Strongest Abandoned Son

Vol 4 Chapter 351: Ye Mo's wife

The thirty-fifth chapter of Ye Mo’s wife

Li Mumei didn't know why Ning Qingxue suddenly changed her mind, but she wanted to tell the light snow. Since the light snow changed her mind, she didn't have to continue to pretend that she didn't know.

It’s just that Li Mumei didn’t say anything directly, but asked: “Light snow, if we are still in Yanjing now, if the Song family is still as strong as before, the Song Dynasty’s Song Shaowen will force you, how should you?”

"..." Ning Qingxue did not expect Li Mumei to say this, if it is true, she really does not know what to do. The strength of the Song family is simply not comparable to that of her family. Compared with the Song family, Ning’s family is nothing. It can be said that if the Song family is now the same as before, even if her family came to Chenzhou, they would still let her die in a place without a burial.

Ning Xiaoxue sighed. Although she did not answer Li Mumei’s words, she was relieved. Fortunately, the Song family was finished. She knows Song Shaowen’s embarrassment to her, and the Song family’s decline is the greatest fortune.

"At the beginning, it was because Song Shaowen wanted to force you to kiss him. Finally, except for your parents, Ning’s family agreed. This was to hold you and your parents, but your cousin Ning Yang secretly sneaked. To tell you about this, I happen to be there." Li Mumei said slowly.

"Ah...Is there such a thing?" Ning Xiaoxue lived, although she knew that Song Shaowen of the Song family was not good to her, but knew that this big family of Song family loves face, herself and Yejia Ye Mo Ding had a kiss, they should not be handy, did not expect that this happened really.

Li Mumei said with pride: "At the time, you were also very embarrassed, because everyone knows that as long as the Song family came up, Ning family could not refuse."

Ning Qingxue was silent, although she knew that she did not marry Song Shaowen, and Song Shaowen later seemed to have something, but now Li Mumei said that she still has some fear.

"I later suggested that you take the initiative to marry Ye Mo and even live with Ye Mo. You agreed at the time. At that time, Ye Mo rented a house in Ninghai, and we went to Ninghai together." Li Mumei continued.

Ning Qingxue has some faint words: "I used to contact him like this, but isn't he going to be retaliated by the Song family?"

"Although I was afraid that Ye Mo was retaliated by the Song family, I still advised you that the Song family would not make such a shameful thing. ~~" Li Mumei sighed and said, she knows that even Song is not Revenge Ye Mo, Song Shaowen of the Song family also retaliated against Ye Mo, but she did not say this at the time. I just don't know how Ye Mo was resolved, and how Song Shaowen suddenly crashed into the car.

Li Mumei looked at Ning Qingxue, who is still in a state of unbelievable. "I will take a photo of you and Ye Mo together and send it to some websites. Then you and Ye Mo led. Marriage certificate, then you live with Ye Mo in a room. As for what happened between you, I don't know. But after more than 20 days, Song Shaowen drove in the middle of the night and suddenly the car was destroyed.

I went to Ninghai to pick you up, originally intended to let you divorce Ye Mo, but then you saw a small medical box before you left. But when you opened the medical box, you immediately rushed into the room, then you closed them, I heard you crying inside, but I can't open your mén. ”

Ning Qingxue looked at Li Mumei with a look of disbelief. "Why is this?"

Li Mumei shook her head. "I don't know, but after a long time, after you opened the room mén, you held the small box. From that day, the small box never left your sight. But after that you However, he vetoed the action of divorcing Ye Mo, and he stayed in Ninghai and did not go to Ganzhou. Later, when Auntie and his uncle came together, you still did not want to leave Ninghai."

"Do you mean that I am still the wife legally recognized by Ye Mo?" Ning Xiaoxue was completely shocked. Why is this? She is already married.

Li Mumei nodded and said: "Yes, according to this statement, you are indeed Ye Mo's wife."

"That little box?" Ning Xiaoxue returned to God and asked about letting go of his marriage. Since Li Mumei said that the small box has been in his arms, what about the small box now?

Li Mumei replied: "Since you were injured for the second time, the small box was left in Ninghai. Although the yard that was originally rented by Ye Mo, you bought it, but then you didn't go back."

“In Ninghai?” Ning light snow frowned, once again asked: “I was injured for the first time and what was the second injury?”

Li Mumei shook his head and said: "If you want to ask the specific reasons, then you must ask Xu Wei. You have been injured twice by Xu Wei. She used to live in that small courtyard. Before you go, she and Ye Mo is a joint renter."

