Strongest Abandoned Son

Vol 7 Chapter 910: Jin Dan

This blue giant cymbal is estimated to be close to five levels, even if it is less than five, it is also a four-level peak monster, which is equivalent to half-step Jin Dan, beyond the realm of the false Dan realm. (Look at the novel to the leaves, you can go to the M)

Although Ye Mo does not know what this monster is, but from this monster, there is a light blue to know that this should be caused by long-term consumption of 'blueberry fruit'.

At this time, the scent of 'Indigo Fruit' became more and more intense. At the same time, Lan Lan also saw Ye Mo, and immediately stood up and opened his mouth to make a loud scream, apparently warning Ye Mo.

Where did Ye Mo let go of the ‘indigo fruit’, and simply ignored the warnings of the blue dragonfly, and sacrificed the “purple” and injected it into the real yuan. ‘紫銊’ brought up a purple knife that was light to the extreme. This knife was just pulled out. It seemed to be separated from the ‘紫銊’ and then split two.

In the blink of an eye, the knife is split into four...

Lancome seems to have never seen this kind of purple knife, but it seems to know that this knife is so powerful that it immediately rolls up the huge tail, and the knife that is sent out to Ye Mo 'Purple' is swept away.

After Ye Mo got the ‘紫銊’, this is the first time to use the “Magic Cloud Knife Law”, and the one that comes out is the second knife in the Magic Cloud Knife Law.


The knives inspired by ‘紫銊’ instantly collided with the giant tail of the blue dragonfly, and Ye Mo felt a huge force hitting his chest, so that he could barely breathe. It seems that the next moment he will be shot a few kilometers away.

Ye Mo was shocked and hurry to run the real yuan to stabilize his body. Then unload the force that suppressed the chest.

Even so, he was still shot, but fortunately, he really condensed too much than the ordinary Zhuji monk, but was shot dozens of meters away. It stabilized the figure and landed on the ground.

Ye Mo’s heart was amazed. When he came up, he killed the illusion cloud splitting knife. But this is the case, even if he was shot and flew out, it is amazing that the power of this blue dragonfly is so amazing. []

He no longer dared to keep it, ‘紫銊’ was immediately injected into him by the real yuan, and the third knife, the “Magic Cloud Spinning Knife”, was to be sacrificed.

But when he was paying attention to the blue dragonfly. I found a blue shadow flashing from his eyes. The blue dragonfly escaped, and Ye Moer suddenly stood in the same place. He couldn’t figure out why Lan Lan had to escape. In the fight just now, he even got a little down.

But when he saw a few drops of blood on the ground. It seems a bit clear. This blue dragonfly was afraid of his illusion cloud splitting knife, and his first knife hurt it, so he chose to escape. Perhaps in its eyes, the preciousness of ‘blueberry’ is not enough to make it desperate.

I want to come too, ‘檠苓蓝果’ it eats too much. Maybe it doesn't have much effect, so this is not for the three ‘blueberry fruit’ and Ye Mo.

Ye Mo put away ‘紫銊’ and secretly sighed. If he really killed this blue scorpion, even if he won, he would have to spend a lot of effort. Lan Lan took the initiative to evacuate. That is the best.

However, Ye Mo also understood that his illusion cloud splitting knife was not bad. The reason why the first knife did not hurt the blue dragonfly. That's because his 'phantom cloud splitting knife' is still not home. If he can do the second knife out, there will be thousands of split knives. Endless, blue 蟒 wants to go and can't go away.

Ye Mo shook his head. If you want to do this, you can do it without a simple exercise. You need to be as powerful as the real one. At that point, it is simply being repaired.

Even so, Ye Moxin is also a dark-hearted person. He feels that 'Zi Zi' has exhibited a combination of the ‘Magic Clouds’ method of ‘Three Swordsman’, and the power is greatly increased compared to before. To be sure, if his move was made when he was in Jindan, then the blue dragonfly had already been riddled with riddled holes. Don’t say that he escaped, that is, he could not move.

Smelling the more intense scent of 'blueberry fruit', Ye Mo knew that 'blueberry fruit' had to mature. [WWw.YZUU point m] He took out three jade boxes and sat under the tree waiting.

It didn't take long, ‘啪嗒’, a mature ‘檠苓蓝果’ fell and was put into the jade box by Ye Mo. Followed by another ‘Indigo Fruit’ fell, and was also loaded into the jade box by Ye Mo.

When the third ‘Indigo Fruit’ was about to fall, two screaming swordsmen passed over, and Ye Mo’s knowledge had found two monks.

Originally Ye Mo did not care much, but found that although one of the two monks was still in the late stage of building the foundation, but the other person turned out to be Jin Dan Xiu, suddenly he was shocked. He originally intended to take away the 'Ou Lan Guo', but in the face of the Jin Dan monk, he did not even have a chance.

Ye Mo did not think about it, immediately sacrificed the 'flying cloud cone' and turned and left.

