Strongest Abandoned Son

Vol 5 Chapter 578: The war will start

"I think General Dehaili is right. We shouldn't compromise with Luoyue and make any plans to delay the retention of the armed forces. M//.// We should have sent troops to Senna at the first time, now I think we The first choice is to send troops to Senna and get back what belongs to us.” The Secretary of Homeland Security was unhappy because his opinion was not adopted last time. Now that Luo Yue is sitting big, his heart is even more unhappy.

Haipi Eston frowned and didn't speak. But the members of another think tank around him spoke. "Mr. Norborn, the strategy of the then Mr. Heidelston is definitely right. The reason why it has not been successful, I guess the guys who are stunned have seen it. Our strategy. They use the time we give them and seize the opportunity to develop, which has created the situation today."

"Hayes's words are correct. I believe that many of our plans can be seen, but I can't think of a group of merchants in Luoyue Pharmaceuticals who can see our plans. This is my mistake. Since they already know Our plan, I think we can't wait any longer, I suggest taking immediate action." The words of Haipi Eston show that it is time to take military action.

"I agree that Senna has countless treasures and even includes new elements that we have discovered. I also recommend taking military action immediately, taking back Senna and driving those yellow skins out. The sea is not where they should come, the sea. Wealth is not that they should reach out. We have planned for decades, and they have been taken away by them. I would rather swim in the past and kick them away, and I can’t continue to indulge.” Peden Nan changed The tone of the meeting. Also began to agree to the use of force to solve Senna.

For the entire time, 80% of the people agreed to declare the war immediately.

Ken Lao eyebrows locked. If he comes again, he will definitely not wait for Luo Yue to sit big. It is not that he is not willing to declare war, but has a bigger discovery.

"Everyone, I am very sorry about Senna. This is our mistake. According to the intelligence of our investigation bureau, Luoyue is not as simple as we think. Director Leo, you introduce the situation." Kenao After talking about an obese white man, he is the head of the Federal Investigation Bureau of the United States, Leo.

The general meeting of this kind of Leo is not participating. But today he came, it shows that there is indeed a great amount of information to be notified to everyone.

Leo shook his chin's fat, and said with a serious expression: "A year ago, we sent five people to China, mainly to bring back a woman from China on the hijacked aircraft of the 'Black Emperor' because The situation on the plane was only known to her. But after more than a year has passed, our people have no news. No one can return. We must know that the five people we sent have four abilities. There is even one It’s a three-level Thunderbolt, but it’s gone forever.”

Leo always liked to make a few jokes when he spoke, but today his expression is quite serious. He glanced at the crowd and continued: "After that, we found the 'Little Black Star Island' abandoned by the 'Black Emperor'. This was originally a private island, but we found it to be the main technology of the 'Black Yang Empire'. Base, and we found a fully enclosed warehouse. After our detailed tests, it was confirmed that the warehouse was storing gold, but gold was gone.

And we found a lot of traces of the world's most advanced technology, but the same, these technological traces have been removed. I think it's definitely not the ‘Black Yang Empire’ that they want to transfer gold, or they want the machine to not move through the walls of the warehouse. They may prefer to come out of the gate. ”

"Director Leo. What do you mean by Luo Yue?" Speaker Peden Nan asked with amazement.

Fatty Leo nodded and said: "Yes, we are very skeptical. In the Pacific Ocean to the Indian Ocean, we are attacked by aliens we suspect. The direction of the way is Senna. I think if it is Senna, maybe we want to go. It’s not so easy to watch the sunset at Senna Beach.”

Kenrao said very seriously: "Many people sitting in it may not know, our gold reserves have lost more than 4,000 tons overnight, and Bank of America has lost hundreds of millions of dollars overnight. The entrance to the hole is very Leveling, the same way as the hole in the gold warehouse of 'Little Black Star Island'..."

"What? Our gold reserves have been stolen?"

When Ken Lao’s words came out, the entire parliament hall was immediately disturbed by the disturbances, and the grumpy people had started to shoot the table. It actually moved to the head of the country, and it also moved the most important reserve of the country.

Although knowing that this matter has been spread out will definitely cause a sensation, it is always impossible to say this thing, and the problem to be solved still needs to be solved.

"If 'Luoyue Pharmaceutical' really developed such a sharp attack weapon, I think this is a fatal blow to our navy and air force." Although Hehud knew about gold, he was the first time. Knowing that terrorist attack is also related to Luoyue.

Leo said seriously: "Of course we are only skeptical. We also doubt that 'Lu Yue Pharmaceutical' can develop such a powerful weapon. Maybe the line is just a coincidence, and our gold is lost, but not Will definitely go to Luoyue, no matter who transports such a large amount of gold is not easy, not to mention in a strictly guarded castle. Only Luo Yue is now the most suspect.

