Strongest Demonic Fiend System

Chapter 822: I do not think so


I saw that Jiang Jiantian's figure flashed, and he went straight back hundreds of steps.

And Duan Feng was so empty.

"Haha, come on, I am here."

Jiang Jiantian said with a big smile.

Judging from his words and deeds, he doesn't seem to be an old man over half a century.

It is more like a urchin.

Cynical urchin.

"Hmph, when I catch you, it will be your end!"

Duan Feng snorted coldly, without any hesitation, and immediately rushed out again.

Under Di Yan's possession, his speed reached an unprecedented level.

Even, they are already able to shoulder [Instant Transfer].


After an instant, Duan Feng had already arrived in front of Jiang Jiantian.


Jiang Jiantian was shocked.

Just felt a gust of wind, and when he blinked again, Duan Feng had already arrived in front of him.

He didn't even have time to react.

"Three thousand thunder palms!"

Duan Feng gave a low voice, carrying the palm of the milky white flame, and immediately blasted out fiercely.

At this time, Jiang Jiantian wanted to avoid it, but couldn't avoid it at all.

However, his sense of danger is obviously incapable of ordinary people.

I saw that when Qian Jun made a shot, he directly put his hands in front of him and made a grid.


The earth-shaking and deep rumbling sound resounded afterwards.


Under this powerful sinking blow, Jiang Jiantian was directly bombed hundreds of meters away.

"Puff whistle~"

A big mouthful of blood spurted out of his mouth.

However, despite the serious injury, this result is obviously good for him.

If he hadn't reacted at the last moment, I'm afraid the punch just now was enough to make him unable to stand up.

"Boy, it seems that I underestimated you."

Wiping off the blood on the corners of his mouth, Jiang Jiantian snorted softly.

"This is the price you pay for underestimating the enemy."

Duan Feng shrugged and sneered.

Just now, he did take advantage of it.

"There will be no next time."

Jiang Jiantian shook his head, his expression blank.

"Really? I don't think so."

Shaking his head, Duan Feng disappeared in place after an instant.

This time, he directly used [Instant Transfer].

When the figure emerged, he had come to the left of Jiang Jiantian.


Jiang Jiantian's eyes widened and his mouth made an incredible sound.


He couldn't think of how Duan Feng had such a terrifying speed.

Is this really the speed that a cultivator of Nine Star Fighting Emperor should have?

"Three thousand thunder palms!"

Duan Feng seized the opportunity, and without hesitation, he bombed out again.

This time, Jiang Jiantian was finally unable to react.


Accompanied by a low muffled sound, he was directly blown away.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

On the way he flew, he hit the column in the imperial palace again and again.

The columns that several people could hold together were all cracked by him.

It is conceivable that the power of Duan Feng's blow was so huge.


Jiang Jiantian couldn't help but squirted a big mouthful of blood.

At this time, not only did his face become paler, but the vindictiveness of his body was also nearly half of the decline.

"You are dead."

Duan Feng's figure flashed, appeared in front of Jiang Jiantian, shook his head, and shouted coldly.

"You...who are you? How could you be so powerful?"

Jiang Jiantian couldn't help but asked again.

In the depths of his eyes, he could even see a hint of fear.

"Duan Feng, Duan Feng's Duan, Duan Feng's Feng!"

After speaking, Duan Feng's figure flashed, and he rushed out again.

He naturally knew that Jiang Jiantian's strategy was to delay time.

But how can he make it happen?

"This kid doesn't look like a fifteen or sixteen-year-old boy."

Seeing that Duan Feng did not hesitate to make another shot, Jiang Jiantian's expression changed drastically.

Afterwards, he held his injured abdomen and his body retreated sharply.

After exhausting his strength, he just retreated to a corner.

However, his speed, starting from Duan Feng, is much weaker after all.

"Come on, I am not afraid of you!"

"go with!"

Jiang Jiantian gave a deep cry and waved his big hand, when even three or four small daggers flew out of his sleeves.


Several sounds of breaking the wind sounded, and after an instant, those small daggers and swords had appeared in front of Duan Feng.

"Oh shit!"

With a low curse, in desperation, Duan Feng drew from one side of his figure to the left.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Several terrifying rumbling sounds rang out, accompanied by smog from the sky.

The vision in front of him then became blurred.

"Fuck, the real goal of this dead old man is not me!"

Duan Feng stood up fiercely, and shouted coldly.

After he rushed over, where could I still see Jiang Jiantian's figure?

Has disappeared without a trace.

"I miscalculated this time."

Duan Feng shook his head and exhaled helplessly.

Since Jiang Jiantian has been wandering in this area for several years, he is not familiar with every corner.

At this time, Duan Feng wanted to chase, obviously wasting his efforts.

"Forget it, let's leave this place of right and wrong first."

Feeling his energy is disappearing bit by bit, Duan Feng secretly said.

Don't do it, don't stop.

I saw his figure flashed and disappeared in place.


Soon after Duan Feng left, a figure slowly emerged from the dark.

This person is not Jiang Jiantian, who else?

"Go? Do you think you can really escape the palm of the old man's hand?"

Chuckled lightly, then Jiang Jiantian flicked his fingers, Dang Yi stuffed a jet black pill into his mouth.


As the pill was broken, the black liquid slid into his abdomen along his throat with a ‘gulu’.

"Haha, Duan Feng, you won't be my opponent after all, never will!"

Yang Tian laughed loudly, and after an instant, the black breath of the sky was released from his body.

If anyone were here, they would be very shocked.

Because the scene is really terrifying.

The black energy radiating from his body seemed to swallow people at any time.

It makes people feel chills secretly.

With a "swish", Jiang Jiantian disappeared in place after an instant.

His speed is extremely fast, just like teleporting, and he is immediately gone.

That speed, which was comparable to the speed previously used by Duan Feng, was no longer enough.

Even faster.

"Duan Feng, I'm here, wash your neck well and wait for me. I will avenge the revenge of the two palms just now!"



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