Strongest Abandoned Son

Vol 5 Chapter 677: This is the killer

>.. United Army commander Verza holding a high-powered telescope standing on the aircraft carrier's watchtower is a bit full of ambition, he looked at the dense fighters and warships flew to Luo Yue, the corner of his mouth unconsciously revealed a cold smile. (I want a novel) He is very clear, in the opposite side of his invisible, there are hundreds of thousands of coalition forces under the leadership of Army Commander Sean to launch a general attack on Luo Yue.

The staff Fira and a group of commanders are all around him. Although they did not speak, they can see from their demeanor that they are very admired for this coalition commander, Verza. At the beginning of the war, no one had the courage of Verza. Not only did he stand alone, he built a large number of fake fighters and built a large number of warships.

To know that this is hundreds of hundreds of billions of dollars, plus this time General Vilza ordered five F-22 fighters to marry Luo Yue, this kind of courage is no one can do it.

Because everyone who knows Verza knows that he let the fighters marry the attack on Luoyue, he knows that it is not going to attack, it is simply going to die. If this secret plan is known to the people of the country, he is the biggest sinner, even if it is not hanged.

However, he succeeded. Just look at Luo Yue’s missile launching until now, and he knows that Verza’s idea is correct. He completely consumed Luo Yue’s missile. Now the coalition's fleet has been getting closer and closer to Luoyue. As long as the landing begins, no matter how strong the high-tech of Luoyue, they will surely lose.

Verza looked back at the staff and commander who looked at him and was very comfortable. He enjoys this process very much, and he likes others to admire him from the heart. He could even imagine that he was surrounded by a group of flashlights in front of the Luoyue government building. He even thought of the time when the whole world cheered for him. He even thought that the people of the country would push him to the position of the heroic throne. Perhaps the next president of the country is his Wilza.

Verza swept the faces of the staff officers behind him. Then calmly said: "You. Maybe for a few hours, we can stand in front of the government building in Luoyue to open the champagne..."

However, Verza suddenly felt very strange. He did not see joy and congratulations from the face of these staff officers. Even if you are flattering, this is not normal. He even saw some panic and nervousness.

While Welza was still in a strange time, countless rumbling loud noises sounded. He looked back subconsciously and his face suddenly became pale.

The sea of ​​the Indian Ocean, which has just been calm, has been packed with dense bombs. These bombs seem to have long eyes and accurately land on their warships. Only a few will fall into the sea, and most bombs will burst into a huge roar.

Don't say that their interceptor missiles have no effect on the mini-bombs. Even if it works, intercepting such small, so dense mini-missile missiles with interceptors is a joke.

missile? Is there such a small missile in the world?

"Boom, bang..." has not waited for him to fully wake up. He felt that his aircraft carrier had some vibration.

Several of the mini-shaped missiles landed on the runway of the aircraft carrier. The aircraft carrier was shot several craters with football-sized squads, and some fighters that did not take off became a slam in the explosion.

Verza was stunned. And the dense mini-missiles seemed to fly in the middle of the fleet as if they were endless. A loud roar is heard.

Verza looked up and looked at the sky above the Indian Ocean. It was just a group of coalition fighters. In a very short period of time, it became sparse, and the sky was gray and gray. From time to time, the sound of the explosion of the fighter plane and the sound of the fighter plane falling into the sea.

"No..." Verza's brain was blank, and he spurted a blood and screamed. His blank brain soon had some consciousness. This is the killer of Luo Yue. They actually created such a small ballistic missile. This kind of mini-bomb has a fast launching speed, a high hit rate, a low cost, and can be launched in a dense orbit. If such a ballistic missile can be mass-produced, the country is finished, the rice country is finished, and the coalition is finished...

The cold, welcoming Vilza immediately stunned. He could not accept the fiasco before this victory. He will become the sinner of the country.

At the same time that Verza was in a coma, the staff Fira and others responded, and immediately pressed the chest, pinching the person, and finally let him wake up again.

The waking up of Vilza picked up the telescope for the first time. The gray in the sky turned black and black, and there was an unpleasant burning smell everywhere. It was the residue of the explosive, which was the residue of the burning of the aircraft.

The coalition fighters were increasingly scarce. They could only occasionally see the escape of several planes, and then a mini missile caught up with the fleeing fighter and shot it down into the sea.

