Strongest Abandoned Son

Vol 6 Chapter 807: 1 night promotion

Ye Mo did not interrupt the shock of Zeng Zhenxia. He knew that Zeng Zhenxia needed time to digest what he said. [Ye*zi] [Yu*you] Anyone who has worked hard all his life is said to be a pediatrics. It will be shocking and unbelievable, and even have a great sense of loss.

For a long time, Zeng Zhenxia was awake from the shock, and he believed that Ye Mo would not lie to him. He sighed with a long sigh and said: "The ridiculous people are still working hard for the innate. I didn't expect the end to be such an ending."

After he finished speaking, he seemed to think of something. He stared at Ye Mo again and asked: "Ye brother, you said that you have seen a true innate master? As far as I know, the whole Huaxia hidden door is the highest is the gourd. The killing of the valley is also the master of the Wang Jiujian of the 'Jiuming College'. The two of them are at most innate, that is, the level of heaven you said. Who else surpassed them?"

Ye Mo nodded and said: "Yes, because I have been to the real little world, I have seen the hidden door, and I have competed with many masters of the hidden door."

Zeng Zhenxia couldn't help but feel the vibration inside. He suddenly stood up, but he quickly sat down again and asked, "Ye brother, have you ever been to the hidden door?"

The reason why I am so excited is that Zeng Zhenxia knows that in the past few years, the people of the hidden door can come out after a while, but the people outside have never been able to enter. And in the legend, the strength of the implicit door is indeed much higher than the hidden door.

Ye Mo once again said: "Yes, if the heavens are congenital, then there are nearly seven or eight innate masters in the faculty of the inner secret. But if you want to say that the real heaven is innate, then inside The innate masters of the hidden gates are only one or two people."

Ye Mo has seen the ingenious master who has been chasing and killing another. It is really very good. Ji Meilian is not his opponent in the nine layers of training, but unfortunately he met himself who cultivated the 'three births'. And Ye Mo also grabbed a sword in his body.

Because of this, Ye Mo thought about it for a long time, he felt that Guwu is not that simple. [Ye * Zi] [Yu * You] Although the previous period did not repair the real. But what if the people who cultivated the ancient martial arts transcend the innate and even surpass the higher level?

This question has been thought of for a long time, because there are no examples in front. So no conclusions have been drawn.

"How does the hidden door of the small world go in?" Zeng Zhenxia's eyes are excited. If he can enter the implicit door, can he cultivate to a higher level?

Ye Mo said with a sigh: "My wife is also in the small world. But I have no way to go in now. I want to wait until I practice to a higher level, I decided to try again."

Ye Mo’s idea was to rebuild the ‘Seven Stars array’ of the Hengduan Mountains after preparing for the foundation. Then look at whether the small world can go in.

After listening to Ye Mo’s words, Zeng Zhenxia’s expression of extreme disappointment, sighed and said: “I have practiced until now, even a heavenly level has no way to break through, but comforted myself to say that it is about to break through the innate, it’s really sitting on the ground, and Yelang is arrogant.”

Ye Mo certainly knows to change the heaven to the innate, and is the master of the ancient Wu, who has no relationship with Zeng Zhenxia. Because a long time ago, people who broke through the heavens have already collapsed. Therefore, those ‘wise’ ancestors who have nothing to do will be directly en routed, and simply breaking through the heavens is called innate.

"I have a way to let you break through the heavens right away." Ye Mo looked at some decadent Zeng Zhenxia suddenly said, he said this, not to combat Zeng Zhenxia's cultivation enthusiasm.

"Ah..." Zeng Zhenxia felt to talk to Ye Mo tonight. His heart was almost unbearable several times, and any sentence Ye Mo said was far beyond his perception. No matter what Yemo said, he felt that this was unrealistic. This is not true. But he also knows that Ye Mo should not lie to him.

Ye Mo took out a ‘Da Pei Yuan Dan’ and handed it to Zeng Zhenxia: “This is what I got from a small world. You took it. [WWw.YZUU point m] immediately refining and impacting the heavens, it will definitely succeed.”

"Well..." Zeng Zhenxia excitedly picked up the medicinal herbs in Ye Mo's hand and swallowed it. He completely believed in Ye Mo. Ye Modan medicine is so powerful that he has seen it more than a decade ago.

The entrance of 'Da Pei Yuan Dan' became instant, and it became the meridian of the spirit of Zeng Lingxia. Zeng Zhenxia felt that his body was going to burst. In the fiery spiritual power, Zeng Zhenxia started to consciously use Ye Moi’s reminder. Refining.

The strong heritage, let Zeng Zhenxia almost no huā fee to break through the bondage, Dan Tian deep, gradually formed a sea of ​​gas, the internal gas is getting stronger, he has really advanced to the heavens. The strength that is several times stronger than the original is overflowing in the body, so that Zeng Zhenxia has an impulse to stand up and grow up almost immediately.

