Strongest Abandoned Son

Vol 3 Chapter 298: Escape

Chapter 298 escapes

The attack speed and intensity of the prefecture-level warrior is far greater than that of the Xuan class warrior. Ye Mo can easily kill the Xuan class warrior, but the siege of the prefecture-level warrior is not enough. Book mí group 2

Now, in addition to the old man named Gong who was killed by Ye Mo, there are two prefecture-level warriors among the five people who besieged Ye Mo, even in the medium term. Although Ye Mo has quickly recalled the flying sword, but still a slow step, the flying sword blocked three warriors, and the attack of two people could not be blocked.

Ye Mo's wind blade cuts to the undisciplined Xuan class warrior, and at the same time a boxing on the long knife back of the prefecture-level warrior, all this is only an instant. The prefecture-level warrior who was hit by the long knife in the blade, and even a few steps back, cleverly saw Ye Mo use the wind blade to kill the Xuan class warrior, although he did not know what kind of hidden weapon Ye Mo used, but this hidden weapon is obvious Very powerful.

Ye Mo, who had breathed a sigh of relief, no longer hesitated, and almost did not reserve a number of wind blades, while Feijian quickly stabbed the land-level warrior who was defeated by him.

When the plane-level warrior was boxed back by Ye Mo, he could feel that Ye Mo’s internal air was not much worse than him, but his flying sword and the invisible hidden weapon were really powerful.

Looking at Ye Mo's flying sword again, although he already knows the flying slayer's way of killing, there is still a trace of fear in his heart. He quickly cried: "Stop, do you want to kill it? We are a genre. One of the six hidden mén, offended us, you have no place to escape, and even die without a place to die..."

When he spoke, he had once again escaped the attack of Feijian. It can be seen that Ye Mo’s guess is good. Once I learned the special characteristics of Feijian, I’ve spent three years on Ye Mo’s practice. I still need to spend some time trying to kill a prefecture-level warrior. .

"Oh...", Ye Mo's wind blade killed two more, and the remaining man was still a prefecture-level warrior ().

The two prefecture-level warriors apparently knew that Ye Mofei’s sword was special, and they began to lean against Ye Mo’s flying sword. The real yuan consumed too much Ye Mo, and the speed of controlling Feijian was obviously slowed down. Can't help two people.

At this time, Ye Mo was in a hurry. He had to kill the two people at the fastest speed and then fled. Otherwise, more and more people will come, and his chances will be less and less. Now if it is not the deterrent power of the hidden mén, maybe the police outside will rush in.

However, his real yuan is consumed sharply. If he has not tossed for two hours in the underground, he may still hold on for a while, but now he is using too much, and two prefecture-level warriors have mastered the law of Feijian. Although he was embarrassed by his flying sword, he could not kill it for a while, which made him anxious. 1

"Stop, take back your sword, if you continue, I will swear to destroy your family..." Another land-level warrior certainly does not know that Ye Mo is now a real yuan, he only knows how to go on like this. The two must be killed by Ye Mo’s flying sword.

Although the face is a little pale, the real yuan is not good, but Ye Mo still sneered and said, "I am not afraid of threats, to die."

After the first time Ye Mo spouted a jīng blood, his flying sword suddenly accelerated, hurriedly turned a corner, crossed the neck of the two, and brought two blood. Two local-level warriors fell to the ground, but Ye Mo stunned. He killed the two men at the cost of burning blood, but he was also the end of the strong.

Although the blood sequelae of burning jīng is too big, if you do not kill the two people at the cost of burning jīng blood, maybe it will be his turn to die soon. Ye Mo took a few steps to know that if he didn't leave, he couldn't get away. His knowledge has been swept 100 meters away, and a few more cars have come. The people who come down from the car know that it is not mediocre.

Ye Mo quickly took over the weapons on the ground, forcibly endured the pain of the meridians and threw a few fireballs. He wanted to destroy the body, even if it was delayed for a while and then let the people know that their people were dead. However, a dangerous feeling came from the heart, and Ye Mo was shocked. The dead real element made him unable to make appropriate evasion ().

The punch of "砰" was in the middle of his heart. Ye Mo spurted another blood. He turned back and saw that the sneak attacker was the old man who was killed by himself. At this time, his mouth flashed a sneer.

This old thing was passed by the flying sword, but it was still not dead, and the life was hard enough. Ye Mo did not want to, and once again a few fireballs passed, almost all the remaining real yuan was consumed, and even dare not look back to see if the bodies have been burned, they struggled to cross the wall.

Although Ye Mo's stealth technique can't be hidden in front of Guwu masters, but in the face of some ordinary people who blocked the Chajia compound, his stealth technique was still not discovered.