But before Ye Mo left, the Jindan monk had already stood in front of Ye Mo, and Ye Mo put away the ‘flying cloud cone’ and stopped. He knows that in the face of Jin Dan's monk, even if he wants to escape, he can't escape. What's more, this Jindan monk in front of him is not the beginning of Jindan, but the fourth floor of Jindan, which means that this Jindan monk has entered the middle of Jindan.

Although he had killed Li Changsheng, who was successful in Jin Dan, what was the situation? At that time, Li Changsheng had been trapped by Yu Yu's ‘Feng Yu Yu’, and he was seriously injured. He had a chance. Now he is allowed to work alone with a Jindan mid-term unless he wants to die.

"Leave your storage ring, and the kitchen knife in your hand, then roll." After the Jindan monk stopped Ye Mo, he whispered.

If this Jindan monk only asked him to leave two ‘blueberry fruits’, Ye Mo might agree. But this guy actually let him leave the storage ring, even his own knife to stay, which shows that he killed him in disguise.

Even he saw a murder in the eyes of the Jindan monk. Obviously, the Jindan monk was very cautious. In the middle of a golden dragon, he even had to let himself leave things and then kill.

Ye Mo’s eyes were cold. He knew that there was no way to be good at this. He simply clung to ‘紫銊’ and said calmly: “Are you going to kill and rob people?”

Ye Mo’s words made the Zhuji monk next to him laugh. He looked at the Jindan monk and said, “Master, this guy is a fool, and he even asked.”

The Jindan monk was a bit stunned. He couldn’t think of a late monk who was still able to calm down and even blame himself. However, he knew it in a flash. Ye Mo was calming down in his predecessor and suddenly laughed. Simply say: "Yes, I will not only rob the money, but also kill people..."

There was a fierce flash in my eyes, and the voice just fell, I was going to shoot.

Ye Mo knew that it was a fight, and it was no longer nonsense. The ‘紫銊’ in his hand swept out.

The illusion of the cloud yoke knife smashed out, and the purple mang with a knife gas shrouded all the surroundings of the Jindan monk, forming a true Yuan field.

This Jindan monk did not think that Ye Mo would dare to take the initiative to take the initiative. A district-based monk, who dared to take the initiative to give him a Jindan monk, suddenly became furious. A cold, powerful real air flow was released with his coldness.

Ye Mo felt that his first knife was a stagnation, and there was a feeling that he could not get out. He did not dare to neglect, but he was desperately running the real yuan. He had to fully play this first knife in order to hit the second illusion cloud splitting knife.

When Ye Mo’s real elements all stirred up and inspired the “Magic Clouds Yuan Yuan Knife”, the Jindan monk felt that the real elements in his body were slightly sluggish, and it seemed that the lack of it was getting worse. Suddenly a brow wrinkled, ‘咦’ a voice, and pointed out at the same time.

A real element, like a real one, directly broke Ye Mo’s knife curtain. ‘咔嚓’, Ye Mo’s sternum immediately broke two.

Ye Mo’s idea is good, but the repair is too big. His first knife, the illusion of the cloud, was only slightly bound to the real element of the Jindan monk, and he was broken by him. At the same time he was injured and there was no way to continue. Ye Mo bite his lips and does not retreat at all. The illusion cloud splitting knife has been taken out.

At this time, Ye Mo’s real-life operation has reached its limit. The knives of the singer’s sorrows are hesitant and hesitant, and the overwhelming volume has been rolled over to the opposite Jindan monk. It changed from one to dozens in an instant, and then over a hundred knives.

The Jindan monk was sealed by countless knives, and even the knives had an increasing trend. Suddenly his eyes were condensed. He couldn’t think of a sturdy knives in the district, and suddenly there was a hot sigh in his eyes. The next moment, his ring flashed white, and a fine wicker-like sword had fallen into his hands.

The hand of Jin Dan’s monk shook a little, and the same sword light was rolled up. Those Jianguang seemed to completely cover Ye Mo’s knife.

The harsh voice of ‘Shasha’ is remembered, and the sparks in the air are like fireworks. The swordsman in Ye Mo’s hand can no longer be derived, and the birth of the sword is curbed by the sky.

"嘭", Ye Mo was once again shot and flew out dozens of meters away, spit out a blood in the air. The Jindan monk also stepped back a few steps, and he had a few more **** It was only under his true turn that the injuries were completely gone. He stared at Ye Mo coldly, and his heart was murderous. He couldn't think that a seven-story monk in the district could have injured him. This is something that has never happened before, even if his injury is not surprising. But this is also considered a injury.

Ye Moxin sinks in his heart. When he was shot, he never thought about going back to fight. He knew that he and the Jindan monk were not at all a grade.

So while being shot, he has already set foot on ‘紫銊’ and turned away. If you fight again, he will die.

Although ‘no shadow’ is powerful, in the face of such a prosperous Jindan monk, Ye Mo also knows that there is no chance for ‘no shadow’.

"Want to go?" The Jindan monk snorted and set foot on the flying sword and immediately chased it up. (third more)

......(To be continued.) ^-^No pop-up window reading ^_^

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