Strongest Abandoned Son

Vol 5 Chapter 592: Coarse nerves

The fifty-ninth chapter of the thick nerve men and women

Ghost? Ye Mo is standing in the back of the door, just to see the white shadow slowly jumped up, far away as if it is floating up, it is particularly clear in the moonlight. m he stunned, and there is a rare ghost. It can be said that with a substantial ghost, there is basically a certain attack ability.

The ghost, the folk is also called a ghost, in fact, this kind of thing is invisible, but Ye Mo can be swept with the knowledge of God. However, there are some unique environments in this kind of things. For example, the craters that Ye Mo met last time, as well as the graves and so on, will not be everywhere. The ghost that can be seen with the naked eye is even rarer. Even if the woman who met Ye Hao in Diane in the early days of the red dress was deliberately raised, she only saw a faint shadow.

This is not a ghost, and Ye Mo used the knowledge of God to sweep the past and see it clearly. This is a man with a white sheet, but the way he walks is a bit strange, and his head is also covered up. It looks like a ghost.

Ye Mo did not understand why he did this. In the middle of the night, come to a run-down mountain temple. Is it necessary to make this happen? This man seems to be less than thirty, with one finger missing in his left hand, and he knows that it is not a monk at first glance.

"Hey, why aren't you?" The man did not see anyone at the entrance of the temple, and subconsciously let go of the sheet and said to himself.

However, after he finished, he immediately pulled out a sharp knife from his waist and checked it in the unobstructed temple. The last kick kicked over a more ruined futon. He yelled, "Mom, it was actually ran by this."

After saying that the man took out another mobile phone, dialed the phone, and after a few words, one person ran up soon. Like the man in front, this later man also held a mountain knife in his hand and a white cloth. What surprised Ye Mo was that this person turned out to be a woman and a strong woman.

“What happened?” the woman asked as soon as she came up.

"Running, losing money..." said the man hate.

"I said that I want to come early, you have to go to this time. The man who sees the rich is a man who must have been forced to come here by the enemy. You see that he bought something in Xianshan, and when he took it out, it was all It’s a red ticket that doesn’t bargain.” This woman has some complaints.

Ye Mo only understood these words and understood it. They should say Wei Yongqian. The Wei Yonggan should be walking today during the day. He may have purchased some things in Xianshan before he left during the day. In a hurry, the result was rich.

The pair of men and women estimated that Wei Yongqian was a fat sheep, and he moved his mind and traced the mountain temple. It may be because the daytime is not easy to do, and Wei Yonggan did not come out when he entered the mountain temple, so they estimated that Wei Yongqian should be hiding from the enemy. The two were ready to come back at night, but I didn't expect it to come late. The Wei Yonggan had already left.

They used the white cloth and estimated that they also threatened Wei Yongqian. As for the woman staying below, Ye Mo guessed that he should be afraid of Wei Yonggan to escape and stop his way.

It’s two guys who don’t have the money to buy and sell. I really don’t know if they are lucky, or Wei Yongqian is lucky. Ye Mo is sure that if Wei Yonggan did not leave, the two guys couldn’t help the Dao to take a casual hand. These two guys don't have the means of Tang Beiwei, so that the aunt can be scrupulous.

"Mom, a good business ran, or I have done this business, I can be happy for a long time, grass... I ran a big fish in white, my heart is not happy, big mic, we are happy and happy." Say the knife in his hand and watch the strong woman smile.

Ye Mo was a bit cold, this guy is really a rough nerve, and there is still this thought in this place.

Sure enough, the strong woman snorted: "Roll, the money didn't get it, today the old lady won't do it for you."

"Hey, big mic, why is this? You see that every time I don't give you more than half of it, I will make money later, I am not giving you most of it..." After the man went to pull the strong woman.

The woman did not know if she believed the man’s words. This time she did not refuse.

Watching the two quickly take off their clothes, and then press the front of the only broken table in the temple, they began to wheezing and move, Ye Mo sighed.

There are such people, to prepare for robbery and killing people, and to think about doing this kind of thing, to see how they breathe, it seems that the mood is still very high. Ye Mo recalled the two guys who opened the black shop in the otter. It is estimated that these two people have a fight with them.

But the man looks very fierce, but he can't do it, but he surrendered his gun after three or five. The strong woman was very dissatisfied and said, "There are only a few times next time, don't look for an old lady."

After that, I was very dissatisfied and kicked the broken table in front.