"Xu Wei?" Ning Xiaoxue wanted to think of this name, but after thinking for a long time, he did not think about it.

Li Mumei saw Ning Xiaoxue really can't think of it, so he had to say: "After Song Shaowen died, the Song family chased Ye Mo, you went to the snake to find Ye Mo, and even went to the desert with Chi Yuqing. I also I know that you have even been to Shennongjia, but I don't know if it has anything to do with Ye Mo."

"Who is Chi Qingqing?" Ning Qingxue found that more and more strangers were involved.

"She used to be in the army. Later, she performed tasks on the border and met Ye Mo. I guess she should also like Ye Mo, I want to find Ye Mo, I don't know how to meet you. Then you will go together. The desert." These Li Mumei only know one thing, but she is not sure.

Ning Qingxue is even more suspicious, and Ye Mo, who still likes to go?

It seems that I have seen the suspicion of Ning Qingxue. Li Mumei said with a sigh of relief: "No matter what decision you will make, I will feel more comfortable after I have said these things. At least I have peace of mind, otherwise I always feel sorry. You are like. Light snow, no matter what, I think the past is over. If you still want to find those memories, you can go to Ninghai to find Xu Wei and Su Jingwen, they all know some. If you do not intend to continue to ask Don't think about the rest anymore."

Ning light snow nodded and said: "Mu Mei, I know that you will not lie to me. I feel that I am very indifferent to feelings, I think maybe Master Wu Guang said something. Maybe at the moment before I died, I really wrapped all my feelings in my soul, and I collected them in the deepest part of my soul, so now my feelings are very weak. But anyway, I will go to Ninghai, maybe you are right, some Things need to be faced, whether it is or not."

"No, light snow, you are not wrapped in feelings, it is very indifferent. I understand you, for a while I even think that your feelings are richer and more persistent than anyone. If you do not like a person, You are very indifferent. If you really like someone, he is everything for you, you will give anything for him, even your life. Maybe you are the kind of person who is so sensible, so the aunt does not want to Let you recall the past." Li Mumei shook his head again.

She knows Ning Qingxue, even more than Lancome. Ning Qingxue is the kind of person who is too persistent. Even if she doesn't like it, even if you are bitter and confession, it is the same for her. But once she likes a person, she will not change again in her life. She will die of life and death, no regrets, and even everything else is not in her consideration. To say that the good point is a person of sympathy, saying that the ugly point is an extreme xìng.

Therefore, she believed that the master of Wuguang said that Ning Qingxue was too fond of Ye Mo, and that he would wrap his own and Ye Mo before he died. After she wants to reincarnate, she can remember Ye Hao's goodness, even if it is a little bit. Although Li Mumei did not know what happened between her and Ye Mo, Li Mumei felt that light snow is such a person.

When she heard Li Mumei’s words, Ning Xiaoxue fell into silence. She felt that Li Mumei was right. She is indeed such a person. There is no love for no reason in this world, and there is no hate for no reason. If at the time she really disregarded the objection and Ye Mo divorced, and even kept the residence of Ninghai, then she said that something happened between her and Ye Mo. She remembered the last time Ye Mo vomited blood in her mother's office. If Ye Mo and she really have nothing, why is he doing this?

But although these sounds and analysis are true, Ning Qingxue still can't believe that she and Ye Mo have any unclear relationship, even that she will fall in love with Ye Mo, which sounds impossible. She believes she will use Ye Mo ~ ~ also believe that she will go to marry Ye Mo, but this has nothing to do with love.

What's more, the time in the district is less than a month, even if he is a love lover, write a hundred love letters to her every day, she will not have any goodwill, let alone fall in love with this. He is.

"Mu, thank you for telling me this, although I know that you won't lie to me, but I will still ask Xu Wei myself. Since I lived with Xu Wei for so long, I think she should know. More." Ning Xiaoxue has made up his mind that no matter whether it is true or not, she has to face it.

She didn't even think that she was already Ye Mo's wife. If she didn't say anything about it today, she didn't even know it. Therefore, when she investigates this matter, the marriage is still to leave. But the last time she was born Ye Mo was like this, she also had a remorse in her heart, whether or not she used Ye Mo, but she was still the wife of Ye Mo.

Li Mumei's face sè appeared to be happy, and quickly asked: "That, light snow, are you going to Ninghai first, or go to the snake first?"

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