Strongest Abandoned Son

Vol 17 Chapter 2208: I am fortunate to have experienced suffering.

(Thanks to the lord ad for 50,000 red floats.)


When I saw Ye Mowang coming over, the soul repair that received Jingjing immediately picked it up. The power of Ye Mo, the soul around him, all saw it. It was definitely the existence that they could not imagine, but now he has offended this powerful power.

Although there is no such a solid soul to repair here, Chi Qingqing has been reincarnation. However, Ye Mo still grabbed this soul repair. He raised his hand and abolished some of the yin body that had been condensed by this soul repair. He threw him on the reincarnation bridge and said, "If it wasn’t for me today, I saw it. Indigo, my heart is happy, I will let you disappear immediately, and go back to the cycle."

Where does this soul repair dare to say that half of the words are not words, and quickly thanked the words and rushed to the reincarnation bridge. For him, to be able to keep his own reincarnation, there is no sorrow, it is already burning high.

"You all go." Ye Mo looked at the countless souls around him and said one more.

This sacred soul repair of Jingjing has been sent away by Ye Mo, and the rest of the souls have rushed to the reincarnation bridge, just a short time, the front of the reincarnation bridge has been empty.

Ye Mo quickly left the reincarnation bridge, found a piece of sand, broke into the sand and entered the world of gold pages.

"People are public, is this a young girl?" Mu Xiaoyun saw Ye Mo come back and immediately saw the soul of Ye Mo's hand.

"Boss, is there a soul in your hand?" Xiao Bingshen also saw the soul in Ye Mo's hands.

Ye Mom said, "You are waiting for me outside, I am going to save the youth."

The soul of Chi Qingqing was revived by Tianxin. It has become more and more solid. Ye Mo took the soul of Chi Qingqing to enter the most beautiful palace in the world of gold pages as quickly as possible.

Said to be the most beautiful. Because this palace is made by Ye Mo, the pool is refining, and all the flowers around the palace are fairy flowers. Not only that, but Ye Mo also used a large number of Shenjing to establish a gathering of ghosts under the palace.

Chi Minqing's body was quietly lying in her room behind the palace, and a verdant chaotic branch was placed beside her. Because of this chaotic branch, Chi Qingqing did not have the soul of the soul until now, and if the person who did not understand saw Chi Qingqing, she thought she was asleep.

The soul of Chi Qingqing has been awake. She was shocked to see the body lying in the room, at this time she could not understand that this is her body?

Ye Mo not only brought her soul back to the Netherland, but also found her body. At this moment, Chi Minqing suddenly felt that what she had experienced was not a problem. At least Ye Mo still remembered her, and she also entered the Netherland for her purpose.

"Indigo, don't talk, your soul has left the flesh for a long time, and now it's not suitable. But you don't have to worry, there is nothing else in my body. It's just a lot of treasures. You self-control your body, and the rest will pay. Give it to me." Ye Mo felt the excitement of the pool. Immediately voiced comfort.

Ye Mo’s words are really not bragging. Now he really can’t think of it. Who has more fruit on him. Don't say the fruit, Huang Zhong Li Guoshu, he has a tree, and he has the same fruit tree as the fruit. This is not to say, this time in the virtual city, he collected hundreds of fruit.

As for the Tianxin Fudan used by him before, it was just a nine-character fairy.

The soul of Chi Qingqing slowly merged into her body. The branches of the chaotic tree exudes vitality, and I don’t have to use Ye Mo’s shot at all. In the twinkling of an eye, I hope that Chi Yuqing will begin to fuse souls and flesh. Even if the soul of Chi Qingqing has been away from the body for a long time, with the help of the chaotic tree, there is still no lag, and it is completely integrated.

Even so, Ye Mo is still not very reassured, but also a Tianxin reconciliation into a mist into the body of the pool, while a soul-cultivating fruit is placed in the mouth of the pool.

The pool 婉青魂魄 has been merged, and the fruit in her mouth immediately gave birth to clear blood and nourish the meridian and the gods of the pool.

Just a short time, Chi Qingqing opened her eyes. When she saw Ye Mo sitting next to her, she couldn't help her tears anymore. Before she wanted to cry without tears, now she has regained her original appearance, she just wants to cry in front of Ye Mo.

If you lose it, you will know the preciousness you have gained. In the hundreds of years of suffering in the Netherland, you will not be able to look back.

I can't say a word in the pool, or the tears can best represent her language. No one knows that there is no way to cry when there is no way to cry. No one knows.

Ye Mo quietly sat next to Chi Qingqing, and waited until Chi Yuqing had calmed down, then he whispered, "You will always be with us afterwards, you don't have to travel around."

"Ye brother, thank you, you have spent so much thought for me, I..." After I said a few words, I couldn’t continue to say it.

Not to mention that Ye Mo found her body in the snow at the bottom of the mainland, Ye Mo also deliberately came to the Netherland, and found her soul back in the Netherland.

