Strongest Thor In Marvel

Chapter 100 No One Needs To Be Responsible

Thor was a little surprised by Odin's attitude.

You know, in the original history, Odin strongly opposed Thor and Jane Foster being together, and even tried to obstruct it in various ways.

Odin saw his doubts, and said with a light smile: "The lifespan of human beings cannot be compared with that of Asgardians. Even the most common Shenyu people have a lifespan of more than 5,000 years, while mortals can live up to 100 years. Asgards have never lived An example of combining with mortals, but it has always been endless loneliness after decades of joy. So, I don't want this to happen to the future god king."

"And now, although I don't know why, you seem to have solved this problem, and the shackles of their lifespan have been untied.

Thor nodded.

"Most importantly, Ragnarök is not far away. On that day, this country that countless "September 10" people yearn for will face catastrophe. A new Thor "will bring very huge amounts of help."

Surprised, Thor immediately retorted: "No, Ragnarök won't happen."

Odin shook his head: "The future is not static. I know that you rely on your own efforts to change many things. But Ragnarök was predicted thousands of years ago, do you know what that means?"

Thor murmured, "Meaning, it's harder to change it?"

Odin nodded: "Your mother has predicted many times. Although the endings are different, in every future, Suterte will be reborn in flames. Even if you don't do it, this moment will appear."

Thor's face was a little dignified. Odin's meaning is obvious, he knows that he basically does not need to use Ragnarök against Hela but still may have God Yellow for other reasons

On Earth, in a major conference room, several military and political leaders are having heated discussions.

"This is provocation! This is an act of contempt for the law! I propose that everyone in the Trudheim Manor be arrested immediately!" A white-bearded member of the council said sternly.

"Ahem..." Nick Fury coughed beside him. As SHIELD Director, he is also eligible to attend the conference.

"First of all, there is no evidence pointing to them. Everything at present is just our speculation. Moreover, you have to consider the consequences of doing so. There is more than one god in Trudheim Manor. Even if Thor is not on the earth now, according to our routine It is difficult for the army to pose a threat to them. Unless..."

Nick Fury glanced at everyone with a sneer on his face: "Drop another nuclear bomb at New York."

The hall fell into silence.

"We have Captain America too!"

"The comrades who were born and died decades ago, even if they help, it's not helping you."

"We have the Hulk!"

"I'm looking forward to your friendly exchange with the Hulk."

"We still have Iron Man!"

"Stark is lying in the hospital right now."

"Mr. Stark, how are you feeling now?" Happy and Pepper asked Stark who was lying on the hospital bed with concern.

"Very good. I feel lighter than ever. I can finally get a good night's sleep tonight.

"Did you have any regrets when you removed the reactor?"

"Definitely not. Reactor or not, armor or not, I'm Iron Man."

"Excuse me, the doctor makes rounds."

An emotionless voice thought, interrupting Stark's act. Stark snorted.

Although this Doctor Strange is indeed highly skilled in medicine, he has a weird personality and is really as annoying as Thor said.

"On the outside, you are a billionaire, a philanthropist, a great inventor, and Iron Man, but in the hospital, you are just my patient, and you must listen to me in everything."

Who is Stark? Even in the face of Thor, he has never been cowardly, and he will fight back when he is bullied. But the cold reactor in his chest told him that his life was still in other people's hands, and Stark had no choice but to be cowardly.

I thought it would be enough after the operation was over, but the other party asked me to stay in the hospital for recuperation and observation for half a month.

The key point is that Little Pepper is completely on the opponent's side.....

In fact, Strange was worried that this guy would disobey the doctor's orders and commit suicide, and if something happened, his reputation would be affected...

"By the way, what happened to the media fishing boat outside? What do the public think of us?" Stark suddenly asked Happy...

Happy is a big fat man with a happy face. He thought for a while and said: "Most of them expressed their gratitude. They think you are the heroes who saved the world. But some people think that the Avengers should be responsible for the loss of New York. At least partly responsible.”

"Alas..." Stark sighed, "Make up for the badly damaged citizens as much as possible, they are all innocent."

"Actually—" Xiaojiao pondered for a while, and whispered: "None of the parties has the obligation to compensate for the losses caused by the war... Even if it is compensation, the government will come forward to provide humanitarian subsidies."

A talented student like Stark would definitely not understand this truth, he shook his head: "I knew this at the time, so I thought it was charity... Anyway, Stark Industry is not short of money. 17

Since returning from Afghanistan, Stark has always had great empathy for the victims of those wars.

After learning of Stark's actions, Thor, who had just returned to Earth, sighed.

"What's the matter?" Peggy Carter beside her asked with some doubts: "Isn't it great that someone is willing to take responsibility?"

Thor shook his head: "Yes, he did a good job. Stark definitely knew that he was not obliged to pay compensation, but he still tried his best. However, many people would not think so, even if he did a good job , People will only think that this is what he should do. Although Stark Industry is rich, it has not yet reached the point where it can settle the losses of the entire New York. And

The Great War in New York won't be the last Star Wars. "

"Personally, he did a good thing and took responsibility that he didn't need to bear. It seemed to save the reputation of the Avengers. But in the big picture, this behavior created an illusion that the Avengers should fight for the confrontation. The damage caused by evil will pay the bill."

"In fact, he only needs to provide basic living allowances to those at the bottom who have nowhere to go and can't even get relief money. And this is the job of Washington.

"Doumi raises kindness, raises rice to raise hatred, never underestimate the greed of human nature."

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