Strongest Invincible Brat

Chapter 566 Nine Heavens Pagoda

Chapter 566 Nine Heavens Pagoda

Moreover, they must give their soldiers a reasonable explanation!

Therefore, under the consideration of various interests, a five-clan discussion and proposal for the human race war was drawn up.


The words are divided into two parts.

At this time, Qin Xiaotian had returned to the Holy Land of the Human Race.

After capturing the twelfth-level intelligent life of the mechanical family into the initial universe, Qin Xiaotian did not rush to question the whereabouts of the universe cube.

Instead, he returned directly to the Holy Land of the Human Race.

Before condensing the immortal body, in order to deal with the siege of the six emperors and the carpet bombing of the five billion star fleet, he directly burned the power of the source before he had completely stabilized his realm.

With the divine power of the source, the river of one billion divine swords will be driven to sweep the starry sky!

Although doing so makes the name of Emperor Qin Tian revered, the universe will be shaken.

But he also paid a very serious price for this!

The Immortal Divine Body burned more than 30%.

The huge divine body that was originally 12 million zhang was directly reduced to 9 million zhang.

With one mind and billions of use, forcibly controlling the Divine Sword River will also consume too much mental power.

Fortunately, he has now become the co-lord of the human race.

He can reasonably use the treasures of heaven and earth that the entire human race has stored for countless years.

Otherwise, there will be no recovery in a short period of time!

Of course, this is Qin Xiaotian.

If it is the strongest emperor in other universes, burning more than 30% of the power of its own origin, it is estimated that it will not be restored in eighteen thousand years!

And Qin Xiaotian can quickly recover by swallowing as long as he has enough treasures!

The human race is one of the six peak races in the universe.

For billions of years,

The treasures collected are absolutely unimaginable!

"Master Emperor, in front of you is the "Nine Heavens Pagoda". The Nine Heavens Pagoda is one of the most important treasure houses of my human race. It has been standing here for 30 million years. During the 30 million years, countless human powers have been in the Nine Heavens Pagoda. Contributed to the cosmic fetishes that he collected.

After the fall of the strongest emperors in the universe, most of the magic weapons they used during their lifetimes, their self-created exercises, and some of the cosmic artifacts that they had obtained from the Chaos Sea were also collected here.

The Jiutian Pagoda is divided into nine floors, and the treasures collected on each floor are different, classified and all-encompassing.

But as long as the treasures that can be collected by the Jiutian Pagoda, the value is inestimable!

The Jiutian Pagoda itself is a cosmic artifact, and the space inside is so large that it can be called a small world.

In addition, there is a rule for entering the Nine Heavens Pagoda. No matter what status you are in the human race, you cannot unconditionally take away the treasures in the Nine Heavens Pagoda.

To obtain treasures, you must exchange them for treasures of equal or higher value. "The Great Emperor Qingluo pointed to the giant pagoda standing above the clouds in front of him, and said respectfully.

Qin Xiaotian understands this!

As the most important treasure house of the human race, the Nine Heavens Pagoda naturally cannot let people take away the contents at will!

It is completely reasonable to want to ensure that the treasure house is full, so that future generations can have the opportunity to exchange what they need in the Jiutian Treasure House, exchange of equivalent value or exchange for treasures of higher value!

This is also done in the interest of race.

You can't break the rules just because you have a special status!

Otherwise, the treasures in the Nine Heavens Treasure House would have been hollowed out long ago after so many years!

Qin Xiaotian had obtained a lot of sun fire lotuses and innate fire spirit beads from the ninth-level stars before. According to his estimation, these things should be able to exchange for a lot of heaven and earth treasures!

Seeing that Qin Xiaotian was not angry, Emperor Qingluo said again: "As the co-owner of the human race, Lord Emperor Zun actually has a privilege that no one else has!"

"Any privileges?"

"Yes, as the co-owner of the human race, Lord Emperor Zun has a certain overdraft limit in the Nine Heavens Treasure House. This amount is as high as 500 billion chaotic units. That is to say, Lord Emperor Zun can freely take 500 billion Chaos Units from the Nine Heavens Treasure House. Any treasure below the unit, as long as you can go back and make up for it with treasures of equal or higher value!"

Qin Xiaotian was stunned when he heard the words.

This overdraft limit can be said to be unbelievably high!

Five hundred billion chaotic units are not five hundred billion universe coins!

A chaotic unit can buy at least hundreds of life planets!