Even if it is not counted, she can feel that her life is stronger than when she was self-defeating. Ye Mo definitely used the top treasure to help her, that is, the value of the treasure may be more valuable than her pool.

Ye Mo knows what Chi Qingqing is thinking. Chi Yuqing has always been at the bottom of the mainland. In the process of her cultivation, or a grass is more precious than a small life. For a scent of grass, she is desperately trying to get it. Ye Mo is not surprised by the idea of ​​Chi Qingqing, because he himself came this way.

"Yu Qing." Ye Mo grabbed Chi Yuqing's hand and said, "It's nothing compared to living. I don't have any other good things for you. You see this branch?"

Chi Qianqing had already seen the green branches around her. She felt that the branches were very kind, as if she had been with her for countless years.

"This branch is the gift I gave you. You can put this branch in the purple house in the future. Remember that there is no certain strength, don't let others see that you have this branch. Because this is the entire universe. The most precious thing in the world, if you let others know, even the Holy Emperor will come to snatch..."

Chi Yuqing heard that this branch was so precious, and quickly sent the branch to Ye Mo’s hand and said, "Ye Big Brother, I can't want this..."

Ye Mo quickly pushed Chi Qingqing's hand back and said, "I still have a big tree. Your branch is separated from my big tree. You are warm in your purple house. In the future, it will become your most powerful magic weapon, or your branch will grow into a huge tree as big as mine."

“Really?” Chi Qingqing heard that she and Ye Mo had only this branch, and her heart was filled with surprises immediately. She quickly took it back and no longer returned the leaves to Ye Mo.

"Ye Big Brother, do you want to go to the mainland to find me?" Chi Xiaoqing asked, after the question, she suddenly thought of the little wolf, suddenly said with a red eye, "I'm sorry, Ye Big Brother, you gave me The little wolf is dead."

Ye Mo gave her a little wolf, accompanied her for many years, from the earth to the small world, to the mainland. When she was the most lonely, she was always accompanied by a little wolf, and she was dependent on her. But now the little wolf is dead, she thinks it is inevitable.

Ye Mo took the hand of the pool, and took out a wooden comb and said, "I have brought the little wolf here, and the phone you gave me is still there."

I saw that the wooden comb leaves that I had given to Ye Mo had remained there until now, and I couldn’t help myself, and I rushed to Ye Moi’s arms and burst into tears.

This wooden comb was still an excuse for her to leave a phone number to Ye Mo, I did not expect that so many years have passed, Ye Mo actually stayed with him. Suddenly, she felt that she was suffering, and she was nothing.

Ye Mola took the pool and stood up and said, "Yu Qing, I will take you out to see Xiao Yun, and the world we will live in later."

"Yeah." The sadness in Chi Minqing’s heart has been diluted by the joy of reunion, and immediately stood up and followed Ye Mo out of the room.

"A beautiful palace, a lot of flowers, oh, these flowers..." After I went out of the palace, I went to see the beautiful palace and the fairy flowers next to the palace. She even found out that the flowers here are full of fairy spirits. As long as she smells the flowers, she can feel that her cultivation is loose. At this moment, she can't wait to sit in the flower and practice immediately.

Mu Xiaoyun saw Ye Mo and Chi Yuqing came out, and they had already greeted them. At the same time, they said with surprise, "The young girl has recovered."

Chi Yuqing looked at Mu Xiaoyun dumbly. After a long while, he asked some unbelievable questions. "You, you are the little fairy of Lianhuazong..."

Mu Xiaoyun is a genius disciple who is protected by Lin Zong, completely different from her grassroots. Chi Yuqing is already in the mainland, and has already seen the Xiaoyun fairy of Lin Huazong.

Mu Xiaoyun took the hand of Chi Qianqing and said Sorry, my sister, I don’t even know that you are also on the mainland, if I know, or you don’t have so much suffering. . ”

Chi Yuqing looked at Ye Mo and suddenly shook his head. "Xiao Yunjie, I am glad that I have experienced these difficulties. This is a forever wealth that I will never use. Without it, I will never understand." Something. But now I know very well, I also understand what I want and what to do."

Mu Xiaoyun even nodded and said, "Yu Qing, you are right, if you don't experience some suffering, you never know what you want and what to do."

Mu Xiaoyun has a deep resonance with Chi Qingqing, and she has experienced many hardships. Although there is no such difficulty in the pool, it is also the existence of blood sacrifices at any time. Fortunately, her luck is better than Chi Qingqing. In the realm of cultivation, she joined Lianhuazong. In Xianjie, she had a plastic master of the Holy Land. Even in the sacred remnant, she also has a master who maintains her.

(The sixth/fourth plus/send, thank you 殳涞, 青小殇, freeze only moment, 焱 & Ze Yu and other friends to continue to send tickets for the million coins. Is the monthly ticket list able to summit? Some excitement.)

... (to be continued..)

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