He suppressed his impulses and constantly stabilized himself in the realm of heaven.

When Zeng Zhenxia woke up again, the sky was already bright. He stood up and looked at the whole body with excitement. He said with surprise: "I broke through and broke through to the innate. A strong feeling."

Ye Mo said with a smile: "You have to say that there is no way to comfort myself. In fact, you have not broken through the innate, you just broke through the heavens."

Zeng Zhenxia has put Ye Mo’s words aside for a long time. The heavens are innate here. It can be said that he is likely to have become the second master of China.

Although Ye Mo didn't want to fight Zeng Zhenxia, ​​but he was afraid that he would be satisfied, he could no longer enter, and he said, "Zeng Xiong, your cultivation is very much in the small world. Now the sky is already bright, let's go."

Zeng Zhenxia said to Ye Moyi: "Thank you, Ye brother, of course I know what you mean. I won't lose my cultivation. I want to reverse. After I listen to you, I will work harder."

After saying that Zeng Zhenxia hesitated for a while, he asked again: "Ye brother, if my current cultivation is compared with you, how much difference?"

Fortunately, he still has self-knowledge, just saying how much difference, did not say whether you can beat you.

Ye Mo said with a smile: "At the beginning, I was surrounded by dozens of heavenly masters in the small world. They also had the masters of the peak of the late stage." As for those prefectures and half-steps, they were automatically ignored by Ye Mo. It is.

"How is the result?" Not waiting for Ye Mo to say the result, Zeng Zhenxia had no time to ask.

"Results?" Ye Mo whispered: "The results have been killed by me... Oh, I should have run one more."

"..." Zeng Zhenxia patted his head silently. The Ye brother he knew was a pervert. He must have been truly innate.

Dozens of innate masters have been killed by him. If you pass it out, no one will believe it. However, Zeng Zhenxia knew that Ye Mo would not lie to him. He said that it was definitely true than real gold. At this moment, he no longer had the heart to compare with Ye Mo. The intention to try to disappear with Ye Mobi was gone, and even the joy of advancing to the heavens level was much less.

When Ye Mo and Zeng Zhenxia came to the hotel, they happened to meet Feng Wu and others. When Feng Wu saw Zeng Zhenxia and Ye Mo, he immediately greeted him: "Yecheng Lord, Zengmen, who was looking for you last night but did not find it, hehe..."

The words of Feng Wu suddenly stopped, he felt the difference of Zeng Zhenxia, ​​the momentum of the whole body was several times stronger, and the internal gas could not even be controlled. That is because Zeng Zhenxia has just broken through the heavens and has not completely converged.

"Zengmen Lord... Did you break through to the innate?" Feng Wu’s voice began to tremble. This time, Zeng Xiaxia had already broken through to the innate, and it was too shocking to hear.

In the past, his cultivation was a little higher than Zeng Zhenxia, ​​but now Zeng Zhenxia has completely surpassed him. The height is not a little bit. This makes him shocked and shocked. A deep loss.

Zeng Zhenxia smiled slightly and nodded and said: "Yes, last night, with the help of my brother, I was lucky enough to break through."

Zeng Zhenxia did not want to erase Ye Mo’s credit, so he did not hide it. After listening to Zeng Zhenxia, ​​almost everyone looked at Ye Mo. No one doubts the words of Zeng Zhenxia, ​​because Ye Mo came yesterday, and Zeng Zhenxia broke through today.

"But the Zengmen, you have already broken through the innate, this is a happy event, how do you seem to be not very interesting." After a local-level warrior was shocked, he immediately discovered that Zeng Zhenxia was not so much. Xing〗 Fen, at best, I am very satisfied.

Zeng Zhenxia smiled in his heart, and said that if you know the horror and power of Ye Mo, if you know that I have not yet reached the innate cultivation. If you know that the innateness is the beginning of the cultivation of ancient martial arts, it is estimated that you will not say this.

But these thoughts are just in my He still haha ​​smiles and says: "It’s impossible to say that you don’t want to be happy. It’s just that those who are happy are on your mind. Today I will borrow the site of the 'Jiuming College' and ask everyone to have a drink."

After the horror, Feng Wu immediately restored his normal expression. He immediately said with a smile: "Okay, okay, that is what it should be. Let's go to the 'Jiuming Academy'. Now, finally, someone has succeeded after Wang Shixiong. Congenital, this is a gratifying thing for our entire hidden door."

In the heart of Feng Wu, Ye Mo's exercises are very weird, but he does not think that Ye Mo has broken through the innate, because Ye Mo's age is here, so young and innate, he will never believe.

Ye Mo’s attack power is amazing, and he is sure of this. But many people can kill the enemy more and more, which has nothing to do with cultivation.

Standing in front of Fengwu's eyes, the horror of the singer's sister blinked, and she suddenly stared at Ye Mo. The expression on her face constantly changed, and seemed to be considering a matter of great importance.

... (to be continued..)

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