Strongest Abandoned Son

Vol 6 Chapter 815: Beisha

If it were not for the coup d'état a few years ago, even as an African island country, even a few people have never heard of it. (Look at the novel to the leaves, Yu ~ You M) But after the coup, Sid changed the country to ‘Beisha’ and vigorously developed the industry, especially the military factory, but in recent years, it has stood up.

In the second year of the establishment of Beisha, it launched its own satellite. In the third year, it produced a world-class fighter. In the fourth year, it started the manufacturing plan of the aircraft carrier. The speed of their technological development, many people say that they have surpassed Luoyue.

If you are not familiar with the people of Sidian, you even think that Sidian has already started to build these production lines many years ago, so now it is just a random result. Anyone familiar with Sidian knows that this is absolutely impossible, because Shidian is simply a backward island country that can no longer lag behind.

The government structures of Beisha and Luoyue are somewhat different, and their constitutional monarchy is completely different from that of other countries. The monarch in Beisha is the northern sand king, but the northern sand king is different from the kings of other countries. He has absolute power, and it can be said that he is a dictator.

Luo Yue’s government in Beisha had already known the first time when he proposed to Sanlian to impose sanctions on Beisha.

At this time, the highest parliamentary center in Beisha, almost all the senior leaders are there. Beisha Wang is a black-faced man who can't see the age, but now his gloomy face makes his black face more and more ugly.

The silence in the conference room was a little scary. No one spoke loudly. Even everyone could only hear the sounds of the people around them.

"Oriental Prime Minister, your plan has failed." This gloomy face can not see the age of the man broke the silence of the scene, but his tone is a bit cold.

The heart of the Oriental Tang is slightly cold. Although he has his own plans, after years of getting along, he feels that the city of Beisha is not so simple.

Dongfangtang stood up and took a nap to the king of Beisha and said: "My plan has no problems. The only thing I didn't think was that Ye Mo disappeared for more than ten years and went back to Luoyue. (Look at the novel to the leaves, Yu ~ You M) My Oriental family was destroyed in Luoyue."

Dongfangtang is also very depressed, according to his and Dongfangwang's plan, as long as another year or even half a year. Luo Yue can be won by peace without the blood, and finally like the same.

According to their strategy, Luoyue will be controlled by Dongfang Wang. Then Dongfangwang will join him to destroy the North Shawang and let himself occupy Beisha. In this way, although the two brothers have contradictions, the two brothers and one person control a country, and finally slowly devour other places.

As for the dispute between the two brothers, the two negotiated well, and then discussed the issue of the ownership of the Western Tang Dynasty after dealing with the external troubles. In fact, if it was not for the inheritance of the Western Tang Dynasty in the Eastern House, once there was Beisha, Dongfang Tang did not want to compete with Dongfangwang for the Western Tang King.

The ideal is beautiful, but the reality is so disgusting. Just when their brothers thought it was almost successful. Ye Mo, who has been missing for more than a decade, went back to Luoyue. With the power of Ye Mo and the degree of trust by Luo Yue, he even completely controlled Luo Yue within half a day, and all the people sent by the Oriental family to Luo Yue were cleaned without any hesitation.

Their Eastern Brothers’ efforts for two years were completely in vain, so he was very depressed. As for the murder of Ye Mo through the hidden door. That is no way to do it.


When Ye Moyi went to Sidian, he swept to the conference center of the 'Beisha' high-rise. When he saw the people in the conference room, he was immediately happy. He came here mainly to destroy the high-rises of Beisha. He did not expect to see Dongfangtang here, although he did not find Dongfangwang. It is also a good thing to kill the Dongfangtang.

Ye Mo entered the 'Beisha' government building, and all the Beisha soldiers were killed by him all the way. He did not have the slightest mercy.

When Ye Mo really opened the killing, he found that the masters here are indeed quite a lot. There are even three half-step innate, seven prefecture-level warriors and several Xuan class warriors, and the yellow level is many. In addition, there are more than a dozen low-level abilities.

It can be said that apart from Ye Mo, this government building has almost no personal strength to attack. [WWw.YZUU point m] The strength here is too strong, Ye Mo is even thinking, if all these strengths are put into Luoyue, before Xu Ping and Xu Yuehua did not advance to the level, Luo Yue still has no power to block ?

Ye Mo did not know what resources Beisha had. It was so shocking to train so many masters in just ten years. Or these masters are not cultivated by them, they are joined by other hidden doors.

With the death of Ye Mo, more and more people died in the government building in Beisha, and the news spread. The power center in Beisha suddenly became scared. The arms of the dynasty also moved. They were killed by the suppression. Now someone is attacking the new government in Beisha. They will not use it anywhere.

For a time, the factories and military agencies of the new Beisha government began to demonstrate riots.

After a group of Beisha government leaders who were in the meeting got news, they found that the conference room exit had been blocked. As for the guards and guards, one has disappeared.

Ye Mo stood at the door of the conference room and blocked everyone's way. The explosion and screams came from outside. Ye Mo was indifferent, as if he had not heard it.