Ye Mo, who was going to leave, suddenly stopped. He clearly heard that the woman’s foot was on the table. There was an empty voice under the table. Is the table empty?

Ye Merton extended his knowledge again, and he just missed it when he looked at it. This table is still earth and stone, but this earth stone is a very thick earth cover. Ye Mo’s knowledge extended and he found a hole in the ground beneath the cover, which means that there was a basement below the cover.

Two men and women who were ready to rob but did not rob, began to dress quickly after finishing the work. The man suddenly fought a cold war. He subconsciously said: "Da Mi, how do I suddenly feel that my neck is blown by the same breath, so cold."

The woman sneered while wearing her trousers and said: "You can only say that you are too useless, and the old lady who is engaged in it will not be able to go up. If you are cold, don't touch the aging mother."

It seems that she is also unwilling to be a man with no fighting power, with some unhappy in her tone.

Ye Mo listened to the man's words, and the knowledge immediately swept away. He stopped. He didn't find it just now, but now he really found a ghost.

The faint shadow of the ghost stood behind the man, gnashing his teeth, but his combat power was too weak, and he could only blow some air.

Ye Mo only needs to look at the shadow of the ghost's teeth and teeth, knowing that this person's death must be related to the man. This kind of thing really is done more than a total ghost, there is nothing wrong with it.

For this kind of thing, Ye Mo will not shoot. The ghost does not appear, Ye Mo will not casually kill the two men. But the ghost came out to scare the two people, and Ye Mo did not intervene. He really wants to see how this ghost is shot.

One of the most powerful ghosts he ever saw was under the broken hill in the ghost town. The ghost was raised by a perverted woman in the September view, but the ghost was killed by him. If it is the ghost, Ye Mo estimates that this pair of men and women will definitely live for a few seconds.

"It's true, I feel that there is a cold cold air blowing my neck..." The man's tone this time has not been calm, and the voice is even a little trembling.

The woman just wanted to answer the man's words, and suddenly she looked at the white cloth she had just placed next to her. It is clear that there is no wind in the moonlight this evening, but the white cloth slowly blows up like an invisible person.

"Ah, cloth, cloth..." The woman who was very courageous finally had no way to calm down. She pointed at the piece of white cloth and only knew that it was called cloth. She really wanted to run immediately, but her legs could not be lifted.

"Nothing..." The man just turned and saw a piece of white cloth suddenly covering the two.

"Ah..." The two men were screamed by the windless white cloth and suddenly fainted.

Ye Mo secretly shook his head. These two guys were originally nervous, and even doing this kind of thing at this mountain temple. He thought that the two guys were too courageous, and they didn’t expect to be so scared. A white cloth fainted, and if the two men continued to be daring, they could ignore the white cloth.

Ye Mo affirmed that if the two men ignored this white cloth, there was no way for the ghost to hold the two.

This ghost is the victim. Ye Mo did not think of a fireball. He walked out and lifted his foot to two feet. He kicked the two out of the temple. He did things. The two continued to stay in the temple. It is really blocking things.

Ye Mo kicked the pair of men and women, ignored the ghoul, and walked directly to the table, and opened the tunnel.

But the ghost has drifted over, and Ye Mo looked back at the cold and looked at the ghost. "I see you poor, forgive you, if you still block me, don't blame me."

After Ye Mo finished this sentence, he actually found that the ghost was trembling. However, this ghost did not leave, but exudes a hint of gratitude.

"Do you know me?" Ye Mo didn't know why he saw this feeling in the ghost, he asked.

Sure enough, the sorrow nodded, but there was no way to speak. Ye Moxin moved immediately passed his meaning to the past with God.

What makes Ye Mo happy is that the ghost can pass back his thoughts through Ye Mo’s knowledge.

"Predecessors, you really have people who have great skills. I didn't expect that I will be able to see the seniors twice, although I am already a lonely ghost..." The message from the ghost made Ye Moyi .

Yi Jiuhe, he has already remembered the name, is a middle-aged. And it was a very cool middle-aged man who first met himself at the Lunkang Art Exchange. At that time, one of his own instruments was not sold. Later, this Yi Jiuhe took two daughters to help him get through the market.

At the price of 200,000 yuan, he did not even pay the price. In addition to being bold, this kind of kindness to the daughter is also manifested.

"How is it?" Ye Mo was also a bit stunned. This Yi Jiuhe gave him a good impression. He did not expect to be harmed by the dogs and men. It must have been revealed when he came to Xianshan.

(Thanks to friends for their subscriptions and monthly passes, thank you!)


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