable and punched it out. Fire **** magical power, five stacks of waves.

"Boom..." A green wall of fire broke out, and the cold environment around the snow volcano was completely melted by this punch. This fire wall instantly blocked the numerous flame beasts of Yuanmuxian. In the fire wall, the sound of harsh whine sounded, but there was no more heart-felt soul.

The Emperor, who has already retreated to a long distance, is once again shocked. "Xian Yanqing is like Xiaotian Shentong..."

He was completely numb. The reason why Ye Mo was in the first place was to know that he was not Ye Mo’s opponent. At this time, he discovered that he still underestimated Ye Mo, and Ye Mo’s supernatural power was far more than Those who showed up in the past, Yuan Muxian may not be Ye Mo's opponent.

"Xianyan Shentong?" Yuan Muxian is playing with fire. When Ye Mo’s flame comes out, he immediately recognizes it. This terrible flame is definitely a fairy flame, not to mention that he still knows Qing Ruxiaotian.

Countless fierce beasts were burned to death by the first fire wall brought by Ye Mo’s fist. Yuan Muxian had not had time to relax, and the second fire wall had already come to the fore.

It turned out to be the sacred flames of the two fire walls, and Shen Muxian sank in his heart. He had decided to withdraw immediately after the withdrawal from the enchantment of Ye Mo’s fist. How far away he is, he is definitely not Ye Mo’s opponent.

Did not wait for his thoughts to turn over, the third and fourth fire wall banged again. There is a trace of despair in the eyes of Yuan Muxian. Who is this? It is possible to blast four fire walls in a row. If you know that the other party is a fire expert, you have already escaped. The lumen of Guangming Bell and the flames of others are just a slag.

(It’s a little early today, the third one is sent! Good night friends!)

... (to be continued..)

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