Strongest Invincible Brat

Chapter 719 Surrender the Demon Heart

Qin Xiaotian originally wanted to deal with this guy who was reborn as a devil emperor.

But looking back, it seems that it is not impossible to accept this guy as a dog's leg.

This guy's strength is not bad.

In the case of the explosion of the trump card, he can almost match the half-step god emperor level powerhouse, and the general peak of the primordial god emperor may not necessarily be his opponent.

Of course, the other party is Moxiu, who is essentially an unfamiliar wolf cub.

Don't expect him to be faithful to you!

Just give him the slightest chance, and he'll bite you back.

But will Qin Xiaotian give him a chance?

"Yes, I originally wanted to destroy you, but since you sincerely surrender, it is not impossible for this seat to give you a chance to hand over your demon heart!"

Qin Xiaotian said casually.

As soon as these words came out, the Demon Emperor Huantian was stunned!

Ordinary Hongmeng monks want to forcibly take the strong of the hostile force into slavery, so that the other party has to surrender sincerely.

There are three main methods.

The first one is to make the other party swear by the Great Dao that they will not betray for life. This kind of oath will not be fulfilled immediately after it is made, but in the end, it will most likely suffer from karmic backlash or inner demon backlash, but there are ways to avoid it.

The second is to forcibly plant the imprint of the soul in the opponent's body and enslave the opponent spiritually. This requires the caster to have an extremely powerful soul cultivation base and be proficient in the secret art of the soul.

The third is to plant Gu poison in the opponent's body, or other chronic poisons, unique poisons, confinement supernatural powers and other messy control methods. The advantage of this method is that it can control a large number of slaves, but the disadvantages are also very obvious, and it is easy to be cracked. , and the strength of the people you control should not be too high, otherwise the poison will have no effect at all!

These three control methods, no matter which one they are, the Demon Emperor Huantian doesn't care at all.

He was originally a generation of devil emperors, and the Dao Dao oath was simply a joke to him, and the backlash of the demons was a kind of tonic for him.

As for the soul brand, he didn't care even more.

He is now incomplete,

The strength is far from being restored to the level of the devil emperor, but the strength of the soul is the authentic level of the devil emperor.

It is simply impossible to forcibly enslave the devil emperor's soul!

Even if you are really enslaved, it is probably someone pretending to lie to you!

Not to mention the third one!

Belongs to low-end operation.

Don't talk about controlling the devil emperor, even if you control ordinary grandmeng gods, I'm afraid you can't control them!

The Illusory Sky Demon Emperor surrendered on the surface.

In fact he didn't mean it at all.

But Qin Xiaotian directly asked him to hand over Mo Xin.

This is a bit embarrassing!

As a demon cultivator, the most important thing is not the soul, but the demon heart.

The devil heart is the source of his devil nature.

Surrendering the demon heart is equivalent to surrendering one's own lifeblood!

At that time, life and death are between a person's thought.

Even if he breaks through his cultivation base, he needs to get permission from his master, and he can only break through after the other party temporarily returns the devil's heart.

Qin Xiaotian took the bottom line, it's too ruthless!

"Big... my lord!"

"Why, you are still hesitating. Could it be that you are not sincerely submitting to this seat, so you refuse to hand over the demon heart? If that is the case, then you go to die!"

Qin Xiaotian was too lazy to talk nonsense with him.

This guy doesn't want to give in to the devil, so he just kills him.

Anyway, he doesn't lack such a dog leg!

Qin Dimeng still has 50 billion subordinates under his command, and he didn't care much about it.

You, a devil emperor reborn guy, no matter how awesome you were in your previous life, you are still a piece of rubbish now!

"No! No! The villain is willing to submit, and the villain is sincerely submitting! I will hand over the demon heart!"

The Illusory Sky Demon Emperor shook his heart.

His hands turned into sharp claws, he cut open his chest, and actually dug out a black beating heart from his chest.

Above this black heart, exudes monstrous devilish energy.

A strong man whose cultivation has reached his level will not die even if his heart is poached!