For the loss of gold, we have carefully asked every soldier who guards gold, the possibility of traitors is very small. The gap was from the ground, and the earth beneath the ground we saw, there is indeed a loose place leading to the outside. It is very possible for the other party to develop a ground machine through an advanced technology. This machine can walk underground. It deceives our surveillance and enters our golden fort from the ground and transports us away. gold. in case……"

Leo paused for a moment, and his expression was more serious: "If this kind of ground machine is really produced by Luoyue, then the attack weapon that can cut the cruiser at one time is likely to be produced by them. Once their weapons have reached this point, I think. We are faced with a battle that is many times more difficult than the Gulf War."

"Director Leo, I think since the investigation bureau suspected Luoyue. Why didn't you send people to Luoyue to investigate? Luoyue now absorbs the global population, you will not say that you can't get in? Maybe, I can mix in. "The Secretary of State, Hu Hude, was immediately dissatisfied, and the reserve gold disappeared. This is the lifeblood of a country. From the day when gold disappeared, he endured tremendous suffering. Now Leo suspects Luo Yue. With the energy of the investigation bureau, can't even investigate this?

Leo certainly understands the mood of Hehud. He smiled and shook his fat and said: "Remember what I said? Our power department and our investigation bureau jointly sent five members to China, mainly to bring that The woman came back, but our people are gone forever. This time we sent more people to Senna, and sent a total of 57 people before and after. But still one did not come back. Some of the hot architectural scenes. The rest of the important content, no one."

"Are you not the most famous investigation bureau in the world? Can you only find Lewinsky's blue dress? Oh, there are some fine spots on it," one member said sarcastically.

Leo's fat face showed anger, but he couldn't find a counterattack. Because the construction of Luoyuecheng is divided into two parts, one part is the military part and the other part is the civilian part. The military part should not say that the investigation, the idlers, etc., as soon as they approached, they were arrested and thrown into the prison. Don't say anything to you at all.

Kenrao just wanted to talk, and a temporary message was handed over to him. After Ken Lao finished reading, he immediately stood up and said: "The 'Lu Yue Pharmaceutical' has moved to Senna, and the residents of the snakes have all gone to Senna, everyone..."

"There is nothing to say, I suggest sending our aircraft carrier fleet immediately and blocking Senna." Dehaili almost didn't even think about it, immediately said.

Ken Lao’s heart certainly agreed with Dehaili’s opinion. However, this opinion can only be one of them. The specific operational plan must also be formulated without any loss. It is of course best for the United States Congress to impose sanctions. Then send troops, which is much better than the direct dispatch of troops in the country.

Haipi Eston knows what the president means. He also stood up and said: "I agree with General Dehairi, but I have not yet had to contact Russia and Sinikenia, I hope they can seal the road of 'Luoyue Pharmaceutical' from the land. I don't want them to have any chance to retreat. Of course, I think this combat plan is best proposed by the Lianheng Congress, and then we will form a multinational force. Before the war, we proposed to let Luo Yue first give up Senna, I think they I will definitely not let the beautiful women in my arms go away..."

"Although I also support the war, if 'Los Angeles Pharmaceuticals' really wants to have such a sharp attack weapon, it is definitely a bad luck for us." Hehud made his own opinion.

"I think if they really have a production line for this kind of weapon, maybe we should board Senna faster. This kind of weapon is like that of their pills," Heidi Eston said with a slight smile.


Just after the Chinese Lunar New Year, many places are filled with the atmosphere of the New Year, but the world-famous 'Luoyue Pharmaceutical' has once again attracted the attention of the Their original factory is a snake, but overnight In the meantime, the snakes once again become the desolate land of the same.

If there are not many new buildings here, and even some guards are guarding, it is estimated that no one can believe that it used to be like a big city.

No one has thought that the world that has been calm for many years is about to set off a new round of war. After the Falklands and Gulf Wars, another war is about to start,

At the strong request of the country, the Lianheng Congress once again called on the countries to form a multinational force to expel the ‘Luoyue Pharmaceuticals’ that had encroached on Senna.

The country believes that ‘Luoyue Pharmaceutical’ has seized the territory of other countries and purchased arms more and more, which has brought extreme instability to the peace of the world. Therefore, the countries of the United States and the United States and the members of the Allied Congress are obliged to do their utmost for world peace, expelling ‘Los Angeles Pharmaceuticals’ from Senna and restoring Senna’s freedom and democracy.

When this statement was released, the world was at a loss.

(third more!)

... (to be continued..)

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