Strongest Instant Upgrade System

Chapter 816: Inner Temple Key

"Then I really have to mention it." Ye Yang suddenly laughed.

Modajia suddenly felt a chill in his heart, and I felt that the kid was smiling a little bit badly.

An hour later, when Ye Yang walked out of the large conference room, these old professors had empty eyes and slow thinking, and they were almost dying.

Ye Yang is heroic, because he has already got what he wants, and the quantity is very large.

Modajia looked at the figure of Ye Yang going away, shaking his head and smiling bitterly.

In order to obtain a series of gains from Ye Yang in the secret realm, these old people of them also tried their best and racked their brains.

But I did not expect that so many people would still be at a disadvantage against Ye Yang.

Ye Yang's negotiating methods are as skillful as an experienced negotiator, every word of his whip into the inside, direct to the core, every look in his eyes can make his opponent feel that his mind has been guessed.

It seems that the opposite of the negotiating table is not a freshman who has just entered school, but a devil who can see through the heart, and he is no longer an experienced professor and scholar, but a newcomer.

Ye Yang smiled and left the large conference room. Most of the things he exchanged this time were for the development of Shengxianzong.

The strength of a person is not really strong, but the strength of a group of people is the capital that stands proud in the world.

At the end of the negotiation, he won the core interests for himself.

The key to an inner temple in Kunlun Ruins.

This is also one of the few exploration objects that Beilian University has obtained after exploring Kunlun Ruins.

The Kunlun Ruins is also very strange. No matter how high a person's cultivation level is, he can't enter it again after entering it four or five times. It seems that the entrance has a protective cover to isolate those who are not qualified.

So when a group of energies masters went through three or four explorations, they reluctantly discovered that they could no longer enter.

Subsequently, Kunlun Ruins became a holy place for students to explore.

Four years of university, every year there is an opportunity to explore.

According to personal physique, some people will lose this qualification in the last year.

The Kunlun Ruins seem to have been emptied during the exploration over the years.

This is also an important source of the decline of Beilian University.

Originally, both Yuzhou University and Jingshi University were very jealous that Beilian University could sit on top sites like Kunlun Ruins, and they could only rely on the resources of the Ministry of Government to compete with Beilian University.

At that time, Beilian University was so beautiful. A student from Beilian could compete with four or five students from Beijing Normal University and Yuzhou.

At that time, the president of Beilian Union, one of his favorite things was the joint meeting of the three schools. In this kind of meeting, the principal of Jingshi and Yuzhou could only watch the president of Beilian brag.

Now the situation has reversed.

I can't brag anymore...

The Kunlun Ruins were all evacuated, and the unknown inner temple key in his hand naturally lost its value.

This thing was on the negotiating table, and it was bought by Ye Yang as an additional deal.

Because he has the inheritance of the inner disciple of Beilian University, he can recognize that the rusty key is actually the key to the inner hall of Kunlun Immortal Palace Talisman!

The ancient talisman is exciting just to think about it.

Modern Fuluology divides Fulu into six grades, white, yellow, red, purple, silver, and gold.

Which of those talisman is not more than silver talisman? Even gold charms are not rare! Only the talisman of the unknown level above the golden talisman is the pursuit of those ancient powers!

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