As long as the devil's heart is not destroyed, he will not even have much influence on his cultivation and strength.

"Master, this is my demon heart!"

In front of a Hongmeng God Emperor-level powerhouse, the Huantian Devil Emperor dared not cheat.

He honestly contributed his demon heart.

"Very good, you are quite honest, I will spare you for the time being!"

A sneer appeared from the corner of Qin Xiaotian's mouth.

I saw him make a big move, and this black demon heart was taken away by him in the air.

"Senior, junior Ye Changsheng is from the Immortal Family, the young master of the seventy-second branch of the Ye family. Thank you for your help, otherwise Ye will be murdered by him!"

Ye Changsheng changed the subject, cupped his fists and thanked.

"Immortal Family? Ye Family?"

Qin Xiaotian squinted his eyes, and his eyes focused on Ye Changsheng.

He is no longer Xiaobai who just came to the world of Hongmeng.

He naturally understands the weight represented by the words "Immortal Family".

In the world of Hongmeng, only a family that has produced a strong man above the level of a Hongmeng God Emperor and whose family has been passed down for more than 100 million years can be called an immortal family!

A family that can stand in the Hongmeng world for 100 million years.

Needless to say how terrifying it is!

Ye Changsheng's self-reporting of his family name is probably also to frighten Qin Xiaotian.

Through the prestige of the Ye family, Qin Xiaotian has some scruples.

But is Qin Xiaotian the kind of person who is threatened by others?

"It was you who ordered your guards to snatch my mount, right?" Qin Xiaotian asked with a smile on his face.

"Senior, it was Ye who had blind eyes and blind eyes just now, who offended senior, and asked senior to look out for Ye family's sake..."

"Is the Ye family awesome? Don't say you are a small branch disciple of the Ye family. Even if the head of the Ye family is here, I may not give him face. Since you choose to kill people and seize treasures, you must be punished." The consciousness of killing people!"

Qin Xiaotian's voice just fell.

He raised his hand and summoned a black hole vortex.

He completely devoured this arrogant and strong man in the late stage of the grand master.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining the grandmeng god emperor-level exercise "Hongmeng Immortal Art"!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the first level of the host Ye family's unique study "The Seal of Immortality"!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for comprehending the second stage of the "Mark of Immortality"!"

After Qin Xiaotian devoured Ye Changsheng, he comprehended two new skills again.

And these two skills are extremely good.

Especially "Hongmeng Immortal Art", this exercise surpassed almost all the exercises Qin Xiaotian had seen before.

Once practiced, the physical body will become extremely powerful.

No matter how serious the injury is, as long as there is still one breath, he can recover in a very short time.

And every time you recover from an injury, your strength will increase by one point.

The more injuries, the stronger the strength.

It can be called a pervert!

And the combination of "Seal of Immortality" and "Grandmist Immortality Art" can erupt extremely powerful power, which is a unique skill handed down from the Ye family of the immortal family.

What interested Qin Xiaotian even more was the identity of this Ye Changsheng.

It's actually the illegitimate son of the current head of the Ye family?

This is a bit of a blast!

"Fortunately, when Ye Changsheng was devoured, the world domain was opened, otherwise the blood soul talisman planted on this guy would have flown away!"

With a thought in Qin Xiaotian's mind, his body shape and appearance began to change, even the breath of blood, soul, and cultivation, all changed!

After a while, a brand new Ye Changsheng appeared!

He replanted the family blood soul talisman on himself, and then smiled with satisfaction.

"Master...Master, are you planning to replace Ye Changsheng?" The Illusory Sky Demon Emperor Long Lingzi asked cautiously.

"That's right, I can no longer use my previous identity, and now I can take advantage of Ye Changsheng's identity to participate in the Grand Competition of the Holy Sons of the Qianwu God Realm, don't you think it is very interesting?"

"Master is brilliant, your art of transformation has reached a state of perfection, whether it is cultivation, breath, blood, soul, or appearance, you have imitated it to the exact point. If the villain hadn't seen it with your own eyes, I am afraid you Standing next to Ye Changsheng, I can't tell the difference!"

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