Strongest Thor In Marvel

Chapter 19: Divine Might

Thor doesn't know what Frigga and Loki talked about, and he doesn't ask. When Loki came out, he still had the same look on his face.

Entering the bedroom, Frigga asked first: "Your father decided to lead this war personally, right?"

Thor nodded: "Father's attitude is very strange, I always feel that he has other ideas."

Frigga sighed: "The dark elves are an ancient race after all. On their planet, there will inevitably be all kinds of backhands. If you enter rashly, you will suffer great losses. Your father is old, and he hopes to leave it to you. is a complete Asgard."

"Besides, the "September 43" incident stimulated him a lot this time, so he decided not to think about his status any more, but to follow his own heart.

Wartheim, a planet with the file size of four earths, is the hometown of dark elves, and they have lived here for hundreds of millions of years.

This is a dark world. Except for the dark elves, any race coming here will be limited by the environment, and its strength will be greatly affected.

And after so many years, the dark elves have already arranged countless fortifications and traps here.

A stronghold of the dark elves.

"When will I strike again? I can't wait to destroy Asgard."

"Your Majesty is creating cursed warriors. As long as there are enough cursed warriors, Asgard's defenses will be vulnerable!"

"I hope this day will come soon, my big ax is already hungry and thirsty!"


Inside the stronghold, a roar sounded, which meant that another cursed warrior appeared.

During this day, Malekith has created more than a dozen cursed warriors. As a price, the corpses of dark elves were already piled up outside.

Malekith returned to his original form from the cursed warrior form, and the side effects of life loss have also been relieved through ether, at the cost of the sacrifice of thousands of dark elves.

"People of Asgard, you will pay the price in a short time!" Malekith grinned sinisterly.

He is very relieved about this place, the environment of this place is very bad for other races, and it is indeed a natural hotbed for dark elves. Even if Asgard really came to attack, the outside arrangement, and the cursed warrior can give the opponent a hard blow.

He didn't know that workers would never give him the chance to play all this.

A spaceship of huge amounts slowly circled high in the sky, staring at the black planet below.

Everyone looked different, because the order Odin gave them was to have no tactics, just hit any dark elves in sight after receiving the signal.

Thor's expression was a little dignified, and he had already guessed something.

In the command room, Odin took a deep breath, and his figure disappeared inside the spaceship and appeared in the vacuum outside.

"Pay attention, remember what you see for a while, it is good for your growth."

Thor said to Miss Jane and Sif in a deep voice.

When Loki heard this behind him, he also stared at Odin.

The golden light condensed on Odin's body, becoming more and more dazzling, leaving only a piece of golden light in front of everyone's eyes. Only Thor can barely see that Odin's body is rapidly expanding

Suddenly, the gun of eternity appeared in his hand——Gungnir.

Obviously in the void, but the loud voice spread throughout the universe.

"For countless years, Asgard has recuperated and recuperated, perhaps causing many people to forget this name."

An abandoned Warehouse on Earth, where the remains of the Destroyer armor are stored.

After Thor destroyed it, S.H.I.E.L.D recovered the wreckage, and HYDRA took it away, hoping to find a way to restore it. But how can it be so easy to study the products that contain various precision magic circles?

Finally, with the insight plan, HYDRA was almost wiped out, and the wreckage was piled up in Warehouse.

At this moment, the wreckage of the Destroyer was trembling, as if it had been summoned. A few seconds later, pieces of fragments soared into the sky and rushed to the distant sky.

Kamar-Taj, Ancient One looked up at a golden light spot in the sky getting brighter and brighter, as if a second sun appeared, she sighed, and drew a magic circle in her hand, the space above the earth suddenly became chaotic, covering all this. This kind of god-king majesty that destroys heaven and earth, even for mortals 4.8, they will be overwhelmed by fear even if they just see it.

"This old guy, what happened to make him so angry?"

In the sky, a ray of light flashed away like a meteor. If it wasn't for the cover of Ancient One, the earth, which belongs to the Nine Realms, the whole planet would be illuminated,

"It's time for the universe to remember Asgard again!"

In the void, the Destroyer armor wrapped his whole body, bathed in the brilliance of divine power. Odin, whose body was already hundreds of feet tall, raised his holy spear and stabbed heavily at Wertheim.

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