The value of a high-level galaxy is about tens of thousands of chaotic units.

The value of a large star field ranges from one hundred million to one billion chaotic units.

Five hundred billion chaotic units can buy thousands of large star fields!

And all the Star Territories of the Human Race are added together, and there are less than 100,000, and most of them are useless Death Star Territories.

This overdraft limit can be said to have reached an unlimited level!

Because Qin Xiaotian even suspected that even if he sold the entire Jiutian Pagoda, it was still a question of whether it was worth 500 billion chaotic units!

But since there is an upper limit.

That means that the treasures stored in the Nine Heavens Pagoda have reached an incomparably amazing level.

In this regard, Qin Xiaotian began to look forward to it!

At this time, Qin Xiaotian and Qingluo the Great came to the gate of Jiutian Pagoda one after the other!

The person in charge of guarding the Nine Heavens Pagoda is an unremarkable old man.

This old man had white hair and beard, was short and stout, and was very lazy. Qin Xiaotian glanced at him casually and found that this man's cultivation was simply unfathomable, even compared to Emperor Haotian!

It is definitely only one step away from the strongest emperor in the universe!

But it is very strange, although this guy is a humanoid, it does not seem to be a human race.

Qin Xiaotian opened his eyes to see the sky, and suddenly, the body of the short and fat old man was clearly revealed in front of his eyes!

"Lord Emperor Emperor, this is God Emperor Roaring Heaven, God Emperor Roaring Heaven was the personal mount of Emperor Qiankun back then. After Emperor Qiankun fell, Emperor Roaring Heaven has been guarding the Nine Heavens Pagoda for my human race. It has been 800,000 years. , his temper is a little weird, and he won't give anyone any face, please don't care about the Lord Emperor!"

Sure enough, in Qin Xiaotian's eyes, the body of this short and fat old man seemed to be a dog-shaped creature.

The other party just lay quietly in front of the Jiutian Pagoda.

Seeing Qin Xiaotian's arrival, he didn't salute, just glanced at him casually.

"Are you the new co-owner of the human race?" The chunky old man asked casually.

"Yes, it's the deity!" Qin Xiaotian nodded.

"Come in, don't disturb Lao Tzu's sleep?"

The old man's attitude is very bad, but he still abides by his duties.

With a wave of his hand, the door of the Nine Heavens Pagoda opened immediately.

Qin Xiaotian shook his head and smiled, but he didn't care too much.

Just take one step, and don't enter the Nine Heavens Pagoda in an instant!

Although this old man is not a human race, but for the sake of his former master, he has been here for 800,000 years. His loyalty is unimaginable.

Qin Xiaotian would not scold such a loyal old man for a little face.


Time flickers.

Another seven days passed.

During these seven days, a lot of gossip has come out.

It provoked numerous discussions among the human race cultivators.

Punta star.

One of the planets at the entrance to the human holy land barrier.

The two tribulation monks who were responsible for guarding the entrance to the Holy Land were discussing in a low voice.

"Brother Huang Yun, have you heard? The senior officials of the Five Race Alliance seem to have the heart to make peace with our human race. Today, they sent the alliance's high-level messengers to Pengtianxing to submit a proposal and proposal to the senior officials of the Human Race Alliance!"

"Are you really going to make peace? That's great. Although this cosmic war hasn't been fought for many years, my human race has already suffered heavy casualties. If the war continues, I don't know how many people will die. I really hope this The war ended early, you don’t know that the scene on the battlefield in the starry sky is too tragic!”

"Yeah, this is also thanks to the shock of Lord Emperor Zun. If there is no God-like record of Lord Emperor Zun, it is estimated that the five peak races will not easily bow their heads!"

"Anyway, it's not good for anyone to continue fighting. I just hope that in this peace negotiation, those alien thieves don't make any excessive demands!"

"Humph! Then they have to have the guts!"

The two tribulation monks were full of confidence.

And right now.

A tenth-level space battleship with the flags of the five pinnacle races.

Unimpeded all the way into the interior of the human race Penglai star field, and at a very fast speed, heading towards the Pengtian star!

There are three human race emperors in charge of receiving the messengers of the five races!

They are: Seven Kills Great Emperor, Fengyun Great Emperor, Zichuan Great Emperor!

Although these three cosmos emperors are only elementary cosmos emperors, they belong to the Virtual Cosmos Company, the Cosmos Bank, and the Starry Sky Hunter Bureau.

"Look, the messenger of the Five Race Alliance, here we come!"

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