"Is you? Ye Mo." Dongfangtang was still thinking about how much anger that the North Sand King would give him, but found that Ye Mo came to the core of Beisha silently and silently.

After hearing the words of Ye Tang in the Dongtang, almost everyone in the conference room stood up, and the eyes were full of fear. Obviously they all heard about Ye Mo. The strength of the government building in Beisha is so strong that everyone here knows, and with such a strong defense, the other party can go to the door of the conference room, showing that the outside guards are hard to escape.

Ye Mo swept the people here, and finally looked at the black-faced King of the North, but found that this guy turned out to be a power practitioner. Ye Mo is not very familiar with the abilities of practitioners. He only knows that there are ten levels of abilities from the vain moon. As for how to divide them, they know nothing about them.

But Ye Mo knows that the North Shawang actor is never simple, it is just a feeling. He has met an eight-level abilities master, but that master is definitely not the opponent of the North Sand King, and it is far from the same.

Ye Mo did not move with the North Sha Wang, so he felt that after the North Sha Wang was not simple, he did not start to do it. He had to do it, and he could not let this guy run.

"Ye Mo, I will give you a big name for a long time. But you are not a person who has no origin. You occupy such a large site as Luoyue. It is hundreds of times more than my Beisha. Why do you still have to go with me?" After seeing Ye Mo, the northern sand king did not have the gloomy face.

Ye Mohaha smiled, and suddenly raising his hand was a wind blade. A Beisha official who wanted to escape from the back window was split into two halves by Ye Mo.

The **** smell spread in the conference room, and the meeting site immediately became silent. Many people are even trembling. The person who was just about to escape is a master of the early stage. This kind of person is killed in the hands of Ye Mo, no one dares to move again.

Ye Mo looked at the northern sand king and said with a sneer: "Since we know that we are all irrelevant, why do you send people to Luoyue to seize the regime of Luoyue? Why do you want to kill the hidden door and give it to me? When I saw the bomb in the North Pole, was it your garbage?"

For the first time, the northern sand king was smashed into rubbish, his face became extremely ugly, but he still did not attack, but said calmly to Ye Mo: "These things have nothing to do with me. From the beginning, I have no plans to deal with Luoyue. I have no intention of dealing with you. I am sincerely admired by Ye Chengzhu, and there is no such thing as malicious."

Not waiting for Ye Moo to sneer, Beisha Wang pointed to Dongfangtang and said: "It is his idea to deal with you and deal with Luoyue. This is a hungry wolf. He joined me in Beisha for the purpose of capturing me. The power of Beisha. Because he wants to build his own power, whether you believe it or not, I can tell you that Dongfangtang is actually a descendant of the Western Tang Dynasty, and his ambition is very big. I opposed his opinions several times, but because of him The strength of the people brought is not low. I have not been able to eliminate him, so I have always been imaginary and arrogant."

Even if Ye Moming knew that the North Sand King was nonsense, he was shocked by the words of the North Sand King. Of course, he knew the purpose of Dongfangtang to stay in Beisha. He did not expect that the North Shawang would know. It seems that a wise man is not only a person from the East, he is a fool, he is a fool.

All the people in the conference room were stunned. What made them sluggish was not that the Oriental Pond was the descendant of the ‘West Tang King’. Actually, no one here knows who the King of the West is. What makes everyone horrified is the words of the King of the North, this is simply squinting and talking.

He also said several times against the views of the Oriental Pond, which is simply nonsense. In fact, the most trusted person of Beisha Wang is Dongtang. Every time he gives opinions from Dongfangtang, he said that the Eastern Brothers are right. I agree with the words of the Eastern Brothers. When did you object to the half sentence?

Dongfangtang was stunned and looked at the North Shawang. He felt like a fool for the first time. For the first time, he felt that he was a clown in front of King Shasha. It was because he felt that the King of Sands was 100% trusting in him, and he became more and more inflated.

Now I want to come. It turns out that people started to know the purpose of his and understand the tail of his oriental pond. Just because he has been using his oriental pond, this is no killer.

At this time, he can be sure that even if Ye Mo does not come today, Luo Yue is destroyed by the Eastern Brothers, then his Oriental Pond can not win the fruits of victory. Even the East Wangdu was counted by this person.

Dongfangtang is not a fool. On the contrary, he is a very intelligent person. He has already understood the reason. When Dongfangwang and Dongfangtang partnered to settle Luoyue, it was when his eastern brother died. With the ability and power of the North Shawang, he can certainly kill the Eastern brothers and win the moon. Dare to love the North Sha Wang has never given up Luo Yue, but did not give Luo Yue to Dongfang Wang's plan. The Eastern Brothers are only two knives in his hand.

But the North Sand King did not wait for the Oriental Pond to continue thinking about it. He suddenly had a pistol in his hand, and it was a shot at the forehead of the Oriental Pond.

A blood flower flew up, and the Oriental Pond was not willing to fall in the seat.

......(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (an.) to vote for the recommended ticket, the monthly ticket, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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