Strongest Demonic Fiend System

Chapter 808: Get out?

One day later.


A low rumbling sound was heard from the training room at the bottom of the self-burning sky refining tower.

And there is no doubt that the owner of that training room is Duan Feng.


"Have you finally reached the Seven Star Fighting King? This speed is a bit faster."

Feeling the stronger vindictiveness, Duan Feng sighed lightly and slowly said.

You know, he only reached the Six-Star Douwang the day before yesterday, but now he has risen to another level.

If this matter is known to other monks, I am afraid it will be shocked.

Generally, after reaching the Douwang level, every level up will be extremely difficult.

Some monks will even stay in the realm of fighting kings for a lifetime.

It is conceivable how terrifying Duan Feng's rate of increase this time is.

Of course.

This was only slightly surprised by Duan Feng himself.

Not too strange.

However, it is worth mentioning that in the next few days, the rate of absorption was significantly weaker.

This is because the body has resistance to those flame energy.

After the fifth day, Duan Feng stopped practicing.

It wasn't that he was afraid of the flame factor inflicting damage on him, but that the speed of improvement was too slow.

Moreover, he is not here mainly to improve his strength.

Leaving the training room, you can clearly see that a full 10,000 ignition energy has been directly lost on the Fire Energy Crystal Card.

"Ten thousand igniting power, which has improved one-and-a-half levels of strength, which is not bad."

Duan Feng shrugged and muttered to himself.

Earning fire energy is not difficult for him.

Therefore, he naturally did not lose too much heartache and energy.

Looking around, the monks in the other three cultivation rooms around had already left.

"I was thinking of a chance to meet, but it seems I still have no such good luck."

Reluctantly shook his head, Duan Feng didn't think too much, immediately raised his steps and walked towards it.

Because he was at the bottom, he had to go up one by one if he wanted to leave.

There are only four training rooms at the lowest level, but there are as many as twenty on the upper level.

There are even many monks stationed outside waiting for the opportunity to be available.


Duan Feng's footsteps sounded.

Although there are many monks standing around, they all stand quietly and wait in line.

Now that they saw the sound of walking, they all looked over at once.

"Hey, brat, jump in the queue is not allowed here."

Suddenly, a stern voice shouted to Duan Feng.

"Yes, roll aside!"

Someone agreed.

"What are you talking about? I can't hear you clearly. Say it again."

Duan Feng shrugged, and immediately looked at the two talking monks.

Because you want to go upward, you have to go through layers of training rooms.

Therefore, some monks mistakenly believed that Duan Feng wanted to jump in the line.

"I told you to roll aside."

One of the strong monks shouted coldly.

As a cultivator who can come to the second level, his strength is naturally good.

In addition, he has a fierce temper, so seeing Duan Feng's behavior, how can he stand it?

Moreover, he does not think that Duan Feng is qualified to enter the lowest level of cultivation.

After all, his age is too young.

Only sixteen or seventeen years old.

How much strength can he have at this age?

"That kid is going to be unlucky this time."


p; "Unlucky is unlucky, who told him to jump in line?"

"It is said that Chen Domineering broke through to Dou Wang not long ago."

"Tsk tusk, it's no wonder that I have been able to see him several times. It turned out to be a breakthrough to King Dou."

Hearing the words of the strong young man, many monks were talking in low voices.

Moreover, their eyes on Duan Feng were filled with pity.

Obviously, in their opinion, Duan Feng is going to be out of luck this time.

Either roll and suffer the humiliation, or stay and be beaten.

No matter which one you choose, it is a great harm to Duan Feng.

However, when many monks were waiting for Duan Feng to make a decision, the latter's behavior was surprising.

I see.

Duan Feng did not speak, but strode towards the sturdy young Chen domineeringly.

"Boy, with your strength, do you still want to be singled out?"

"I suggest you weigh it before you start."

Seeing Duan Feng approaching oncoming, Chen overbearing coldly smiled and spoke casually.

However, Duan Feng still did not speak.

His steps still step forward without rushing.

"Boy, you asked for this, don't blame me!"

Ignored twice by the young man in front of him, Chen domineering, who was already hot-tempered, how could he care so much now?

I saw that he roared and waved a big fist when he slammed up at Duan Feng.

His strength has already broken through to King Dou, so his speed is so fast, that fist has arrived in front of Duan Feng in the blink of an eye.

However, to everyone's surprise, Duan Feng did not hide.

Moreover, his steps are still not hurried forward.

"Is this kid stupid?"

"It is estimated that it is true. If you don't die, you will be seriously injured.

When the surrounding monks saw this, they couldn't help but scream.

Even many people have chosen to close their eyes and not look at the scene before them.


Then, a wailing scream came out. ,


"This voice, could it?"

It seemed that something was wrong, and suddenly the monks hurriedly opened their eyes.

Then, they were shocked in place.

I see.

The boy still stood in place.

Instead, Chen Badao was blasted away.

And the screams and wailing sounds came from his mouth.


"Why... how could this be?"

"Oh my God, I'm not mistaken, am I?"

Unbelievable voices rang out afterwards.

As the overbearing Chen domineering, his face also showed incredible color.

He couldn't imagine how things would turn out to be this way.

"You...who are you?"

Chen Badao was As a monk at the level of fighting king, his status in the inner court is not low.

For opponents who are stronger than him, although he does not know well, he also knows most of them.

In his impression, there is no such thing as a young man in front of him.

"Hehe, didn't you just arrogantly tell me to get out? Why are you like a dead dog now?"

Duan Feng didn't answer his question, but just shrugged and said lightly.

"Duan Feng, he is Duan Feng!"

Suddenly, I don't know who exclaimed.


"He is Duan Feng who cleared the s-level fire hunting competition?"

One stone stirred up a thousand layers of waves, and the surrounding monks instantly exploded the pot.

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