"I smell a **** smell." A policeman who blocked the Chajia compound said something strange.

The other person next to him immediately made a squeaking gesture: "This time things are very unusual. We just have to listen to the above orders, and don't say anything that should not be said."

Ye Moxin was shocked, although he was invisible, but the **** taste of the body could not be hidden. Fortunately, the two police officers did not intend to do much. Although he was exhausted, he still disappeared into the distance very quickly.

Ye Mo had just left the Chajia compound, and seven or eight warriors rushed into the backyard of Cha.

"Senior brothers, the people of the genre should come first, how can they not see their figures?" A nv who looked good in the backyard of Cha's home turned around and frowned.

"Is it already chased out?" The middle-aged man who was called the brother did not speak, but another young man answered the interface.

The middle-aged man did not answer with his eyes closed. After a moment, he opened his eyes and said: "It is very possible, but the outside has been blocked by the government. If someone goes out, there must be news, but no news. This is very strange. Have you smelled a smelly smell?"

"Well, it seems that there is such a taste, hey, there are some bloodstains here." The young man observed very carefully and soon found a few drops of blood on the ground.

The middle-aged man squatted down and immediately said: "Search immediately, and this well, send someone to go and see."


Ye Mo wants to run out of Liangpu in one breath, but he knows that his current state may not be as good as an ordinary person. To escape from Liangpu alone is a dream.

In order to avoid the **** body, Ye Mo changed a suit under a shopping mall, hiding behind an off-road vehicle, did not dare to move.

Because he has seen more and more masters flock to this small place in Liangpu, and even helicopters come over his head. Even around this mall, there are always ancient martial artists in the past.

A young man with earrings came out of the mall and still had a box of Maotai in his hand. He walked to the side of the off-road vehicle that Ye Mo was hiding. He opened the reserve compartment and threw the Maotai in his hand. Ye Mo immediately hid a stealth technique and hid it in the reserve compartment.

Ye Mogang just entered the reserve compartment, and the young man turned off the reserve compartment. Ye Mo felt a faint stun, and he couldn't help but sleep.

The car opened and Ye Mo knew that he could not sleep now. Although he is still groggy, he knows that the car has been on for a while, and now it has stopped at the toll station at the expressway. It is obvious that the toll station is inspected. For the inspection, Ye Mo did not pay attention to it, although his current real element is almost dead, but hún over inspection is still possible. He is afraid that these people will not only check but also flip inside. He can't hold on for a few seconds now.

However, Ye Mo soon discovered that his fears were superfluous. The young man obviously had a set. He just yelled a few words. The staff at the toll booth actually let him go, even turning on the car to look at the car. There are no circumstances.

Ye Mo sighed, it seems that even the strength of the hidden mén is strong, in the face of some rules, they still can not control (). Obviously, those at these checkpoints think it is not a good thing to offend the youth. They would rather use the above words as a whisper, and they would not be offended by these elder brothers who can hold them at any time. Offended the above, as long as you don't say, no one knows, but offended the son of the son, maybe they will lose their jobs tomorrow.

For this son who wears earrings, Ye Mo feels awkward. Without this guy, it is really difficult for him to escape from Liangpu. It is estimated that Liangpu is now out of the sky.

The car has already gone out of the high-speed city of Liangpu, and Ye Mo has completely let go of his heart.

In the hearts of these ancient martial artists, ‘blood sè coral’ is much more precious than ‘green huā 青叶草’, because ‘blood sè coral’ can make people advance to the innate. However, in Ye Moxin, 'blood sè coral' is far less than the mature 'green huā 青叶草 but 'blood sè coral' can now be used, and his 'green huā green leaves Grass' is not yet mature. So at the current stage, ‘blood sè coral’ is still more precious to Ye Mo than ‘green huā 青叶草’.

Ye Mo, who had let go of his heart, began to fall asleep. He was not only suffering from extremely serious internal injuries, but also the real yuan was also consumed.

When he woke up again, he found that the car had stopped outside a ballroom, and the sky was completely dark. It is estimated that he slept for seven or eight hours.

Ye Moshen swept around and found no suspicious people. He collected the box of Maotai in the back seat. Although this kid saved his life, but now his money is not much, this Moutai is good, first borrowed to drink.

Ye Mo walked out of the car mén from the front of the car and went out, and took a look of infuriating, but still did not react. If you don't sleep, he may not even get up now. The old guy is really too heavy.

(Thanks to the friends who support the fifth, thank you. The light of the fifth is now in the top 100, and it is getting more and more golden, thank you very much!)


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