Strongest Hero in One Punch

Chapter 392: The truth of everything

Xia Shu knew that he and Hungry Wolf were too strong now. If they fought in that place just now, the scope would be very wide, and several surrounding cities would be affected.

As long as they move a little, they will even completely destroy a city, and there will be countless casualties.

So Xia Shu let the hungry wolf lead him to fly, headed north, entered the ocean, still headed north, and then reached the North Pole, where was covered by ice, a vast expanse of white, and polar bears could be seen there.

But the two did not stop. After crossing the North Pole, the two continued to move forward until a piece of land appeared in front of them with a wide coastline.

"It's huge here..."

Xia Shu used telekinetics to sense the land, but found that he couldn't feel the border at all, and the two flew to the distance at high speed, and as they went deeper, the telekinetics still couldn't detect the border.

Not only that, but in the process of advancing, Xia Shu discovered the ruins. In the center of the ruins, there was a huge pothole. The buildings around the pothole collapsed and spread outward. Only the edge of the city had buildings.

According to the scale of the ruins, if there is no accident, there used to be a city here, and the scale is not small, not smaller than City Z.

And in the city, there are still some bones, some of which are very huge, just a single vertebra is more than ten meters long.

where is this place?

Xia Shu and Hungry Wolf flew over this area at high speed, entered a forest, and found that the surrounding trees were growing, but as they went deeper, the central trees were withering, until the very center of the forest was also a huge pothole, pothole The surrounding area was even more scorched black.

Moreover, on the edge of the cave entrance, there is a huge remnant body, only the upper body, but it is four or five meters high, and it is completely black, like a charred corpse.

The pothole should have been caused by an explosion, and it was very powerful.

What could cause such a powerful explosion, and why would it cause it?

Passing through the forest, crossing the mountains, saw another destroyed city, and finally came to a yellow ape with countless tank wreckage. The hungry wolf grabbed Natsuki and smashed it to the ground.


Natsuki hit the ground, the ground cracked and a big hole was formed, and Natsuki disappeared into the dirt.


Xia Shu jumped out of the hole unscathed, looked at the hungry wolf in the distance, did not attack immediately, but asked, "What's going on with this continent?"

In my memory, I don't have any knowledge about this continent, but according to my own judgment, this continent will not be smaller than the continent I live in.

And the ruins inside prove that there used to be a city here, and there are signs of human life.

Those huge wreckages also proved that strange people also appeared in this world.

"It's another continent."

Hungry Wolf said slowly: "This world is not just one continent."

"Not just one piece?"

Xia Shu was a little surprised, and asked: "But the knowledge I have, without this, there is only one continent in this earth, and that's the only place we live in."

Xia Shu came to this world, inherited the memory, and lived for more than three years at the same time.

This planet is still Earth, but it has only this one continent, with twenty-six cities, and no other continents.

"Because that part of history is covered up."

Hungry Wolf looked at Xia Shu and said: "More than three hundred years ago, the people of this continent launched a great war. The state support of the mainland, the fighting was limited to one area at the beginning, but a few years later, the war spread to other continents, and then at the end of the war, a country used nuclear weapons, but the country that launched nuclear weapons did not long-range ballistic missiles, thus destroying only another neighboring country that was once part of this country, causing massive casualties."

Speaking of this, Hungry Wolf said again: "But the situation was very urgent at that time, and all countries were caught in nuclear war preparations.

The gods saw that a certain country planned to use nuclear weapons, so after calculations, they believed that the earth would be destroyed by nuclear weapons, and humans, animals, and plants would all die on a large scale. Therefore, He gave people and creatures power and made them stronger. Most of the people and creatures who got power could not control the energy, lost their sanity and started to destroy, so the war changed from being hostile to each other to fighting against monsters. After one round of fighting, most of the cities were destroyed, and then the people who were able to control some of the people who could withstand the energy started the second battle. After the battle, there were very few survivors. In this battle, the strong human beings won and led the remaining people to migrate to the only continent that was not affected. That continent, alone in the sea, is one of the only continents that are not bordered by other countries and are suitable for inhabitation. . "

"However, after these strong human beings arrived on that continent, they had conflicts with the aborigines of that continent. At the beginning, because the strong human beings came from many countries, they could check and balance each other, but after getting along, the strong men were stronger than ordinary people. Strength, decided to join forces to rule this area and concentrate resources. In order to avoid this result, the gods gave power again, weird people appeared, and some aborigines appeared on this continent. So they began to fight against weird people. After a long period of There were still heavy casualties in the battle, but they still survived."

"The only political power on that continent disappeared, and it was replaced by territories occupied by powerful people. There were dozens of them. These lords shattered history, molded themselves into gods, and began a cruel rule. But as time went by , the power given will return to the body of the god after death, and the god will give more power to more people, give them energy, increase their physical upper limit, so that ordinary people can also exercise and gain certain Therefore, after the death of the lord, the descendants of the lord, as well as other powerful people, are no longer able to maintain the high-pressure rule. Then, in order to concentrate resources against monsters, cities began to converge, so twenty-six huge cities appeared, which have continued to this day."

Hungry Wolf looked at Xia Shu and said, "And I'm here for the sake of the next generation, you should understand why he wants to deal with you."

"He? It should refer to the gods, right?"

Xia Shu thought of the gods that appeared in the original book, and only he has such strength.

He gave the Wandering Emperor the power, even if the hungry wolf is promoted to the demon hungry wolf, he still has to thank the sky, and the object of thanks, from now on, if there is no accident, it should be the gods.

"That's right."

Hungry Wolf nodded, pointed to his own chest, and said, "He is in my body, and he told me everything just now."