Verza stared at everything in front of him, and countless missiles sent by the coalition fleet were shot down without any accident. Even most of them did not need to be shot down because of interference without any target.

Except for a very small number of missiles that can land on the land of Luoyue, their fleets have no means of resilience at sea.

Suddenly he felt the aircraft carrier under his feet swaying for a while. He had a brainstorming, retreating, retreating, and retreating immediately...

"General Verza, you need to go down immediately, this watch tower will soon be shot down..." Fira, the staff of the staff, quickly pulled the Vilza, who had already had six gods, to go down.

Verza took a shot to Fira, and some of the gods asked: "How is our loss? No, don't worry about the loss, retreat, and immediately retreat..."

He finally said what he thought, and Verza also participated in many wars, but there has never been a war that has been made today. He remembered the Gulf War, and his army couldn't find the North who couldn't know the high-heavy guy. The guy didn't even have the chance to fight back, he was defeated by the coalition forces, and the coalition forces finally lost hundreds of people.

However, the current war made Verza think of the Gulf War of the year. This war is exactly the same as that of the war. It is only that the opponent who has been beaten this time is not the opponent, but the coalition led by himself.

"The warship lost 61 ships, the aircraft carrier lost two, the aircraft lost 900, and the helicopter lost 800. The casualties of the soldiers were not counted, but many of the returned fighters did not stop, many aircraft carriers can no longer stay on the plane... ..."

As the data was reported, Verza almost stunned, how long? The coalition forces have lost nearly half of their strength. If it is a few hours, the whole army will be affirmed.

Verza’s heart was bleeding, and he knew that he had repeated the mistakes of Sekiyuki. He was finished and completely finished. But before he was completely dead, he would take the remaining troops away.

"Retreat, immediately retreat..." Verza, in addition to calling the words retreat, he did not have the original calm.

Without the use of Vilza, the fleets of these coalition forces have begun to slowly retreat. They know that this is not a war, this is a fate.

Several amphibious transport ships were sunk, and countless tanks and soldiers fell into the water, but none of the warships dared to stop to rescue, because the facts show that as soon as the warship stops, there will be several mini-missiles coming.

"Boom... rumbling..."

The entire Indian Ocean has turned into an explosion and smog, and the numerous screams on the sea make people feel the cruelty and coldness of the war.

Luo Yue’s mini-missile is like a hail, endless...


Some neutral warships and some media warships couldn't believe the war in the distance. Some diffuse smoke and burning smells made them clearly aware that this is true, not illusory.

Just half an hour ago, Luoyue was still a lamb to be slaughtered, but after half an hour, Luo Yue revealed his fangs and took out such a terrible killer. They even created a mini-missile like a grenade, and the range is still so far, and the positioning is so accurate.

Looking at the mini-missile that is still dense like a locust in the sky, even if you don't have to look at the results, everyone knows that the coalition is finished and completely finished.

Four days ago, Verza's famous burning tactics have been recognized by many military experts around the world. They all think that Verza's tactics are used here in Luoyue, which is simply tailor-made.

Four days later, Luo Yue’s missiles have decreased. It also shows that Verza’s strategy is correct, and his money-burning tactics have been successful. In the end, the total attack that shocked people's hearts is to let everyone know that Luoyue can stay for a long time, even if it is very good.

Because as long as the coalition landing Luoyue will be defeated.

However, when Luo Yue was shot like a locust-like mini-missile, all the people were shocked and all the people were sluggish. Watching countless fighters fall into the sea, watching countless warships sink into the sea, the coalition commander Vilza numb, all the soldiers of the coalition are numb, and the coalition's combat command room is even more numb.

And all the neutral countries and those who watch the lively, and even some news interviews, have a cold feeling. Luoyue is very strong, but no one thinks that Luoyue is so strong. When the coalition forces came last time, they relied on imported missiles and electronic jammers developed by themselves. They simply annihilated the entire army.

However, it took only a long time for them to develop such a mini-missile missile, and it can be launched infinitely intensively. This kind of missile like a locust, even if it is any army, will be a smog.

Verza's fleet has just withdrawn from the intensive mini-missile range. He hasn't had time to relax, and dozens of warships with the Luoyue flag appear in front of them, but the former coalition's radar did not react at all.


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