"What the hell is a god?"

Xia Shu couldn't help asking: "Why should he worry about the safety of the world and human beings?"

"Because of duty."

The hungry wolf said: "God is the consciousness of the earth. The meaning of his existence is to maintain the integrity of the earth. The primary responsibility is the integrity of the earth, the stability of the earth's ecology, the evolution of organisms, and the integrity of the biosphere. Therefore, when the ecological environment is destroyed on a large scale, Even when it cannot be adjusted, the creature will interfere with the process when it makes a destructive action, or encounters a crisis of destruction."

"Gaia consciousness?"

Xia Shu couldn't help but said that what he described was exactly the Gaia hypothesis.

"That's right, humans call it Gaia consciousness." Hungry Wolf replied.

"And it still has a strong Gaia consciousness."

Natsuki said that many people know that Gaia is the consciousness of the earth, but they think that Gaia only represents the earth, which is the opposite of human beings. This is actually wrong. In the Gaia hypothesis, whether it is a strong Gaia consciousness or a weak Gaia consciousness, it includes the ecological balance between human beings and planets, so most of the time, they will not be in a state of opposition , but once the action affects the entire ecological environment, it will also participate in the intervention, and it does not rule out the eradication of human beings.

Thinking of this, Xia Shu couldn't help asking: "So the gods think that I will destroy the ecological balance."

"There is a reason."

Hungry Wolf said: "When you enter the realm of gods, you will lose your emotions and desires, and you are dominated by another force, so the final result is that you will devour all human beings and make the world unbalanced in a short time. That's fine, if you continue to devour it and you become a soul body, then even the will of the earth itself can be affected."

"Dominated by another force?"

When Xia Shu heard this sentence, he felt his desire to devour slightly shrank, and then surged wildly, trying to control his body to fight the hungry wolf.

"That's right."

Hungry Wolf nodded and said: "Gods have been bestowing power on creatures. Only after the creature dies, along with the demise of the body, will the power slowly return to the gods. But your ability can swallow his power, he Realizing this, I thought the Monster Association could kill you, but you survived and became stronger. So after you killed the big snake, he came to me, hoping that I could fight you and kill you. I think There's no point in killing, reject the offer. Until you meet the Cosmos."

Hungry Wolf shook his head and said: "The gods bestowed six layers of power on creatures, and you have devoured a quarter of this part, which is 1.5 layers. The gods still have four layers of power left, and they can kill you, but Cosmic people come, they have extremely powerful power, you swallowed them, gained huge energy, reached the fourth level of the gods. At this time, the gods found me again, I think this will be a hearty battle, So agreed to his request, He gave me energy, and I came here to fight you."

"So that's how it is."

Xia Shu suddenly realized that Poros contained too much energy, more than all the monsters he had eaten before combined.

If Huang Jing plus Snake plus himself had 1.5 layers of power at that time, then Poros probably had more than 2 layers, and the three battles added up were almost 0.5 layers.

Xia Shu looked at the hungry wolf and asked: "But I got a message from your words, that is, gods cannot fight in person, they can only intervene indirectly, and they need the consent of the host before they can inject power."

"That's right."

Hungry Wolf said: "This is the limitation of the gods. He can't fight directly. He can only transform and give power to others. And it needs the consent of others. The consent is very simple. As long as you have the desire for power and do not reject the injection of power, you can requirements can be met.”

"Then why did he choose you?"

Xia Shu said: "He was worried about my threat, why didn't he just find a strange person after I killed the big snake, inject his strength, and let him fight me."

He chose to ask Hungry Wolf at that time, but there are many people who are eager for power. If you inject power directly, you can gain a stronger existence than me at that time.

"It's very simple."

Hungry Wolf said: "Because he needs to find someone who longs for power, can bear power, and after gaining power, will stop you without destroying the world."

These are four requirements, and he may be the only one who meets these four requirements in this world.

"I see."

Xia Shu nodded, his answer made him understand a lot.

What is the truth of the world, why there is only one continent, and this continent only occupies a small part of the map.

What is the nature of the guy who bestows the Wandering Emperor's power and is called a god.

What is the source of weird people and why weird people appear.

Everything just now has been answered.

However, Xia Shu still had a question. He looked at Hungry Wolf and asked, "What is my ability? His origin, source. What is he going to do? What is his purpose? Is he alive?"

After listening to Hungry Wolf's story, Xia Shu realized how powerful he is.

To snatch the power of a god and transform it into one's own power, then this ability is very powerful, even higher than that of a god.

At the beginning, I couldn't dominate myself, but now I have occupied all my desires.

Xia Shu's only remaining fear was worrying about its existence.

"have no idea."

The hungry wolf replied: "God doesn't know its source, but he senses its danger. He hopes you can let me destroy it on my own initiative, but it dominates your feelings, so you won't do that."

"That's right."

Xia Shu couldn't think of hating him at all, and even burst out more desire to devour it when the hungry wolf said it would take the initiative to destroy it.

Even if you are afraid, you still long for it.


Hungry Wolf said seriously: "So out of my desire to fight, or to stop your desire, I will fight with you."


Xia Shu looked at the hungry wolf and said, "My desire is also making me kill you."

"Then come on."

The hungry wolf stomped, appeared in front of Xia Shu, and punched out.

Faced with this blow, Xia Shu did not dodge or evade, and also threw a punch.

"The tiger shakes the mountain."

The two used the same move, their fists collided, and after a short pause, the fists exploded.


The entire forest was destroyed in an instant, and the smoke and dust filled the air, covering the figures of the two.

"Come again."

The happy voice of the hungry wolf sounded, in this land, they can fight without any burden.

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